
Good and evil will be rewarded! Lv Liping, who once cried for Shinzo Abe, has lived as a "joke"

author:Rakuten Entertainment Films
Good and evil will be rewarded! Lv Liping, who once cried for Shinzo Abe, has lived as a "joke"

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I. Preface

Zhang Boyu, the biological son of actor Zhang Fengyi and actress Lv Liping, should have stood at the starting line of a winner in life as soon as he was born. But surprisingly, Zhang Boyu not only did not enjoy the slightest preferential treatment, but was abandoned by his father, and even "stabbed in the back" by his mother, as the only son of actor Zhang Fengyi and actress Lv Liping, Zhang Boyu did not receive the love and support he deserved.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Lv Liping, who once cried for Shinzo Abe, has lived as a "joke"

On the contrary, he was abandoned by his father, and his relationship with his mother was strained for a while. What made things worse was that Lv Liping personally ruined her son's future because she made a traitorous remark. What's going on here? And why did Lv Liping make such an amazing move? And what does the traitor's remarks mean?

Second, make every effort to pursue Zhang Fengyi

In 1978, Lv Liping's brother Lv Xiaogang was successfully admitted to Nortel, and this news had a profound impact on her. Among Nortel's classmates, there are many talents, including Zhang Tielin, Xie Yuan, Zhang Fengyi and others. Inspired by this, Lv Liping was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy in order to pursue true love, hoping to get closer to Zhang Fengyi. However, at that time, Zhang Fengyi was a popular figure in school, and Lv Liping, who had an ordinary appearance, was not cold.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Lv Liping, who once cried for Shinzo Abe, has lived as a "joke"

Time flies, and in 1984, Lv Liping is about to present her work "The Wild" at the graduation ceremony. She asked her brother to invite Zhang Fengyi to watch the ceremony, and surprisingly, Lv Liping actually presented roses to Zhang Fengyi in public after the performance to confess her heart. Surrounded by everyone, Zhang Fengyi agreed to this relationship in confusion.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Lv Liping, who once cried for Shinzo Abe, has lived as a "joke"

In 1988, their son Zhang Boyu was born, and Zhang Fengyi's career was booming at this time. His busy work made him lose care of his family, and Lv Liping gradually lost her luster at home without grooming every day. The contradictions between the two sides in life gradually escalated, and finally reached the point of irreconcilability. By the time Zhang Boyu was four years old, the already unstable couple came to an end, each taking a different path.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Lv Liping, who once cried for Shinzo Abe, has lived as a "joke"

This experience hit Zhang Boyu hard, making his character sensitive and inferior. At only 14 years old, in order to prove himself, he chose to drop out of school and focus on acting. However, his biological father, Zhang Fengyi, did not understand this, believing that he could not succeed without education. And the mother Lv Liping fully supports her son's decision, believing that as long as it is what he loves, he should pursue it. In addition, in order to let Zhang Boyu better release himself, she also taught him to play football. In this process, Lv Liping found her new feelings.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Lv Liping, who once cried for Shinzo Abe, has lived as a "joke"

Third, feelings and exploits are intertwined

Although Zhang Fengyi often accompanied his son Zhang Boyu to play football before, Zhang Boyu felt that his father's teaching was too strict, making it difficult for him to adapt. However, under the guidance of new coach Tao Wei, Zhang Boyu enjoyed the joy of football. Tao Wei was a former member of the national team and received a lot of attention. Zhang Boyu became deeply interested in Tao Wei and also attracted the attention of his mother Lv Liping. Lv Liping has been paying attention to her son after her divorce, and she is naturally happy when she sees this. Although Lv Liping is 6 years older than Tao Wei, is a remarried mother, and has a child, the frequent interaction between the two gradually develops affection.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Lv Liping, who once cried for Shinzo Abe, has lived as a "joke"

Once, Lv Liping went to pick up her son, Zhang Boyu on the court refused to leave, and suddenly asked: "Can you be my father, so that you can play football with me tomorrow?" ”。 This sentence caused speculation among the people around, and the atmosphere was tense for a while. Since then, Tao Wei has frequently tutored Zhang Boyu alone, and even went to Lv Liping's house in the name of playing football in his free time. This close connection has brought the two closer together. When Tao Wei's football commentary career was booming, the relationship between the two became deeper and deeper.

But the marriage did not come to an end. Three years later, the doubts of many relatives and friends gradually became a reality, and the gap between the two became larger and larger, and finally conflicts arose due to trivial matters in life. Zhang Boyu became bored with Tao Wei. And Lv Liping decided to divorce Tao Wei after seeing her son's loss mood. This decision was surprising, after all, Lv Liping has always attached great importance to her son's opinion. What is even more shocking is that Lv Liping then destroyed her son's football career with her own hands, which caused widespread discussion.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Lv Liping, who once cried for Shinzo Abe, has lived as a "joke"

Fourth, inappropriate remarks affect the son's future

After Lv Liping's second marriage ended, she met actor Sun Haiying. Although Zhang Boyu was a little unaccustomed to his parents when they were newly married, with his experience with his two fathers, he quickly adapted to this new family. However, after marriage, Lv Liping and Sun Haiying chose to settle in the United States, leaving Zhang Boyu to face life in China alone.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Lv Liping, who once cried for Shinzo Abe, has lived as a "joke"

This decision exposed Lv Liping's true character. On the US Independence Day last year, Lv Liping, who was overseas, posted an article celebrating her birthday in the United States, which shocked netizens, and many netizens bluntly accused her of being a "traitor". And Lv Liping's abnormal behavior did not end there. After the assassination of Shinzo Abe, most Chinese will deplore it, but Lv Liping mourned Shinzo Abe on Chinese social platforms, as if mourning relatives.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Lv Liping, who once cried for Shinzo Abe, has lived as a "joke"

Her third husband also touted the United States on the Internet, even if the account was blocked. This behavior brought great pressure to Zhang Boyu in China, so that his efforts in "Ghost Blowing Lights" and "Tomb Robbery Notes" were in vain, and he was labeled as the "child of a traitor". Even his wife Zhang Moxi chose to leave him due to various pressures.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Lv Liping, who once cried for Shinzo Abe, has lived as a "joke"

Good and evil are rewarded, not unreported, and everyone ultimately has to pay for their actions.

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