
87-year-old actor Li Mingqi was met by chance and revealed that he refused multiple performance invitations, and the itinerary was too tiring

author:Pure snow yy

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Li Mingqi was met by chance while walking and revealed that he refused multiple performance invitations, and the itinerary was too tiring

Recently, 87-year-old actor Li Mingqi was met by enthusiastic fans during the bend walk.

87-year-old actor Li Mingqi was met by chance and revealed that he refused multiple performance invitations, and the itinerary was too tiring

In an interview, he revealed that he has frequently received various invitations to perform recently, but due to physical and psychological considerations, he chose to refuse. It is understood that the reason why Li Mingqi refused the invitation was mainly because the itinerary was too tiring.

Physically and mentally exhausted, the reason remains the same

Li Mingqi has been known for his heart-to-heart acting skills and soulful lines for many years.

87-year-old actor Li Mingqi was met by chance and revealed that he refused multiple performance invitations, and the itinerary was too tiring

However, in his eighties, he has long retired to enjoy his old age. Despite the temptation of multiple shows, he always stuck to his decision.

Li Mingqi said: "As I get older, my body is not as good as before, and acting is becoming more and more difficult. He admits that while he has always had a passion for acting in his heart, too intensive work can have a negative impact on his health.

87-year-old actor Li Mingqi was met by chance and revealed that he refused multiple performance invitations, and the itinerary was too tiring

In addition, the old actor also mentioned that he hopes to leave more opportunities for young actors. He believes that current film and television dramas need fresh blood and more young faces, and his appearance may rob other young actors of opportunities. Out of respect for the new generation of actors, he chose to retire from the stage.

Decline the offer to make your body and mind healthier

Li Mingqi's decision is highly respected, and the entertainment industry has also praised his courage.

87-year-old actor Li Mingqi was met by chance and revealed that he refused multiple performance invitations, and the itinerary was too tiring

After retiring, he paid more attention to his physical and mental health, and maintained good shape through bending and exercise.

Li Mingqi said that he insists on walking every day, whether it is sunny or rainy. This simple exercise keeps his body alive, which not only relieves the stress of life, but also allows him to enjoy the beauty of nature.

87-year-old actor Li Mingqi was met by chance and revealed that he refused multiple performance invitations, and the itinerary was too tiring

In addition, Li Mingqi also actively participates in various cultural activities and public welfare undertakings. He often participates in theatrical exchanges to share his years of acting experience with other actors. In addition, he is actively involved in charitable causes, donating money and materials, and doing his own modest contribution to the society.

A legend forever, remembered and praised

Li Mingqi is a legendary figure in the history of Chinese cinema, and his name is engraved in people's hearts.

87-year-old actor Li Mingqi was met by chance and revealed that he refused multiple performance invitations, and the itinerary was too tiring

He has conquered countless audiences with his sincere acting skills over the years and left a deep impression on everyone.

His film and television works have won many awards and are known as the jewels of the "old drama bones". The characters he creates often have a strong human touch and are deeply rooted in people's hearts. The audience misses his works and laments his legendary life.

In short, Li Mingqi has won the love and respect of the public with his excellent acting skills and adherence to principles.

87-year-old actor Li Mingqi was met by chance and revealed that he refused multiple performance invitations, and the itinerary was too tiring

Although he has chosen to retire, his legend will always be remembered and celebrated.

Concluding remarks of the article

As an excellent old actor, Li Mingqi has become a model for many young actors to learn from with his outstanding acting talent and principled character. He retired and refused the offer in order to protect his health and give a new generation of actors more opportunities.

87-year-old actor Li Mingqi was met by chance and revealed that he refused multiple performance invitations, and the itinerary was too tiring

In his near-perfect acting career, his name is like a bright star, illuminating the entire film and television industry. We remember and celebrate his greatness and wish him happiness and well-being in his later years. Li Mingqi will always be remembered in people's hearts and become a legend in the entertainment industry.

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