
A bottle of vitamin B2 for a few dollars turned out to be the "nemesis" of high blood pressure? Know early and benefit early

author:39 HealthNet

After Aunt Hou was diagnosed with high blood pressure, she was once depressed, feeling that she had become a medicine jar since then, and she was worried that taking antihypertensive drugs for a long time would be dependent and addictive. She didn't want to take long-term medication when she heard that vitamin B2 had antihypertensive effects, so she stopped antihypertensive drugs and began to take vitamin B2.

I originally thought that I could get rid of antihypertensive drugs by relying on home remedies, but after a few months, I had a variety of symptoms such as numbness in the mouth, numbness in the hands, and headaches, and I didn't pay attention to it at first. Later, one day she couldn't move before she was frightened, and her wife was terrified, so she called an ambulance to take her to the hospital.

The doctor's examination found that Aunt Hou's blood pressure was as high as 190/130mmHg, and Aunt Hou's symptoms were acute cerebral infarction induced by hypertension.

A bottle of vitamin B2 for a few dollars turned out to be the "nemesis" of high blood pressure? Know early and benefit early

First, the study found that vitamin B2 can reduce the risk of hypertension

A study published in Hypertension by Southern Hospital of Southern Medical University found that eating more foods containing vitamin B2 reduced new-onset hypertension by 26% by following up 12,000 subjects for 7.8 years.

Then why did the aunt in the case eat but had a cerebral infarction? In fact, this study is only a correlation study, can not be used as a medication guide, vitamin B2 can only be used to assist in blood pressure reduction, does not have drug efficacy. Aunt Hou mistakenly used vitamin B2 instead of antihypertensive drugs to treat the disease, resulting in rebound hypertension, and usually did not regularly test blood pressure, which induced serious consequences.

A bottle of vitamin B2 for a few dollars turned out to be the "nemesis" of high blood pressure? Know early and benefit early

In addition to helping lower blood pressure, vitamin B2 has these benefits.

Treatment of migraine: Medical studies have found that migraine patients can be improved by supplementing vitamin B2 and magnesium, and the general drug treatment is more than 400 mg. However, it is best to follow the doctor's advice when taking vitamin B2 to avoid overdosing and upsetting the balance of the body's vitamin structure.

Relieves mucocutaneous and mucous membrane inflammation: Vitamin B2 can also relieve scrotosis, mouth ulcers, seborrheic dermatitis and other mucocutaneous inflammations.

Improve sexual life: Vitamin B2 deficiency will lead to female vaginal dryness, more likely to be targeted by labia, vaginitis, resulting in decreased libido, painful intercourse, frigidity, etc., so women appropriate vitamin B2 supplementation can help improve sexual life.

A bottle of vitamin B2 for a few dollars turned out to be the "nemesis" of high blood pressure? Know early and benefit early

Second, how to supplement vitamin B2? Eat 4 more foods

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, as one of the important prosthetic groups in the body's various enzyme systems, helps to maintain the body's material metabolism and energy metabolism. Once the body lacks vitamin B2, metabolism will be disordered, and some mucosal tissues with strong growth and division of the human body will also have pathological changes, such as inflammation at the corners of the mouth, mouth ulcers, corneal hyperemia, etc., men are more likely to be targeted by scrotosis, and women may have vaginal itching and fatigue symptoms.

Vitamin B2 supplementation is the first choice, and vitamin B2 is found in many animal and plant foods, among which animal foods are a little higher than plant foods. For a small number of patients with severe vitamin B2 deficiency, it is best to supplement pharmaceutical-grade vitamin B2 tablets or multivitamin B tablets under the guidance of doctors and pharmacists, and you can also eat more of the following foods.

1. Corn

Corn contains a variety of rich nutrients, such as dietary fiber, mineral potassium, vitamin B2, carotene, etc., with an average of 0.11 mg of vitamin B2 per 100 grams of corn.

A bottle of vitamin B2 for a few dollars turned out to be the "nemesis" of high blood pressure? Know early and benefit early

2. Animal offal

Animal liver, kidney, blood and other internal organs are rich in B vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins and minerals, etc., Chinese residents dietary guidelines recommend eating animal offal 2-3 times a month, each time at about 25 grams is appropriate.

3. Dairy products

Milk and other dairy products can not only supplement calcium, but also contain a variety of rich nutrients. According to statistics, drinking 300 ml of milk per day can consume 0.36 mg of vitamin B2, which can reach 26% of the recommended amount.

A bottle of vitamin B2 for a few dollars turned out to be the "nemesis" of high blood pressure? Know early and benefit early

Third, the 4 vitamins can not be eaten indiscriminately, or it will hurt the body

With people's attention to health preservation, many people began to pay attention to the supplement of multiple vitamins and nutrients, and even thought that supplementation is better than lacking, but in fact, these vitamins can not be eaten indiscriminately, eating the wrong may hurt the body.

  • vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, eating too much will accumulate in the body and is difficult to excrete, thereby increasing the risk of poisoning, resulting in decreased appetite, hair loss, drowsiness, nausea, blurred vision and other symptoms. The "Dietary Nutrient Reference Intakes for Chinese Residents" recommends that for adults over 18 years old, the maximum tolerable intake of vitamin A is 3000 gRAE/day

  • vitamin d

Vitamin D is also a fat-soluble vitamin, and eating too much will increase the risk of kidney stones and hypercalcemia. People over the age of 11 should not consume more than 2,000 IU per day.

A bottle of vitamin B2 for a few dollars turned out to be the "nemesis" of high blood pressure? Know early and benefit early
  • vitamin E

Long-term use of vitamin E in large doses may cause symptoms such as blurred vision, sexual dysfunction, dizziness and tiredness, inflammation of the lips, and menstrual disorders. A study conducted by researchers Martin Berg of Karolinska Institute in Sweden, Zhengzhou University in China, Peking University and others found that vitamin E supplementation may accelerate tumor growth and metastasis.

  • Vitamin B6

Excessive vitamin B6 supplementation may cause pain, skin lesions, numbness, heartburn, nausea, ataxia and other consequences, and excessive supplementation should usually be avoided.

A bottle of vitamin B2 for a few dollars turned out to be the "nemesis" of high blood pressure? Know early and benefit early

Although studies have found that vitamin B2 has the effect of aiding blood pressure reduction, it is not a substitute for drugs to treat diseases. It is generally recommended to supplement vitamin B2 with dietary supplements, and you can eat more animal foods, such as animal offal.


[1] "It turns out that vitamin B2 is so powerful, 99% of people don't know!" 》. Xinjiang Drug Regulation.2023-02-01

[2] "Stop Supplementing Vitamins!" Making up for mistakes will harm health, and these food supplements are the first choice! 》. Phoenix Health.2021-03-24

[3] "This vitamin, really be careful to exceed the standard!" 》. Dietitian Gu Zhongyi.2022-05-13

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