
Qigong master Wang Lin: Ma Yun came to visit, Zhao Wei asked him to open the light, and Li Bingbing knelt down to him

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In the long river of time, some people rise and some die sadly. This article will take you to a subversive exploration of the legendary experience of Wang Lin, a once highly regarded "qigong master". Wang Lin, who once attracted many celebrities and wealthy businessmen for his unique "qigong" and magical performances, but his legend was also accompanied by controversy and an end. Let's explore the ups and downs of his life.

Looking back, Wang Lin's life is tortuous and even full of mysteries. His "Qigong" emerged in the "Qigong Boom" in the 90s of the last century and was highly sought after. Media reports, a lot of attention, for a while, Wang Lin became the darling of the celebrity world and the business community.

Qigong master Wang Lin: Ma Yun came to visit, Zhao Wei asked him to open the light, and Li Bingbing knelt down to him

However, just as the darkness of the night will eventually be dispelled by dawn, Wang Lin's hypocrisy and deception will finally be exposed. His so-called "special functions" are just elementary magic, and his "qigong" is just a trick. People began to realize that Wang Lin's legend was full of hypocrisy and deception.

Behind the light, his reputation and trust were destroyed, he faced legal proceedings, and was even questioned by media such as CCTV. His once prestigious royal palace is now closed and no longer shining. And Wang Lin, the once highly respected "qigong master", finally died of a serious illness in 2017, ending the legendary life.


Wang Lin's story is a microcosm of the changes of the times, the mythical collapse of pseudo-qigong masters. In today's society, people are increasingly wary of hypocrisy and fraud, and the tricks of the deceivers will eventually be revealed. We should be vigilant, think rationally, and not blindly believe in something too mysterious to avoid becoming victims of fraud. Time will reveal the truth, justice will punish hypocrisy, which is also the inevitable end of Wang Lin's life.

Qigong master Wang Lin: Ma Yun came to visit, Zhao Wei asked him to open the light, and Li Bingbing knelt down to him

Wang Lin's life also taught us an important truth, that is, fame and wealth cannot always cover up deception and hypocrisy. No matter how dazzling a person's reputation is, the truth will eventually emerge. Wang Lin's myth became like a paper wall in the face of the truth, easily destroyed.

We should also learn to distinguish between truth and falsehood, and not to believe in the illusion of the moment. People have the right to challenge those who claim to have special abilities and demand clear evidence. This is not doubt, but rational thinking, protecting oneself from hypocritical deception.

Finally, Wang Lin's legendary experience reminds us that the story of the deceiver always has an ending. In a world full of mysteries, truth and justice will triumph. This is a social cry to honesty and truthfulness, but also a powerful warning against hypocrisy and deception.

Qigong master Wang Lin: Ma Yun came to visit, Zhao Wei asked him to open the light, and Li Bingbing knelt down to him

Wang Lin's life is full of twists and turns, but his story has left a profound lesson in our hearts. I hope that we can draw wisdom from it, adhere to the principles of truth and honesty, and make the world clearer and more authentic. Just as the darkness of the night will eventually be replaced by dawn, Wang Lin's hypocrisy will eventually be revealed by the truth. It is the final farewell to a legendary figure and a profound reflection on human nature and morality.


This article about the story of "qigong master" Wang Lin provides some profound enlightenment. First, it highlights people's curiosity and belief in mysterious and unthinkable things, even if they are ultimately revealed as deception and pseudoscience. Second, the article reflects the blind cult of authority figures and celebrities, even if these people are ultimately exposed as dishonest or hypocritical. In addition, it emphasizes the importance of information to reveal deception and inaccuracies, allowing the public to more intelligently evaluate and review so-called "masters" and "experts".

Qigong master Wang Lin: Ma Yun came to visit, Zhao Wei asked him to open the light, and Li Bingbing knelt down to him


Wang Lin, a once highly regarded "qigong master", has attracted widespread attention in society for his so-called special functions. However, over time, his deception was gradually revealed, and his "qigong" was considered by the public to be a low-level magic. His reputation was tarnished, and his popularity waned.

This story offers several important lessons. First, it emphasizes that so-called mystical abilities and special functions should be viewed with skepticism, not easily believed, and need to be scientifically verified and demonstrated. Second, it warns against blindly worshipping celebrities and authority figures, as they too can fall into deception and disguise. Finally, the story highlights the importance of information, sheds light on deception and inaccuracies, and helps the public view these things more rationally.

Qigong master Wang Lin: Ma Yun came to visit, Zhao Wei asked him to open the light, and Li Bingbing knelt down to him

All in all, Wang's story is a lesson in faith, authority, and truthfulness of information, and it reminds people to think rationally and not be fooled by false promises. It is also a process that reflects social progress and knowledge dissemination, revealing that the disguise of pseudo-qigong masters will eventually be debunked, and the truth will eventually surface.

Wang Lin's story also highlights the continuous development and change of society. In the 90s of last century, the qigong tide swept China, and various special functions and magical performances received widespread attention in society. In this era, people tend to believe in mysterious supernatural phenomena and hope to find answers and hopes through these performances and "masters".

Qigong master Wang Lin: Ma Yun came to visit, Zhao Wei asked him to open the light, and Li Bingbing knelt down to him

However, with the advent of the information age, the public gradually became more rational and vigilant. In the article, we see the power of the Internet and the media, revealing Wang Lin's disguise. Social media and news coverage make deception harder to sustain because people are able to share information, discuss and quickly reveal the truth.

Ultimately, Wang's story also reminds us to cherish science and real knowledge. While some may still believe in the power of mystery, the scientific method and rational thinking are the most effective ways to identify truth and deceive. It is also an important part of social progress and education, allowing the public to better understand and evaluate so-called special functions and magical performances.

Qigong master Wang Lin: Ma Yun came to visit, Zhao Wei asked him to open the light, and Li Bingbing knelt down to him

To sum up, Wang Lin's story reflects the process of social change and knowledge popularization. It provides important lessons about faith, authority, and the authenticity of information, encouraging people to think rationally and be skeptical in order to better cope with similar situations. It's also a story that emphasizes science and true knowledge, making people understand that truth ultimately triumphs over hypocrisy.

Qigong master Wang Lin: Ma Yun came to visit, Zhao Wei asked him to open the light, and Li Bingbing knelt down to him

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