
A woman on a blind date brings 23 relatives to rub rice, scaring away men! Is it a blind date or a feast?

author:Daily Gonzo Awards
A woman on a blind date brings 23 relatives to rub rice, scaring away men! Is it a blind date or a feast?


A woman on a blind date brings 23 relatives to rub rice, scaring away men! Is it a blind date or a feast?

According to reports, the lady brought 23 relatives on a blind date, and the scene was lively, a bit like a wedding reception. The value of the blind date meal was as high as 20,000 yuan, which left a deep impression. However, what is unexpected is that the male protagonist chose to skip the bill at the checkout, which greatly embarrassed and confused the woman.

A woman on a blind date brings 23 relatives to rub rice, scaring away men! Is it a blind date or a feast?

小张‬和小‬刘‬都是浙江本地人,两人的缘分开始于一位长辈的介绍。 由于当时的小‬刘已经是一个29岁的大龄剩男,于是在家人的催促之下,小‬刘接受了家里长辈安排的相亲,并在长辈的牵线下,结识了姑娘小‬张。

小刘‬先是从长辈那加上小张‬的微信。 在微信中聊天时,小刘‬觉得小张‬是一个非常有趣的人,而且还和小刘‬有着很多共同爱好。 除此之外,通过小张‬在朋友圈的照片,小刘‬觉得这个姑娘的长相也符合自己的审美。

A woman on a blind date brings 23 relatives to rub rice, scaring away men! Is it a blind date or a feast?


A woman on a blind date brings 23 relatives to rub rice, scaring away men! Is it a blind date or a feast?

接到小刘‬的邀请,小张‬一时之间也是心花怒放,赶紧将这个消息分享给了自己的亲友,并在家族群中公布了自己这个‬消息。 Zhang is also an "older leftover girl" in the family, so when she learned that she was about to go on a blind date, the family group instantly exploded, and many relatives expressed that they wanted to accompany Zhang to help her check and see the man's character.

A woman on a blind date brings 23 relatives to rub rice, scaring away men! Is it a blind date or a feast?

这时候家族群里不知道谁提了一句,说曾经有人专门找好朋友,帮忙测试相亲对象究竟可不可靠,并表示自己也愿意效仿,去帮助小张‬测试相亲对象的可靠程度。 After hearing such a proposal, the family group instantly exploded again, and everyone chatted with all their mouths, all feeling that they should help Zhang control the gate.

Gradually, everyone began to make claims and volunteered to go to the blind date dinner. 并且随行的目的也由帮张某把关,变成了:随便吃随便拿,以此来测试相亲对象的肚量,看他能否在金钱面前,坚定地选择小‬张。

A woman on a blind date brings 23 relatives to rub rice, scaring away men! Is it a blind date or a feast?

而小张‬本人不仅没有感受到事态的不对劲,反而还觉得自己的亲友们是在为自己着想。 So promise relatives and friends to accompany him on a blind date.

到了约定见面的那一天,小刘‬早早地来到饭店门口等待。 It didn't take long for him to see an unfamiliar and familiar face appear not far away. 小刘‬知道,那便是与他在微信上聊了很久的小‬张,她本人看起来比‬照片更‬漂亮‬,这一点让小刘‬非常满意。

A woman on a blind date brings 23 relatives to rub rice, scaring away men! Is it a blind date or a feast?

可是两人还没碰头,小‬刘就有了很大的疑惑。 小‬张的身后貌似跟了一支浩浩荡荡的队伍,那些人都是有说有笑的,看起来并不像是不认识的样子,但是他‬也没多想,看见小‬张走过来,便迎上去打了招呼。 两人简单寒暄几句之后,小张‬便开始介绍“亲友团”。

小‬刘放眼一望,原来这二十多个人都是自己的相亲对象带过来的,顿时对小张‬有了一种别样的感觉。 但是毕竟自己承诺要请吃饭,他‬也不好意思拆自己的台,所以强颜欢笑,将一行23人迎了进去。

A woman on a blind date brings 23 relatives to rub rice, scaring away men! Is it a blind date or a feast?

看着小张‬的家人有说有笑地坐下时,小‬刘的心里却并不是滋味,但是他不断地安慰着自己,心想自己就算多花点钱,也不能相亲对象小看自己。 So this blind date banquet of 23 people, four tables of banquets, and two private rooms began. 令人讽刺的是,本应该是互相了解增进感情的相亲过程,却让‬小‬刘和小张‬失去了相亲的初衷。

A woman on a blind date brings 23 relatives to rub rice, scaring away men! Is it a blind date or a feast?

没过多久,小‬刘意识到自己无法忍受这种无聊的“陪饭”,决定偷偷结账并离开。 However, when the waiter reported: "Sir, the total consumption on your side is 19850 yuan." Liu's movement of holding the mobile phone in his hand stopped. He almost didn't understand why a meal would cost 20,000 yuan, especially since the dishes in this restaurant were not very expensive.

于是小‬刘找服务员查看了账单,一下‬全明白了:小‬张带来的这群人不仅是电灯泡,还是混吃混喝的强盗! The meal became so expensive because of ordering the best dishes and a lot of alcohol and tobacco.

A woman on a blind date brings 23 relatives to rub rice, scaring away men! Is it a blind date or a feast?

看清了事情的发展,小刘‬意识到小张‬带来家人和亲戚只是变相敲诈勒索他。 In anger, he quietly left the hotel, leaving behind a room full of proud people. 当小张‬的亲朋好友们吃完饭准备离开时,却发现那位被当作付款机器的人已经不见了。 而小张‬也被账单上的数字吓了一跳,她焦急地寻找小‬刘。 然而,无论她怎么打电话、发微信,都没‬得到‬回应,好像消失了一样。

A woman on a blind date brings 23 relatives to rub rice, scaring away men! Is it a blind date or a feast?

为了不丢面子,小‬张刷爆了自己的信用卡付了这笔钱。 But for her, the money is not small, and she cannot afford it. 无奈之下,只能去找小刘‬商量解决办法,最终从‬小刘‬那拿到‬四千‬多‬‬‬,剩下‬的‬‬只能硬着头皮在家族群里提出AA。

A woman on a blind date brings 23 relatives to rub rice, scaring away men! Is it a blind date or a feast?

收到这样的消息亲戚‬纷纷表示:“不是你让我们陪你参加相亲会吗? We didn't get anything, we didn't even eat a few bites of food. ”这让小张‬既气愤又无语,感觉自己才是最大的受害者。 It is clear that relatives volunteered to accompany her, but some people made trouble in the middle, saying that they could eat more and take more, which led to an embarrassing situation.

A woman on a blind date brings 23 relatives to rub rice, scaring away men! Is it a blind date or a feast?


A professional lawyer gave an answer: Although Liu promised to invite Zhang to dinner at the beginning, he did not promise to invite Zhang's other 22 relatives to dinner. So strictly speaking, Liu only needed to pay for his and Zhang's meals. And in the transaction between Liu and the restaurant owner, the restaurant owner did not really give the property, that is, the meal, to Liu (because he would inevitably collect debts from the eater), plus the two parties were based on fair trade from the beginning. Therefore, there is no element of fraud in this, so Liu's evasion of the bill is not illegal.

这也‬反映了社会中一些人对婚姻和相亲的误解和错误态度。 Blind dates are not only for marriage and starting a family, but also for the process of mutual understanding and relationship between two people. It requires honesty, truthfulness and respect, not profit-driven and selfish behavior.

A woman on a blind date brings 23 relatives to rub rice, scaring away men! Is it a blind date or a feast?

I hope that everyone can recognize this, respect the feelings and choices of others, and create a good environment for blind dates and marriages. At the same time, I also hope that more people can rationally think about the meaning of blind dates, not be swayed by social pressure and the expectations of others, truly find a suitable partner for themselves, and build a happy family.