
Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

author:Canned Entertainment
Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

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Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

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Quan Hongchan, a stubborn and controversial name, won countless glory for the motherland at the age of flowers.

She not only has a strong diving talent, but also can give full play to her strength in the competition scene, and is a rising star.

But this is such a little girl who won glory for the country, but she was "questioned" again and again, and was once again involved in the "wind of public opinion" ...

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?
Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

Recently, some netizens broke the news that Quan Hongchan is likely to be admitted to Tsinghua University and enter Tsinghua University to study, and after the news came out at the beginning, everyone was happy that Quan Hongchan could enter a higher school.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

But unexpectedly, things have changed, and some experts have questioned it, these experts believe that Quan Hongchan's strength is not worthy of entering Tsinghua University.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

For example, Quan Hongchan has always adopted a negative attitude when interviewing the media, and when she answers reporters' questions, she lacks language, and even hides behind her teammate Chen Yuxi.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

Moreover, Quan Hongchan is relatively young, if she is allowed to enter Tsinghua University at this time, with her existing cultural skills, I am afraid that she will not be able to adapt to the teaching of Tsinghua University.

In addition, it will also create an unfair phenomenon in society, which is not conducive to the current distribution of educational resources, and the statements of experts have caused great controversy on the Internet.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

Quan Hongchan's fans have fiercely refuted the comments of the experts, in their opinion, Quan Hongchan is not only extremely good at diving, but also certainly not lagging behind in terms of cultural level.

She was able to enter Tsinghua University to study, she must have passed the assessment of Tsinghua University, and her performance during the interview was considered by fans to be out of shyness, and she will change when she is older.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

But there are also people who support the experts' statements, because ordinary people who want to enter Tsinghua University need to get an extremely good score in the college entrance examination.

After studying hard for more than ten years, it is possible to enter the school of your dreams, and if the volunteer report is not good, even if the score is enough for the admission score line of Tsinghua University, it will miss Tsinghua University.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

Now the news that Quan Hongchan has been admitted to Tsinghua University has also caused some people to be dissatisfied, although they admire Quan Hongchan's achievements for the country, but they do not approve of such a practice.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?
Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

In fact, the admission criteria of Tsinghua University are very diverse, and in addition to entering Tsinghua University through the college entrance examination, Tsinghua University also takes sports students as part of its admission.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

This means that some of the mainland's top athletes can be admitted to Tsinghua University with excellent sports results, and they do not rely on ordinary cultural score lines.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

Take Quan Hongchan, for example, although she is very young, she has participated in many important competitions and won the Olympic championship.

In this year's Asian Games held in Hangzhou, Quan Hongchan also had an outstanding performance, because her efforts have led to the continuous increase in the number of medals on the mainland.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

Her contribution to the mainland can not be measured by cultural achievements alone, so Tsinghua University must have considered Quan Hongchan after comprehensive consideration when admitting her.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

And in addition to Quan Hongchan, Tsinghua University has many international students, and their cultural performance may not be as good as that of ordinary college entrance examination students in the mainland, but the existence of these foreign students has special significance.

Even in the college entrance examination, Tsinghua University implements different score lines for candidates in different regions, taking candidates in Beijing, who only need to achieve more than 500 points to enter Tsinghua University.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

And this score in Shandong, Hebei and other major provinces of the college entrance examination, is only the result of the undergraduate score line, if you choose the wrong choice when applying for the volunteer, you may even face slippage.

From these phenomena, we can see that different people need different ways to enter Tsinghua University, so cultural achievements cannot be used as the only criterion for us to evaluate a person.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

Of course, this incident also brings us a certain amount of thinking, because in addition to Quan Hong Zen, there are many athletes on the mainland who are serving, and their life after retirement needs to be guaranteed by us.

Entering higher universities can further improve their abilities and help them work and grow in the future, so how to balance the problem level of athletes and their professional development in this process has become a problem.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

If athletes want to excel on the field, they must train hard and better devote their energy to professional training.

And this will inevitably take up their time to study cultural classes, after all, a person's energy is limited, if you focus on training, the results of cultural classes are definitely not as good as ordinary students.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

So we have to think about how to improve the performance of athletes in cultural classes while ensuring the quality of training, and this requires a new model.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

And in the long-term development, it is not difficult to see a problem, that is, most of the athletes stay in the base to train before retiring.

They lag behind the changes in the social environment, and they need to integrate into the current society as soon as possible in a short period of time after they are discharged, which is a difficult thing for athletes.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

And there are many athletes who cannot find jobs to support themselves after being discharged from the army, and even some athletes can only sell medals for a living, which is very sad.

Then, many netizens questioned, how is such an excellent Quan Hong Zen not worthy of being admitted to Tsinghua?

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?
Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

Although Quan Hongchan does have the problems that these experts say, she may not be strong enough in expression and have loopholes in language organization when interviewed, but Quan Hongchan's advantage lies in her strong diving ability.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

As an athlete, you not only have to face countless spectators when you compete, but also face the judgment from the referee, which will bring great psychological pressure to the athletes.

But in this case, Quan Hongchan can still maintain her composure and exert her ability, which is enough to prove that Quan Hongchan has a strong psychological endurance, which many ordinary people cannot do.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

CCTV and the national diving team also noticed Quan Hongchan's shortcomings, but they did not suppress Quan Hongchan, but always adopted an encouraging attitude.

Moreover, Quan Hongchan has also made a lot of efforts in cultural education, she has studied at Tsinghua University for a period of time, and she is familiar with the environment and teaching content of Tsinghua University.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

However, because of the urgency of training, Quan Hongchan can only leave the campus and devote her main energy to diving training, which leads to her cultural education level may not catch up with others.

Quan Hongchan has not only achieved excellent results herself, but also brought great improvements to the lives of her family, she used the prize money she won from the competition to improve the lives of her family, and let her mother get out of her illness.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

Whether Quan Hongchan will eventually choose to study at Tsinghua University is her own decision, we have no right to interfere, I believe Quan Hongchan also has certain considerations for her future.

As for the only thing we can do is to support Quan Hongchan's decision, and at the same time continue to cheer her on the field, so that Quan Hongchan can have stronger confidence when facing opponents.

Quan Hongchan was exposed and sent to Tsinghua, experts questioned her lack of culture, is Quan Hongchan not worthy of Tsinghua?

I hope that Quan Hongchan will not be affected by this public opinion, and can continue to walk on the road of diving with a more determined attitude, win more excellent results for our country, and fully realize her dreams.

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