
Quan Hongchan Gu Ailing is actually a peer of the same age: one is fighting for the motherland, and the other is negotiating with the motherland to renew the contract

author:Smart Black 8A4w


Youth is a time used to fight

A golden ray of sunlight pierced through the clouds and fell on the huge diving platform of the Olympic Sports Center. Standing on a 10-meter platform, 14-year-old Quan Hongchan looked up at the water below, took a deep breath, and then spread her arms and fell gracefully into the water.

At that moment, the shouts of tens of thousands of spectators and the continuous sound of the camera shutter exploded in her ears, and Quan Hongchan saw the score board proudly displaying "100.00" with teary eyes. Years of hard diving skills were perfectly displayed at this moment, and the gold medal of the Tokyo Olympics finally belonged to her, to this little Chongqing girl.

This moment is the picture that Quan Hongchan has dreamed of for many years. To this end, she has put in more sweat and effort than ordinary people, and the difficulties she faces are even more ordinary people. Her success is hard-won, which makes it particularly moving.

Quan Hongchan Gu Ailing is actually a peer of the same age: one is fighting for the motherland, and the other is negotiating with the motherland to renew the contract

Loneliness training, honing the girl's will

For Quan Hongchan, the moment she jumped into the pool was happy, but the road to there was long and lonely.

When she started training at the age of 6, the rigorous coaching and overly heavy physical training had already exceeded the load that this little girl should bear.

During practice, the coach was ruthless in criticizing her movements and performance, and she often vomited in the dark during physical training. "Every time I shake my head, I feel like the sky is spinning, and I'm really uncomfortable." Quan Hongchan recalled the hardships of that year.

Even more difficult is the pain of separation. In order to concentrate on training, Quan Hongchan had to leave her family to board at a sports school in a foreign country. Whenever she thinks of her family, Quan Hongchan can't hold back her tears. "When I lie alone in the dormitory at night, I cry secretly." A lonely life honed the will of a 6-year-old girl.

But Quan Hongchan did not flinch. In her view, these difficulties are all necessary pains for a great dream. "I know it's the price I have to pay. As long as I keep at it, my dreams can come true. Quan Hongchan wrote in her diary.

The lonely and hard training life did not break Quan Hongchan, but honed her extraordinary willpower. When the coach asked her to do ten more pull-ups, she gritted her teeth and finished it; When the coach asks her to do another difficult move, she silently repeats the exercise until every detail is perfect.

In this way, in the loneliness and hard work, the sun rises and the moon sets one after another, and the little Quan Hongchan gradually grows into a girl with a strong heart. "My willpower was cultivated during those difficult days." Quan Hongchan said.

Failure stumbled and insisted that she take off again

On the road to success, Quan Hongchan has also experienced lows and setbacks.

At the 2021 World Championships in Tokyo, Quan Hongchan made a mistake in the women's 10m platform final and finished fourth and missed out on a medal. It was her first major international event, but she missed out on a chance to win gold. "It took me a long time to accept the result." Quan Hongchan said.

A gold medal that should have been in her hands slipped away, which is tantamount to a thunderbolt for an athlete with a strong will. At the moment of learning this result, Quan Hongchan's eyes were filled with tears.

"I'm really sad, all my previous efforts seem to have been in vain." Quan Hongchan said. She was only 13 years old at the time, and a girl who should have been happy and uplifting experienced a major blow in her life.

Quan Hongchan Gu Ailing is actually a peer of the same age: one is fighting for the motherland, and the other is negotiating with the motherland to renew the contract

However, Quan Hongchan was not knocked down by this failure. She chose to keep fighting and train harder after the loss. "I told myself that as long as I keep trying, the results will change." Quan Hongchan recalled.

A year later, at the 2022 Tokyo Olympics, Quan Hongchan won the gold medal as she wished. This time, she didn't let victory slip through her hands. "I'm so happy, I can't put the feeling of this moment into words." Quan Hongchan said excitedly.

Failure is painful, but it was in those difficult moments that Quan Hongchan forged a tenacious will and achieved a comeback into victory.

Fight tenaciously and water your dreams with sweat

In her training career of more than 10 years, Quan Hongchan has chased her dreams with extraordinary perseverance and endurance.

Hard physical training is a process that Quan Hongchan must go through every day. In order to practice some difficult moves, she repeats the dive over and over again until every detail is perfect. Even when physically and mentally exhausted, she did not slacken.

"I remember one time when I had jumped more than a hundred backs and a half-flip, and my body hurt like it fell apart, but I knew I had to keep going." Quan Hongchan recalls the hard work of training.

In addition to her physical fitness, she continues to improve her professional knowledge, learning how to control her body and how to perform precise rotations and postures in the air.

This requires repeatedly observing the videos of yourself and other top players, analyzing the details of each action. This meticulous and rigorous process is sometimes more exhausting than physical training, but Quan Hongchan never shirks it.

In order to stay at her best, Quan Hongchan must also strictly control her diet and life. The dishes she ingests every day are precisely calculated, and she can't eat much less; Her recreational activities are kept to a minimum, and most of her time is spent training and studying. "Eating and playing must be moderate, this is a must for top athletes." Quan Hongchan said seriously.

In this process, Quan Hongchan sacrificed the fun and freedom that most children deserve, and her youth was full of sweat and practice. However, in her opinion, these hardships are so worthwhile. Because every time she successfully completes a move, every time she wins a medal, she gets closer to her dream.

Win the gold medal and fulfill the Olympic dream of a Chinese girl

After a long wait and hard work, Quan Hongchan finally completed the great feat of winning gold at the 2022 Tokyo Olympic Games.

When Quan Hongchan stood on the medal podium and listened to the national anthem echoing over the venue, she finally couldn't hold back her tears. "At that moment I suddenly realized that my dream had come true." Quan Hongchan said excitedly.

A little girl's hazy dream turned into reality at this moment. That night, when Quan Hongchan was lying alone in her bedroom, she suddenly remembered the scene when she left home for the first time to the training base - a shy and introverted 6-year-old girl, dragging a heavy suitcase, not knowing what kind of life awaited her ahead.

"I never thought that my timid self would change dramatically today." Quan Hongchan couldn't help but gush with a tide of memories.

However, none of this is accidental. The little girl's dream back then, the girl's stubbornness, are now turned into her tears when she won the gold.

At this moment, Quan Hongchan finally won glory for herself and for this ancient eastern country.

Gu Ailing's Sino-US cultural collision

Unlike Quan Hongchan, who grew up in China, Gu Ailing was born in San Francisco, USA, to a multinational family. She has a Chinese mother and an American father and has lived between two cultures since she was a child.

"I have two countries and I also have two 'homes'." Gu Ailing said. This collision of Eastern and Western cultures made her grow up full of unique experiences.

Gu Ailing, who grew up in the United States, was influenced by the liberal personality education of the West, she was lively and cheerful, and her speech and behavior were more Westernized. But she also celebrates traditional Chinese festivals and experiences Chinese culture. "I love the colors that both cultures bring to me." Gu Ailing said.

The collision of the two cultures has made Gu Ailing's values more open and inclusive. In her opinion, personal dreams do not conflict with national honor, and she can fight for both countries. "I am proud of myself and proud of both countries." Gu Ailing said.

Unlike Quan Hongchan's single national identity, Gu Ailing has dual nationality and has a sense of belonging to both countries. But it also complicates her national identity. She is both a typical American girl and the daughter of a Chinese mother. She had Eastern and Western blood flowing through her body at the same time.

Quan Hongchan Gu Ailing is actually a peer of the same age: one is fighting for the motherland, and the other is negotiating with the motherland to renew the contract

"Sometimes I'm confused about my identity. Am I an American, or am I Chinese? Gu Ailing once wrote in her diary. The cultural outlook given to her by both countries deeply influenced her, and she could not fully belong to either side.

This entanglement of identity also made Gu Ailing controversial in her later choice of nationality. But growing up from a cross-cultural background has created her unique worldview.

Gifted, blooming in the snow and ice

If Quan Hongchan relies on the hard work of the day after tomorrow to achieve herself, then Gu Ailing's success comes from an innate amazing talent.

Gu Ailing has been interested in skiing since she was a child, and she felt the ecstasy brought to her by the rapid speed when she stood on the snowboard for the first time. "I seem to have been born with a love for the sport." Gu Ailing said.

What is even more surprising is that Gu Ailing's talent is far beyond ordinary people. She learns techniques very quickly, and many professional athletes have spent years practicing the techniques so hard that she can master them in just a few weeks. "My body is made for this sport." Gu Ailing said.

As she grew older, Gu Ailing has repeatedly achieved great results in various junior competitions. Her light and flowing figure flew on the slopes and earned her the reputation of "Ice Elf". Many experts predict that she will be the future queen of the project.

"I enjoy skiing, like a fish moving freely through the water." Gu Ailing said. It's not just a sport, it's her way of expressing herself.

If Quan Hongchan has repeatedly honed in training to get to where she is today, then Gu Ailing is more like she was born for this sport. She is the most dazzling pearl in the ice and snow.

7. The dispute over nationality is the focus of attention of the two countries

Gu's transnational background made Gu Ailing have to choose between two countries. This is not only about her career, but also about the attribution of national honors. As an important hope for the new generation of women's skiing, her nationality issue has received extensive attention from the media of both countries.

In 2019, Gu Ailing announced on her personal social account that she decided to give up her American citizenship and become a player on the Chinese team. This choice made her an overnight success, but also a question.

In the United States, Gu has been accused of disloyalty and lack of national honor. "What she is today is the cultivation of the United States. Now she abandons America for selfish gain. Some American commentators said it was unacceptable.

In China, however, Gu's choice is also controversial. Some believe she was motivated by training resources and advertising revenue, not out of love for China. "Her Chinese ancestry is not enough to support this choice." Some Chinese netizens expressed disagreement.

As a cross-cultural girl, Gu Ailing's nationality issue seems destined to fail to satisfy everyone. She is both a quintessentially American girl and of Chinese mother's descent, a dilemma that has made her a point of contention between the two countries.

"I don't need to prove myself to everyone, I just need to prove it to myself." Gu Ailing said. Despite the controversy, she chose her own path.

8. Win three gold medals and win honors for China

The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics has become the best stage for Gu Ailing to prove herself.

In the women's big air final, Gu Ailing won the gold medal with 188.25 points, overwhelming her opponent. "At this moment, I am proud of myself and proud of my country." Gu Ailing said excitedly.

Subsequently, in the women's halfpipe final, Gu Ailing won the championship again. When she stood on the podium and heard the national anthem play, she finally couldn't hold back her tears

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