
Hidden athletes in the entertainment circle: Niu Li swimming and shooting double champion, "Lu Zhishen" won 35 championships.

author:Flat Full Moon 11

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The Olympic Games are in full swing, and athletes are winning glory for the country and attracting the attention of the people of the whole country. However, in addition to the stars on the sports field, there is also a group of unknown athletes hidden in the entertainment industry, who were bright stars in the field of sports before art.

NO.4 Ren Jialun

Let's first get to know Ren Jialun, who is now a new-generation star in the entertainment industry, who quickly emerged with dramas such as "Under the Brocade" and "Glory of the Great Tang". But you may not know that Ren Jialun was a young man with an excellent sports background.

Ren Jialun was born in Qingdao, Shandong Province, where his father was a martial arts instructor, so he began to play table tennis early and showed extraordinary talent. At the age of 9, he joined the Shandong Provincial Table Tennis Team, but it was not his only attempt at sports.

Hidden athletes in the entertainment circle: Niu Li swimming and shooting double champion, "Lu Zhishen" won 35 championships.

NO.3 Tao Hong

There is also an actor who used to be a synchronized swimmer, that is, Tao Hong. Tao Hong was as beautiful as a flower when she was young, and the "Little Dragon Girl" played was even more unforgettable.

Her sports career began at the age of 11 when she officially joined the Beijing synchronized swimming team. Later, she entered the national team and became a high-profile athlete. In the field of sports, she has not only won championships, but also accumulated numerous awards.

NO.2 Jinsong

Let's look at Jinsong, although his fame is not as loud as other actors, his sports career is quite brilliant.

His athletic career began at the age of 7 when he entered the Yunnan Provincial Physical Engineering Team. At the age of 12, the Bayi team saw his potential and he was selected. Next, he embarked on the path of the national modern pentathlon team and became a versatile athlete.

Hidden athletes in the entertainment circle: Niu Li swimming and shooting double champion, "Lu Zhishen" won 35 championships.

NO.5 Wang Jiaer

Now, let's turn to Wang Jiaer, the well-known actor who caused an uproar in the entertainment industry. But his background is somewhat different, as he was a fencer in Hong Kong.

At the age of 10, he was fascinated by the charm of fencing and began his fencing career. His father was the head coach of the Hong Kong fencing team in China, which had an important influence on Wang Jiaer's athletic career. His fencing achievements are also quite outstanding, winning many championships, showing great strength.

NO.7 Tian Liang

There are also retired athletes in the entertainment industry, such as Tian Liang and Li Xiaopeng, who won glory for the country, won many gold medals, and then embarked on the journey of the entertainment industry.

Hidden athletes in the entertainment circle: Niu Li swimming and shooting double champion, "Lu Zhishen" won 35 championships.

Tian Liang is a typical representative of this, and he is now shining in the entertainment industry. Not only active in variety shows, but also actively participated in film and television dramas, and achieved considerable results. All thanks to his outstanding appearance and deep sense of variety.

NO.6 Chen Xiao

In addition, there is Chen Xiao, a much-discussed actor known for his low-key and unique personality. However, before entering the show business, he was also an athlete with an excellent sports background.

Chen Xiao was born in Hefei, Anhui Province, and although he was polite in appearance, he was a national second-class athlete in his early years. He has been on the basketball team since the fourth grade of elementary school and has been involved in various sports such as high jump and long jump, showing excellent athletic cells.

Hidden athletes in the entertainment circle: Niu Li swimming and shooting double champion, "Lu Zhishen" won 35 championships.

To sum up, these actors have not only risen to prominence in the entertainment industry, but also achieved brilliant achievements in the field of sports. Their dual identity proves that exceptional people shine in every field. Whether in the entertainment industry or on the sports field, they are the pride of China.


This article reveals that some stars in the entertainment industry were once excellent athletes who have achieved remarkable achievements in different fields. From this we can draw some lessons:

First of all, versatility is a valuable quality. Stars like Niu Li not only perform well in the entertainment industry, but also have won championships in the field of sports. This suggests that a person's potential may be far beyond what we initially thought. As you pursue your interests and passions, you may find yourself with talent in other fields.

Hidden athletes in the entertainment circle: Niu Li swimming and shooting double champion, "Lu Zhishen" won 35 championships.

Second, persistence and hard work are the keys to success. It is no accident that Jinsong has won 35 championships in his athletic career. This tells us that achieving excellence in any field requires perseverance and constant training.

Again, changing careers is not a bad thing. Stars like Tao Hong and Tian Liang chose to enter the entertainment industry after their sports careers and also achieved remarkable success. This shows that people can change their career path at any time, as long as they have passion and talent.

In short, the experiences of these stars have taught us that success is not limited to one field, that versatility and perseverance are the path to success, and that changing careers can also bring new opportunities and challenges for individuals.


This article explores the experiences of some of the stars in the entertainment industry who have been athletes, showing their outstanding performance in different fields. These experiences convey some important takeaways, underscoring the importance of versatility, persistence and career change.

First of all, the versatility of the stars is impressive. They have not only been successful in the entertainment industry, but have also performed well in sports, such as Niu Li's achievements in synchronized swimming and shooting. This shows that a person can have multiple talents as long as they are willing to keep learning and working hard to develop.

Second, persistence and hard work are the keys to success. Behind Jinsong's 35 championships in the field of sports is years of unremitting efforts. It's a reminder that no matter what goal you pursue, tenacity and perseverance are crucial, and success often requires long-term struggle and training.

In addition, changing careers is not a failure, on the contrary, it can lead to new opportunities for individuals. Stars such as Tao Hong and Tian Liang chose to enter the entertainment industry after their sports careers and also achieved success. This shows that people can be flexible in their careers and try new areas, as long as they are passionate and determined.

Overall, the experiences of these stars have taught us that success is not limited to one field, and that versatility, persistence and career changes are all ways to realize one's potential. Whatever we pursue, we can be inspired by these revelations to keep pursuing our dreams.

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