
No one expected that this pill advertisement all over China was a spy guide for the Japanese army to invade China!

author:Enthusiastic bun shopper

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During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the land of China was ravaged by the Japanese invaders, and the people suffered a lot. At this critical moment, the Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang launched the second Kuomintang-Communist cooperation, in which the military and the people worked together to resist the aggressors. However, in addition to the battle on the frontal battlefield, the hidden spy war is also a life-and-death battle. All forces, including the Communist Party's Special Branch Bureau, the Kuomintang's Central Statistics Bureau and Military Statistics Bureau, and even the No. 76 Organization of the Wang Puppet Government and the Japanese Special High-Tech Bureau, are all engaged in the struggle of plotting, assassination, and intelligence gathering in secret corners. China's cities, while calm on the surface, are surging with dark tides.

No one expected that this pill advertisement all over China was a spy guide for the Japanese army to invade China!

Planned by the Japanese invaders, they began to instigate the establishment of a spy network in China long before the Sino-Japanese War. These spies are divided into two categories, the central government and the cadres, which are controlled by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Japan, where the members of the central organs are mostly Japanese, while the cadre agencies are managed by local secret services, and the members are mostly non-Japanese nationals. The Sino-Japanese Institute of Cooperation and Trade, established by Japan in China, became a major spy base, hiding behind the calm, secretly gathering intelligence, spying on military operations, and carrying out assassinations and sabotage.

No one expected that this pill advertisement all over China was a spy guide for the Japanese army to invade China!

With the Xinhai Revolution, China entered a period of turmoil, with various forces vying for power. The Japanese government's underworld and business groups came to China to try to win over the leaders of the revolutionary party for their own interests. After the establishment of the Republic of China, these forces tried to infiltrate the new government, seize power, and turn China into a puppet state. However, with the outbreak of warlord fighting, these plans were not implemented.

No one expected that this pill advertisement all over China was a spy guide for the Japanese army to invade China!

With the outbreak of the 918 Incident, the Japanese aggressors suddenly changed their tactics and tried to establish a puppet regime in China and weaken China's resistance. They established a series of puppet regimes in the Central Plains, such as the Provisional Government of Wang Kemin and the new government of Liang Hongzhiwei, but because of their limited influence, they failed to change the fate of China. Therefore, they began to pay more attention to infiltrating the Chinese army and the interior of the city.

No one expected that this pill advertisement all over China was a spy guide for the Japanese army to invade China!

However, just as the Japanese invaders tried to consolidate their control, a mysterious advertisement appeared on the walls of cities across China: an advertisement for a figure wearing a French top hat and a mustache, behind which hidden unknown secrets. The advertisement advertised a medicine called "Rendan", which was originally a heat-clearing and detoxifying herb made by Taiwanese. However, the appearance of such advertisements is related to the actions of the Japanese aggressors raises doubts.

No one expected that this pill advertisement all over China was a spy guide for the Japanese army to invade China!

"Rendan" advertisements began to appear frequently, especially near fighting areas, raising alarm. At the same time, Rendan's advertising pattern is constantly updated, which raises more questions. Why, after the outbreak of the war, did this advertising not decrease, but increased? Is it hiding some kind of secret?

No one expected that this pill advertisement all over China was a spy guide for the Japanese army to invade China!

In fact, there is a clever espionage behind this advertisement. After the outbreak of the war, many Japanese spies received orders to disguise themselves as Chinese civilians and sell "Rendan" and transmit intelligence through advertising patterns. The different orientations of the characters in the advertisement have different meanings, and the text of the advertisement also contains a code word. This method allowed Japanese spies to carry out missions in China, pass on intelligence, and complete various tasks.

No one expected that this pill advertisement all over China was a spy guide for the Japanese army to invade China!

However, the Chinese government is not standing still. Local governments launched patriotic and anti-Japanese campaigns to call on the masses to remove "Rendan" advertisements. With the joint efforts of the whole country, these advertisements were quickly smeared and removed, and many Japanese spies were also caught. After the advertising problem was resolved, although Japanese espionage continued, their means were limited.

No one expected that this pill advertisement all over China was a spy guide for the Japanese army to invade China!

Both the Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang have set up counter-espionage departments to conduct intelligence collection and counterespionage work. Dai Li, deputy director of the Military Statistics Bureau, has made a series of important achievements in telecommunications deciphering, assassination, and intelligence gathering. The military commander also successfully assassinated a number of high-ranking Japanese officials, shocking the Japanese government.

No one expected that this pill advertisement all over China was a spy guide for the Japanese army to invade China!

However, despite the solution of the "Rendan" advertising problem, the Japanese aggressors still tried to spy on China. The Chinese government has stepped up counterespionage efforts, but Japan's spy network remains. In the face of this long-standing threat, Chinese people showed a tenacious spirit of resistance and a determination to defend their country.

No one expected that this pill advertisement all over China was a spy guide for the Japanese army to invade China!

In the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Chinese people not only defeated the enemy's espionage, but more importantly, strengthened their belief in unity. The intrigues and espionage activities of the Japanese aggressors will only bring the Chinese people closer together, strengthen their resistance, and firmly save their country from misery.

No one expected that this pill advertisement all over China was a spy guide for the Japanese army to invade China!

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