
At the Muscat station, Tomo Chang and Tsuka faced their compatriot Otsuka Daden: Daiyao compatriot won the first game of the game, Zhang Ben actually started 1-5, the big score behind Ozuka Daden, this

author:Seinen Physical Education

At Muscat, Tomoyo Chang and Tanaka faced their compatriot Daitō Kozuka: Shouting compatriots won the match

In the first game, Zhang Ben actually started 1-5, trailing Ozuka Dadeng by a big score, this is a little undeserved! Zhang Ben then chased back, hit his compatriots, Zhang Ben did not scream, let 5 chase 8 Zhang Ben came later, 10-8 Zhang Ben reversed to get the game point, 11-8 Zhang Ben reversed to win the first game;

Second game: Zhang Ben started 3-1, then was reversed 6-4 by Kotsuka Daden, and when he chased 7-8, Kozuka Dadeng wanted to take a timeout. Zhang Ben lost the game 9-11, the big score was 1-1;

The third game: the two sides started 3-3, Zhang Ben won the third game 11-7, see if Zhang Ben still wants to play the tiebreaker, or win the fourth game to win his compatriots;

The fourth game: 1-1 start, who goes home first, can not come for nothing to take points, Zhang Ben lost 2 points 1-3 in a row, Zhang Ben began to make efforts to chase back 4-4, Zhang Ben lost the fourth game 10-12, and really wanted to play a tiebreaker;

Tiebreaker: After 1-1, Zhang Ben asked for off-field injury treatment, Zhang Ben is also a little tired, injuries should not affect participation in the Paris Olympics, otherwise the gain is not worth the loss, the recovery will lose points, and he will be dropped by his compatriots. Winning 2 points 3-3 in a row, Zhang Ben wants to insist on biting the game? Zhang Ben changed sides 5-4, 5-6 behind and then had to pause. 12-10 Ben was handicap to win! #Record my 2023 from today##Magic Pen Flower Creation Challenge##Headline Creation Challenge##Table Tennis Qualifier##头条号乒乓季#

At the Muscat station, Tomo Chang and Tsuka faced their compatriot Otsuka Daden: Daiyao compatriot won the first game of the game, Zhang Ben actually started 1-5, the big score behind Ozuka Daden, this
At the Muscat station, Tomo Chang and Tsuka faced their compatriot Otsuka Daden: Daiyao compatriot won the first game of the game, Zhang Ben actually started 1-5, the big score behind Ozuka Daden, this
At the Muscat station, Tomo Chang and Tsuka faced their compatriot Otsuka Daden: Daiyao compatriot won the first game of the game, Zhang Ben actually started 1-5, the big score behind Ozuka Daden, this
At the Muscat station, Tomo Chang and Tsuka faced their compatriot Otsuka Daden: Daiyao compatriot won the first game of the game, Zhang Ben actually started 1-5, the big score behind Ozuka Daden, this
At the Muscat station, Tomo Chang and Tsuka faced their compatriot Otsuka Daden: Daiyao compatriot won the first game of the game, Zhang Ben actually started 1-5, the big score behind Ozuka Daden, this
At the Muscat station, Tomo Chang and Tsuka faced their compatriot Otsuka Daden: Daiyao compatriot won the first game of the game, Zhang Ben actually started 1-5, the big score behind Ozuka Daden, this

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