
Story: After 20 years of fighting, but 17 million more people! Why is Afghanistan more and more chaotic

author:Baby Fihan

Why is Afghanistan getting more and more chaotic? This is a confusing question. Looking back at Afghanistan's history, we can see that they had a glorious period, but after the 19th century, Afghanistan became a contested place for colonial powers, triggering ongoing wars. Surprisingly, however, Afghanistan's population is growing despite a long history of war. Why are Afghans reluctant to control births? What is the reason behind this?

Story: After 20 years of fighting, but 17 million more people! Why is Afghanistan more and more chaotic

The history of Afghanistan dates back to the time of the ancient Persian Empire. At that time, Afghanistan was placed under the Persian Empire. However, as times have changed, Afghanistan has become an ungoverned region. Later, the Celeucan dynasty invaded Afghanistan, and it was not until 250 BC that Afghanistan broke away from the dynasty and established the Bactria regime. During this period, the context of political stability provided opportunities for the Afghan people to thrive.

Story: After 20 years of fighting, but 17 million more people! Why is Afghanistan more and more chaotic

However, throughout Afghanistan's long history, constant war and chaos have made it impossible for the Afghan population to develop sustainably. In recent history, Afghanistan achieved independence by establishing the Durrani dynasty in 1747. However, due to its strategic importance, Afghanistan became the focus of contention, leading to continued war. Despite this, the population of Afghanistan is growing. The increase in the population of Afghanistan can be attributed to a number of reasons.

Story: After 20 years of fighting, but 17 million more people! Why is Afghanistan more and more chaotic

First, the Afghan people believe that having more children will improve the country's competitiveness. Due to historical backwardness and the existence of local warlords, Afghans have formed a consciousness that in order to develop the country's comprehensive national strength, it is necessary to have strong population productivity. This awareness has spread widely in Afghan society, where people are keen to have children and believe that children can provide security for their families when they grow up. In addition, the Afghan people's encouragement to have more children is also to address the manpower gap in tribal struggles.

Story: After 20 years of fighting, but 17 million more people! Why is Afghanistan more and more chaotic

Secondly, the status and living conditions of Afghan women limit their choices. Influenced by religion and culture, Afghan women have a lower status in society and are discriminated against. Many Afghan women are confined to the family and confined to monotonous tasks such as childbearing and childcare. Due to poor sanitation and religious beliefs, Afghan women face life-threatening childbirth, but their quality of life is often neglected by society.

Story: After 20 years of fighting, but 17 million more people! Why is Afghanistan more and more chaotic

In addition, U.S. aid is one of the reasons for Afghanistan's population growth. The United States has provided economic and material support to Afghanistan and has supported the Afghan people in terms of ideology to have more children. This support has enabled the Afghan people to maintain a high fertility rate despite underdeveloped agriculture and industry. However, the rapid growth of Afghanistan's population has also brought with it a series of problems. Afghanistan's limited resources, weak infrastructure and overpopulation put pressure on social and economic development.

Story: After 20 years of fighting, but 17 million more people! Why is Afghanistan more and more chaotic

In addition, population growth has led to increased poverty, high unemployment and social instability. In short, why Afghanistan is getting more and more chaotic is a complex question. A combination of factors, including the faith of the Afghan people, the limitations of the status of women, the need for tribal struggles and the impact of external assistance.

Story: After 20 years of fighting, but 17 million more people! Why is Afghanistan more and more chaotic

In order to address this problem, Afghanistan needs to take effective measures, including improving the status of women, introducing family planning policies, providing education and employment opportunities, in order to achieve sustainable population and economic development. Finally, I would like to prompt readers to think about how Afghanistan should respond to the population problem in the face of overpopulation and limited resources? What advice do you have for the future of Afghanistan? Please share your views and thoughts in the comments.

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