
Is the cause of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Israeli's seizure of Palestinian land? Definitely not

author:Retrograde fasting viewpoint

In the past two days, the large-scale armed conflict between Israel and Hamas has become the focus of the world's attention, and I have also seen many articles and messages on the Internet in support of Hamas, and the most mentioned reason is that Israel has driven Palestinians out of their homes and robbed other people's land. These people simply do not know the truth about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the land entanglement between Israel and Palestine for thousands of years. In fact, there are many books on this subject, and there are a large number of articles on this subject on the Internet, but these people can't see it, if nothing. The old man took some time to find some information to sort out, which can be regarded as making up for this gang.

  Speaking of the land, now called Palestine, both Israelis and Palestinians claim to be the owners of the land. In fact, this is funny, archaeology proves that the earliest owners of this land were Phoenicians, and the name "Palestine" means "land of the Phoenicians" in ancient Greek.

  Between the 20th and 15th centuries BC, Jews came to Canaan (present-day Palestine) and later flowed into Egypt, where they were persecuted by the Egyptian pharaohs. In the 13th century BC, Moses led the Jews out of Egypt and back to Canaan, known as the "Book of Exodus." After Moses, successive Jewish leaders expanded their territory in Canaan, and by the 11th century BC, the Jewish leader David had defeated the Phyllis, who ruled Jerusalem at the time, and established the ancient kingdom of Israel, with its capital in Jerusalem.

Is the cause of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Israeli's seizure of Palestinian land? Definitely not

  In 586 BC, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon captured Jerusalem, burned the temple, and took thousands of Jewish elites into captivity in Babylon. A few decades later, in 539 BC, Cyrus the Great of the Persian Empire (present-day Iran) defeated the kingdom of Babylon and liberated the Jews, who returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple.

  In 66 BC, the Romans captured Jerusalem and all of Canaan, turning it into a Roman province and renaming it Palestine. In 130 AD, the Roman Emperor Hadrian ordered the expulsion of the Jews from Jerusalem and the construction of the new Roman city on the old land of Jerusalem, and the Jews have been scattered throughout the world.

  From Egypt to Canaan until they were expelled from Jerusalem by the Roman Empire, Jews lived in the land for more than a thousand years.

Is the cause of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Israeli's seizure of Palestinian land? Definitely not

  Note that until now, the so-called Palestinians, even Arabs, have not shown their faces. It was not until 638 AD that the Arabs occupied Jerusalem and became the masters of the land.

  After that, many things happened in this land, such as the Crusades, the great counteroffensive of the Arab leader Saladin, the capture of Jerusalem by the Khorezm dynasty, the third western expedition of the Mongols, and the rise of the Mamluk dynasty in Egypt. In this way, the Arabs ruled the area intermittently for more than a thousand years, merging with the natives to form the Palestinians of today, until the Ottoman Empire conquered the area in 1517. Although the Ottoman Empire accepted the Islamic faith, they were Turkic and not Arab, and the Arabs referred to the period during their reign as the "Turkic shackles". Jews and Arabs were ruled peoples under the Ottoman Empire, and the two sides coexisted peacefully without interfering with each other.

Is the cause of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Israeli's seizure of Palestinian land? Definitely not

At the end of World War I, the Ottoman Empire was defeated and collapsed, and Britain seized Palestine from the Ottoman Empire and naturally gained governance until the end of World War II, when Britain transferred the trusteeship of the region to the United Nations, and Palestine and Israel were partitioned.

To sum up, this land has been through Babylon, Persia, Greece, the Roman Empire, Byzantium, the Arab Empire, the Crusaders, Saladin, Mongolia, Ottoman Turkey, Britain and many other rulers since the establishment of the Jewish state, and it is impossible to tell who has always been sovereign. The difference between Israel and Palestine is that one ruled earlier, the other ruled longer, both sides lived here, and in terms of numbers, the Palestinians were the absolute mainstream. It is true that the Jews were not the owners of the land for a long time, but some surviving families have been here and have never left, and the population fluctuates with wars and other problems, only 1.7% at the smallest, and around 10% most of the time. In 1851, when the Ottoman Empire was in power, a census was conducted, and of Jerusalem's more than 20,000 citizens, more than 5,000 were Jews, accounting for about 22 percent.

It is not difficult to draw a simple conclusion: from a historical point of view, the land of Palestine is not exclusive to a certain people, and the claim that the Jews have seized Palestinian territory is a lie that conceals key facts. Whether we talk about "since ancient times" or the actual control of the zone in 1947 (a very important condition of international law for the determination of sovereignty), the Jews did not have any justification for the establishment of the state, but the Arabs lost a mess in the historical game.

Is the cause of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Israeli's seizure of Palestinian land? Definitely not

  Let's talk about the origin of the Palestinian-Israeli partition.

  Since modern times, with the rise of the nation-state, the Jews, because they personally felt the pain of the death of the country, became more emotional to demand the establishment of the nation-state, and the Zionist movement flourished. In 1897, the Zionists held a congress in Switzerland and adopted the Zionist program, which was founded in Jerusalem, where their ancestors lived.

  Subsequently, Zionism continued to develop in Europe, and all countries could not fail to pay attention to it. During World War I, Britain saw the power of Zionism (Jews have money, and transnational organizations), so in 1917 issued the Balfour Declaration, supporting the establishment of a "national home" (not a state) for Jews in Palestine, and a large number of Jews followed, exacerbating the conflict with the local Arabs, and in April 1936, the Arabs launched a "great uprising" against Jews and British, and Jewish militias also fought back. The British knew that this was not the way to go, so in July 1937 they proposed a partition plan (Peel Inquiry): the land was divided in two, one part for Jewish restoration and one part for the "Arab State", this plan was in which the Arabs controlled 70% of the land, the Jews received 20%, and the remaining 10%, including Jerusalem, continued to be under the British Mandate. The Jews accepted this plan, but the Arabs firmly opposed it, and the plan fell through.

Is the cause of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Israeli's seizure of Palestinian land? Definitely not

  From this time on, the Arabs opposed almost all plans related to partition.

  After the end of World War II, Zionism was once again on the agenda, and on September 1, 1947, the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) proposed a new partition plan, giving 55% of the land to Jews and only 45% to Arabs. The Jews seized the opportunity and immediately agreed; The Supreme Arab Council announced its rejection.

  Therefore, stop talking about 55 percent Jews and 45 percent Arabs, saying that the partition plan is unfair and gives more Jews and less Arabs. This is not a matter of more or less, in the hearts of the Arabs, not an inch of land can be given to the Jews, and the state of Israel is not allowed to be born and exist at all.

  After that, things were simpler, there were five wars between Arabs and Israel, and with each fight, Israel occupied a piece of Palestine and other Arab land, and the more it fought, the smaller and smaller the Palestine, until today this grandmother.

Is the cause of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Israeli's seizure of Palestinian land? Definitely not

  Realistically speaking, the grievances, right and wrong between Palestine and Israel are almost as long as human history, coupled with strong religious feelings, it is difficult to break them out. The only way to solve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is to stop entangled in history and focus on reality, Palestine and Israel coexist, Palestine and Israel, two countries, neither of whom wants to take away or annex anyone.

Unfortunately, the Israelis understand this truth, some Palestinians (such as Fatah) understand, and some Palestinians (such as Hamas) do not understand or pretend not to understand.

Finally, in the Jianzhong public opinion field, there are too many people who talk about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict with ignorant enthusiasm and bloodthirsty impulse, and many of those who are trapped in the Internet cocoon are standing on the opposite side of cognition and human nature. For war, for history, for good and evil, they can neither make correct judgments, nor can they have truly independent thinking, and in the subtle influence of picking people's teeth and the Internet, they have become a kind of copy-and-paste slogan-style pacesetter.

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