
Leek dumplings, how to mix filling to be delicious? Remember 3 tips that are even better than those in dumpling restaurants

author:Brief Food

@纳兰南汐饺子, dating back to the Han Dynasty, has a history of more than two thousand years. Dumplings were originally called "wontons", but later evolved into today's "dumplings" because of their production methods and shapes. Historically, dumplings were originally used as sacrifices. According to the "Shuowen Jiezi", dumplings were originally used to sacrifice to the gods, and people would offer dumplings as sacrifices during major festivals or when asking for rain. Over time, the purpose and name of dumplings has also changed. In the Tang Dynasty, dumplings began to be called "Yanyue Wontons", while in the Song Dynasty they were called "Jiaozi".

Leek dumplings, how to mix filling to be delicious? Remember 3 tips that are even better than those in dumpling restaurants

By the Ming and Qing dynasties, the production methods and shapes of dumplings were further developed and standardized. Qing Dynasty gourmet Yuan Zhen recorded in detail the production methods of dumplings in the "Suiyuan Food List", including the steps of noodles, rolling the skin, wrapping the filling, boiling water and so on. At the same time, dumplings began to gradually become a family delicacy, and people often made dumplings at home to entertain guests or as a holiday food.

Leek dumplings, how to mix filling to be delicious? Remember 3 tips that are even better than those in dumpling restaurants

The cultural connotation of dumplings is very rich. First of all, dumplings are a food that symbolizes family cohesion. In many cultures, families sit around and make dumplings, which is an activity that strengthens family bonds. At the same time, dumplings are also a food that symbolizes abundance and happiness. In traditional Chinese culture, dumplings are often used as mascots, and it is believed that eating dumplings can bring good luck and happiness. In addition, dumplings are also a food that represents Chinese culture. People all over the world are also learning about and feeling Chinese culture and history while tasting dumplings.

Leek dumplings, how to mix filling to be delicious? Remember 3 tips that are even better than those in dumpling restaurants

Of all the dumpling fillings, the most popular is the leek filling. In addition to its delicious taste, people also like its rich nutritional value. Chives are a nutritious vegetable that contains a lot of vitamins and crude fiber, which can improve gastrointestinal peristalsis and has the effect of preventing and treating constipation. In addition, leeks are warm and spicy, can nourish the kidney and yang, benefit the liver and spleen, but it is warm, yin deficiency and internal heat are not suitable for consumption. When making leek dumplings, it is usually accompanied by other ingredients such as meat and eggs to make the nutrition more comprehensive. At the same time, the spicy smell of leeks helps to regulate liver qi and increase appetite, which is also an important reason why people like leek dumplings. Then do you know leek dumplings, how to mix filling to be delicious? Remember 3 tips that are even better than those in the dumpling restaurant!

Leek dumplings, how to mix filling to be delicious? Remember 3 tips that are even better than those in dumpling restaurants

1: First of all, we must wash and control water in advance. This step is to ensure that the dumpling filling is refreshing and not wet. After picking leeks, it is necessary to wash carefully to remove residual pesticides, sediment and other impurities. After washing, put the leeks on a clean cloth and absorb the moisture, which can avoid excessive moisture and skin breaking when making dumplings.

Leek dumplings, how to mix filling to be delicious? Remember 3 tips that are even better than those in dumpling restaurants

2: Next is the key step of making dumpling filling. First of all, leeks should be cut with a knife, not chopped. Chopping will break the fiber of the leek and the taste will deteriorate. The correct way is to cut into small pieces, which will preserve the texture and aroma of the leek. After chopping, add an appropriate amount of green onion oil and mix well. Green onion oil removes the raw flavor of leeks and adds aroma. Adding onion oil to the filling can make the filling more moisturized and taste better.

Leek dumplings, how to mix filling to be delicious? Remember 3 tips that are even better than those in dumpling restaurants

3: Next is seasoning. The first is oyster sauce, which is a seafood condiment that adds umami to the filling and enhances the texture. Add the oyster sauce to the already well-mixed leek filling and stir well so that each leek is coated with oyster sauce. Then there is the addition of salt. Salt is an essential condiment that enhances the taste of the filling. After adding the salt, stir again to allow the chives to fully absorb the salt.

Leek dumplings, how to mix filling to be delicious? Remember 3 tips that are even better than those in dumpling restaurants

Making dumpling wrappers may seem simple, but there are actually many know-how. Here's how to make dumpling wrappers in the commercial version. Prepare 500 g of flour, 250 g of water, 3 g of salt, plus 1 egg and 20 g of starch. Mix them together in proportion and stir vigorously until all the ingredients have merged into one dough. Cover with plastic wrap and let the dumpling skin rise at room temperature for 30 minutes, this will make the dumpling skin softer, more elastic and taste better.

Leek dumplings, how to mix filling to be delicious? Remember 3 tips that are even better than those in dumpling restaurants

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