
From bumping faces to "sitting down" scandals, Du Hua's love for Yang Zi is too persistent

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Media Cherry Faction 1 Special Author, watch the in-depth interpretation of entertainment hot spots, and recognize Li Entertainment Jun!

Du Hua, the head of Lehua, a name, an unexpected event, a series of questions and hot spots. On April 24, while Guatian was still caught in aftershocks amid the talk of "Zhao Liying and Feng Shaofeng's divorce", Du Hua made an unexpected move on social media, she liked a scandal that "Yang Zi and Zhang Yixing are together". This action attracted countless attention, and Du Hua woke up at the focus of the topic, but there was no immediate explanation, which made the outside world full of doubts for a while. Du Hua's operation who said that it was not a peerless!

However, to understand Du Hua's obsessive love, we need to go back much further. Du Hua and Yang Zi, the two names originally had no direct connection. She is the eldest sister of Lehua's agency, and Yang Zi is a top flower from a child star. But on April 24, Du Hua's comparison pulled her into the topic list with Yang Zi and EXO member and top singer and dancer Zhang Yixing, which made people speculate. For this operation, the outside world has speculated that Du Hua is heralding something, or for other reasons. Du Hua did not explain in time, and it was not until 9:38 a.m. on April 26 that she issued an apology and withdrew the ratio. Such a reaction triggered countless netizens to complain.

From bumping faces to "sitting down" scandals, Du Hua's love for Yang Zi is too persistent

Perhaps, Du Hua has some special feelings for Yang Zi. Since the end of June last year, netizens have begun to notice that Du Hua's appearance and Yang Zi's gradually resembled, an observation that has been questioned by many people. Until the night of this year's "Sister Lang 2", Du Hua appeared with a special image, which attracted attention again, and this time more people began to think that she was similar to Yang Zi. But this discovery did not attract much attention until Du Hua posted a set of photos on his personal social platform, which heated up the topic of "bumping into the face Yang Zi" again. This series of events seems to indicate that Du Hua has some special feelings for Yang Zi.

However, to understand this emotion, we also need to consider the relationship between Yang Zi and Zhang Yixing. There is not much substantial evidence of this scandal, and the two have not officially cooperated, but inevitably met in social situations. The scandal between Yang Zi and Zhang Yixing first broke out on January 22, when netizens listed a series of revelations, including the story of Zheng Shuang and Zhang Heng and the scandal of Yang Zi and Zhang Yixing. Although the previous revelations were fulfilled one by one, the scandal about Yang Zi and Zhang Yixing did not have much substance. The interaction between the two in social situations is also mostly polite, without obvious signs of romance. This scandal was gradually forgotten over time.

From bumping faces to "sitting down" scandals, Du Hua's love for Yang Zi is too persistent

Recently, Zhang Yixing and Yang Zi participated in a variety show, and some photos showed them together and sparked some speculation. However, this is only an interaction in a social situation and does not serve as definitive evidence of a romance. Therefore, whether Du Hua's liking behavior is related to this is still unknown. Perhaps, she simply liked Yang Zi, but this method sparked speculation from the outside world, and her late apology did not completely calm the controversy.

Finally, we can understand Du Hua's starting point. As a businessman who has been running a business for many years, she not only has the dream of debuting, but also has certain business needs. Her appearance in the entertainment industry brought her to the front of the stage and became the focus of public attention. Frequent appearances in entertainment programs and magazine covers indicate that she wants to increase her exposure. However, whether it is wise to start the conversation with likes, makeup and bumps is still a matter of debate. These controversies may just be one of her ways to pursue higher visibility, but in any case, the incident will continue to generate heated discussions.

From bumping faces to "sitting down" scandals, Du Hua's love for Yang Zi is too persistent

To sum up, Du Hua's praise behavior and relationship with Yang Zi, as well as the connection between Yang Zi and Zhang Yixing, are a series of controversial events. These events have raised doubts about Du Hua's starting point, but they also reflect the complex relationships and controversies in the entertainment industry. In the entertainment industry, emotions, interests and exposure are intertwined and formed

A complex network. For Du Hua, she may be chasing her dreams while also thinking about how to better run her business. And this time the like incident, whether out of true feelings or out of commercial needs, has triggered widespread speculation and discussion.

The entertainment industry has always been an unpredictable place, full of emotions, rumors and controversies. Du Hua's behavior is just a small episode in many entertainment circles, but it has aroused widespread interest. Whether it is Du Hua's love for Yang Zi or her connection with Yang Zi and Zhang Yixing, these events highlight the diversity and complexity of the entertainment industry.

From bumping faces to "sitting down" scandals, Du Hua's love for Yang Zi is too persistent

In this world of glorious and glorious world, everyone is chasing their dreams, and different ways and means are constantly intertwined. Du Hua's "hand slipping to heart" incident may only be a part of many events in the entertainment industry, but the thinking and speculation it triggered cannot be ignored. After all, the entertainment industry has never lacked excitement and drama, and that's what attracts people to dive into it again and again.

Therefore, whether it is Du Hua's praise or other events in the entertainment industry, it will continue to arouse heated discussions and stimulate people's curiosity and discussion. The entertainment industry is always full of unknowns and surprises, which is why it is so fascinating and constantly attracts the attention of many followers.

From bumping faces to "sitting down" scandals, Du Hua's love for Yang Zi is too persistent


From this article, we can draw some insights. First of all, the influence of social media is increasing, and a simple message or heart-to-heart operation may arouse widespread attention and heated discussion. This shows that in the age of the internet, individuals and institutions need to be more cautious and responsible when using social media to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings or negative impacts.

Secondly, the actions and statements of celebrities and celebrities have attracted much attention in the public eye, especially scandals involving emotional lives. This shows that the public has a strong interest in the private life of celebrities, and also reminds celebrities of the need to carefully handle social interactions with others to avoid unnecessary gossip and speculation.

Finally, the article mentions that Du Hua may be trying to increase his exposure, which also reflects the need for celebrities and institutions to constantly find innovative and attention-grabbing ways to maintain or increase their popularity in the highly competitive entertainment industry. However, such attempts should be made with caution to avoid causing negative effects.


This article provides an in-depth analysis of the social media behavior of Du Hua, the head of Lehua, and his relationship with Yang Zi. The article provides many details and perspectives, but also leaves some doubts and insufficient explanations.

First of all, Du Hua's social media behavior has aroused public attention and heated discussion. Her heart-to-heart operation is reminiscent of the scandalous relationship with Yang Zi, and her apology has also caused netizens to complain. This shows that social media has great potential to shape public image and generate topicality.

Secondly, the article explores the relationship between Du Hua and Yang Zi. Although the two have no obvious experience of cooperation, they interact in some social situations, causing scandals. This shows that the social circle and behavior of stars have an important place in the entertainment industry, which may trigger scandals and speculation.

Finally, the article mentions that Du Hua may be trying to increase his exposure. She may have dreams of debuting, but she is currently active in the entertainment industry as the head of an agency. This also reflects the need for celebrities and institutions to constantly try new ways to attract attention in a competitive industry, but this needs to be handled with caution to avoid negative impacts.

Overall, the article highlights the power of social media and the appeal of celebrities' social interactions to the public. However, it also reminds us to be cautious when using social media to avoid misunderstandings and negative effects. At the same time, celebrities and institutions need to find innovative ways to maintain or increase their visibility in the competition.

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