
After Zhuge Liang died of illness, the two of them joined forces to kill Wei Yan, what was the end of the end?

author:History and the hearts of people

Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition was a five-time offensive campaign launched by Zhuge Liang, the Shu Han chancellor of the Shu Han Dynasty, from 228 AD to 234 AD. For Zhuge Liang, although he achieved certain gains in the war with Cao Wei, such as killing Generals such as Wang Shuang and Zhang Guo, and capturing Wudu and Yinping Counties. However, on the whole, Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition still failed to achieve the goal of "reviving the Han Dynasty". More crucially, because of the accumulation of labor, Zhuge Liang finally died of illness in the autumn of 234 AD. In this regard, in the author's opinion, Zhuge Liang's death is naturally a major loss for Shu Han. Moreover, this has also had a direct or indirect impact on the fate of many historical figures. For example, Wei Yan, who is familiar to everyone, was beheaded after Zhuge Liang's death.

After Zhuge Liang died of illness, the two of them joined forces to kill Wei Yan, what was the end of the end?

Wei Yan (?) ~234), courtesy name Wenchang, was a native of Yiyang. During the Three Kingdoms period, a famous general of the Shu Han Dynasty, he was deeply valued by Liu Bei. Wei Yan fought bravely, had an arrogant personality, and was at odds with The Long Shi Yang Yi. After Zhuge Liang's death, the contradictions between the two intensified, and they competed for power, Wei Yan fled in defeat, was beheaded by Ma Dai, and was destroyed by Yang Yi. So, the question is, after Zhuge Liang's death, Ma Dai and Yang Yi joined forces to get rid of Wei Yan, what was the end of the end?

First, Ma Dai

Ma Dai ,born and died unknown, was a native of Maoling County, Fufeng County (present-day Xingping, Shaanxi). In the sixteenth year (211) of the Han Dynasty Emperor Jian'an, Ma Dai followed his cousin Ma Chao to participate in the Battle of Weinan. The Battle of Weinan was fought in the sixteenth year (211) of the Han Dynasty Emperor Jian'an, when Cao Cao, the chancellor, defeated the combined forces of Han Sui and Ma Chao. At that time, the princes of Guanxi were nominally subordinate to Cao Cao, and Cao Cao wanted to take advantage of the road to attack Zhang Lu in Hanzhong, so the princes of Kansai rebelled and prevented Cao's army from entering the army, which is known in history as the "Rebellion of Han Sui and Ma Chao". The two sides fought in Guanzhong Tongguan, Weinan and other places, and finally Cao Cao won the victory and suppressed Guanzhong.

After Zhuge Liang died of illness, the two of them joined forces to kill Wei Yan, what was the end of the end?

In September of the sixteenth year of Jian'an (211), Ma Chao's army was defeated, and Ma Dai returned to Longshang County with Ma Chao's retreat. In the seventeenth year of Jian'an (212), in the first month of The First Month, shortly after the defeat at the Battle of Ma Chaotongguan, he quickly annexed the counties of Longshang (Longxi, Nan'an, Hanyang, Yongyang, etc.), and Zhang Lu also sent the general Yang Ang to help Ma Chao, gathering more than 10,000 people and besieging Liangzhou's assassin Shi Weikang at Liangzhou's jicheng (present-day gangu county south of Gansu). However, Ma Chao eventually suffered defeat, so Ma Dai also followed Ma Chao to Zhang Lu, who had divided Hanzhong County.

In the nineteenth year of Jian'an (214), Zhang Lu's general Yang Bai and others feared Ma Chao's talents and wanted to persecute him. Ma Dai followed Ma Chao to Shudi, and Liu Bei sent someone to greet Ma Chaojun. Ma Dai accompanied Ma Chao in besieging Chengdu, and Liu Zhang, fearing Ma Chao, surrendered in less than ten days. Since then, Ma Dai, like Ma Chao, has become a military general of the Shu Han Dynasty. In the twelfth year of Jianxing (234), after Zhuge Liang's death, Wei Yan and Yang Yi fought for power, and Ma Dai led an army to kill Wei Yan at the behest of Yang Yi.

After Zhuge Liang died of illness, the two of them joined forces to kill Wei Yan, what was the end of the end?

After returning to the imperial court, Ma Dai avoided a civil unrest, so he was made a general of Pingbei by the later lord Liu Chan and given the title of Marquis of Chencang. Among them, as far as Chen Canghou is concerned, this is a county marquis. During the Three Kingdoms period, marquises were mainly divided into four grades: county marquis, township marquis, Tinghou hou, and Guannei hou. Therefore, it is undoubtedly relatively rare for Ma Dai to be able to obtain the treatment of a county marquis. In 235, Ma Dai led a large army to attack Cao Wei, only to be repulsed by Sima Yi's subordinate Niu Jin. After this battle, there are no deeds related to Ma Dai in historical materials such as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. In other words, Ma Dai's ending naturally belongs to the whereabouts of unknown.

2. Yang Yi

Yang Yi (?) –235), courtesy name Duke Wei, was a native of Xiangyang (present-day Xiangyang, Hubei). During the Three Kingdoms period, Jingzhou can be described as a place of talents, such as Huang Zhong, Wei Yan, Deng Zhi, Zong Qian, Li Yan, Jiang Huan, Fei Yi and others in the Shu Han Dynasty, all of whom came from the land of Jingzhou. As for Zhuge Liang, the Shu Han chancellor, it can also be said that he is half a Jingzhou person.

After Zhuge Liang died of illness, the two of them joined forces to kill Wei Yan, what was the end of the end?

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Volume 40, Shu Shu X, Liu Pengliao, Li Liu Wei Yang Biography Tenth, records that Jian'an Zhong, for jingzhou stabbed Shi Fu Qun as the main bookkeeper, and xiangyang taishou Guan Yu. Yu was appointed as Gong Cao and sent the envoy Xi Yi to the lord.

In the twenty-first year of Jian'an (216), Yang Yi served as the chief bookkeeper of Fu Qun of Jingzhou. Fu Qun (傅群), a native of Xiangyang (present-day Xiangyang, Hubei), was an official of the State of Wei during the Three Kingdoms period. In the twenty-first year of Jian'an (213 AD), Emperor Xian of Han made Fu Qun the Assassin of Jingzhou, and Cao Ren defended the town as a general of Zhengnan. Therefore, it is very obvious that Yang Yi initially served Cao Cao's side. In the twenty-second year of Jian'an (217), Yang Yi left Fu Qun and went to Xiangyang to defend Guan Yu. Guan Yu appointed him Gong Cao and sent him as a messenger to travel west to meet Liu Bei. Liu Bei talked to him about the world's major events and liked him very much, so he recruited him as the left general Cao Tuan. For Yang Yi, he briefly became Guan Yu's subordinate. However, Yang Yi remained in Yizhou since 217 AD.

After Zhuge Liang died of illness, the two of them joined forces to kill Wei Yan, what was the end of the end?

In the twenty-fourth year of Jian'an (219), Liu Bei was proclaimed the King of Hanzhong and promoted Yang Yi to Shangshu. The Book of Later Han Guangwu Benji Commentary: "Han Guanyi" said: "Shang Shu four members, Emperor Wu placed, Cheng Emperor plus one for five." There is a regular attendant Cao Shangshu, the main minister of the imperial history. Two Thousand Stones Shangshu, The History of the Lord's Thorns, two thousand stone events. Hu Cao Shangshu, the master Shu Shang Shu. The lord and the guest are Shangshu, and the main foreign four Yi things. Emperor Cheng plus the Three Gong Shangshu, the lord of prison affairs. "Emperor Cheng placed five Shangshu people, ranked six hundred stones, and divided into three Gong Cao, Chang Shi Cao, two thousand stone Cao, Hu Cao, and main guest Cao, and the authority began to be heavy.

In the first year of Zhang Wu (221), Liu Bei was proclaimed emperor and the Eastern Expedition to Eastern Wu, yang Yi and Shangshu discorded Liu Ba, and he was reappointed as the Remote Leader Hongnong Taishou. For Yang Yi, although his ability is good, he has the personality trait of being calculating. And this also prompted a contradiction between Yang Yi and Wei Yan. Because Wei Yan, like Guan Yu, had a slight contempt for the scholar- In the third year of Jianxing (225), Zhuge Liang appointed him as a member of the army to handle the affairs of the Xiangfu instead of himself. On this basis, Zhuge Liang led an army to quell the rebellion in the southern central region. In the fifth year of Jianxing (227), Yang Yi followed Zhuge Liang to Hanzhong.

After Zhuge Liang died of illness, the two of them joined forces to kill Wei Yan, what was the end of the end?

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Volume 40, Shu Shu Ten, Liu Peng liao, Li Liu Wei, Yang Biography Tenth, records: And Liang Ping's life secret finger, with the meaning of Jiang Huan, Was shang shu ling, Yizhou assassin history. Yi Zhi, worship as a Chinese army division, no command, just calm.

In the twelfth year of Jianxing (234), Yang Yi followed Zhuge Liang out of the Tunzha Valley. After Zhuge Liang's death, Yang Yi led his troops back and killed Wei Yan, believing that he had made great contributions and should succeed Zhuge Liang in running the imperial government. However, Zhuge Liang already had a secret recital before his death, believing that Yang Yi was impatient and narrow-minded, and deliberately let Jiang Huan take on heavy responsibilities. In this context, Jiang Huan then wrote for Shang Shu Ling and Yizhou Assassin History. After Yang Yi returned to the capital Chengdu, he was appointed by the empress dowager Liu Chan as a Chinese army division.

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Volume 40, Shu Shu Ten, Liu Pengliao, Li Liu Wei Yang Biography Tenth, records: Thirteen years, abolished Yi for the people, migrated to Hanjia County. Yi went to the migration office, repeated the letter of slander, the words were fierce, and then the county received the ceremony. Yi committed suicide, and his wife returned Shu.

In the thirteenth year of Jianxing (235), Yang Yi was deposed and exiled to Hanjia County because of his repeated complaints. Hanjia Commandery (汉嘉郡), zhihanjia County (present-day Lushan County, Sichuan). It belongs to Yizhou. Its jurisdiction covers the cities and counties of Ya'an, Lushan, Mingshan, Tianquan, Xingjing, Hanyuan and other cities and counties in present-day Sichuan Province. However, after coming to Hanjia County, Yang Yi still did not introspect himself, and wrote a letter of slander, fierce rhetoric, and finally went to prison and committed suicide.

After Zhuge Liang died of illness, the two of them joined forces to kill Wei Yan, what was the end of the end?

In this regard, Sun Quan once said: Yang Yi, Wei Yan, Mu Shu xiaoren also. Although it is beneficial to the affairs of the times to taste the barking, but since it has been left to it, it must not be light, and if there is no Zhuge Liang in the dynasty, it will be a disaster. In Sun Quan's view, Yang Yi and Wei Yan were both people with small temperament, and once zhuge Liang did not mediate from them, they would definitely cause civil unrest. The subsequent situation was actually similar to Sun Quan's expectations.

As for Chen Shou, the author of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he commented: Yang Yi is an official and valuable. Look at its measures, trace its rules, invite disasters and blame, all of them themselves. In this regard, in the author's opinion, Yang Yi's fate of being forced to commit suicide can only be said to be self-inflicted. In connection with his unjust killing of Wei Yan, Yang Yi's ending was obviously not worthy of sympathy.

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