
Hideki Tojo has fallen into the law, but his son's company's products sell well in China and are still used today

author:Little Moon CYA

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Shi Hai Immersion Fishing#History Talk#Before reading this article, please click "Follow", which not only facilitates your participation in discussion and sharing, but also supports our work. Thank you for your support! In late 1948, Hideki Tojo, a class-A war criminal, was hanged, and the 40th Prime Minister of Japan died. When the Chinese people heard about it, they all rejoiced with the crown, but it was Japan, where imperialism was prevalent at that time, and there was a bleak cloud of sadness afterwards. What is the story of the infamous Hideki Tojo? What happened to his family after his death? According to legend, his son became the boss of a large group, and his products sold well in China, is this true? 1. Crimes Committed by Crimes and Aggression against China, Executioner of Difficult Books In 1884, Hideki Tojo was born in Japan. Because he was influenced by the spirit of bushido and militaristic ideology since he was a child, he applied for a military academy and wanted to "establish merit for Japan through war." When the Russo-Japanese War broke out in 1904, Hideki Tojo first entered the battlefield, and at that time Russia was not yet a match for Japan, especially after the Battle of Mukden, and it became the end of the crossbow. Japan's victory on the battlefield inflated Hideki Tojo's ambitions. Just when he was released to Germany, he met Crown Prince Hirohito, who had traveled in Europe, and the two smelled the same, and Hideki Tojo officially joined him. After that, while assisting Hirohito in eliminating the party forces that interfered with the imperial power, Tojo Hideki attacked the highest center of power in Japanese fascism, secretly planning to invade China.

Hideki Tojo has fallen into the law, but his son's company's products sell well in China and are still used today

During his tenure as chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, Hideki Tojo took a clear stand on the side of the hardliners, and also used the Chinese army's threat to Chahar Manchukuo as an excuse to cause disputes in northern China many times. Not only that, but he also repeatedly cut off and released false information. In the absence of orders from the General Staff Headquarters, troops were sent to march in the direction of Chahar to "direct and exercise" the so-called "contradictions and conflicts." Hideki Tojo's approach met the needs of the hardliners in the Japanese military, so the hardliners strongly supported him. Especially after the conclusion of the non-aggression pact between China and the Soviet Union, Hideki Tojo became more and more brazen. Behind the "July Seven Incident" there was the shadow of Hideki Tojo, and he did not hide this, and at the 1938 "Army Management Business Leaders' Sincere Discussion", he even openly made a big statement: "If we want to build a new order in East Asia, we must continue to act in China, establish a close military alliance with Germany, and intimidate the Soviet Union by force!" In addition to sparking wars, he expanded the dispute several times. For example, the adaptation of the Mongolian Frontier Army, the creation of the so-called Kwantung Army blitzkrieg, and the launch of desert operations, greatly increased the intensity of the war. He sent people to attack Pearl Harbor, which directly led to the entry of the United States into the war and the outbreak of the Pacific War; He proposed the so-called southward plan, which involved countries such as Thailand, the Philippines and Singapore, turning them into a scorched earth. As for the barbaric set of rules that he participated in creating, it is even more calamous, even after he stepped down, it still brought endless suffering to the people of the world. Not to mention the Nanjing Massacre and the Lushun Massacre, more than 100,000 civilians were killed in the Manila Massacre in 1945 alone, and the hands of this careerist were stained with the blood of innocents... If Emperor Hirohito was a supporter and leader of the war, then Hideki Tojo was the "direct operator" of these crimes, and he deserved to pay for his atrocities. However, when Japan was defeated in 1945, instead of wanting to atone for his sins, this person tried to commit suicide and died. It's just that he didn't expect that his heart was malformed, and a shot didn't hit the heart, but shot through the lungs. After three months of rescue treatment, he was sent directly to Sugamo Prison in Japan, where he will be judged by the people of the world.

Hideki Tojo has fallen into the law, but his son's company's products sell well in China and are still used today

Second, the slogan Jade Shattered Heaven Sounded, but in fact he was a cowardly and cowardly, and Hideki Tojo committed suicide because he knew that he had committed a lot of crimes and was the first evil, and if he was caught, he would end up miserable. It is also true that of the 55 crimes listed by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, Hideki Tojo accounted for the most, accounting for 54. The facts are in front of him, even if he is clever in his words, he is powerless to return to the sky. Don't look at Hideki Tojo's arrogance during the war, but when he was tried at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East in 1946 and 1948, his performance was so bad that other Class A war criminals looked down on him. Most of the time, Hideki Tojo sits alone in the corner, silently writing his confessions and defenses, trying his best to push the blame on others. It's just that everything was useless, and he was eventually sentenced to hang.

Hideki Tojo has fallen into the law, but his son's company's products sell well in China and are still used today

When the judge's hammer fell, Hideki Tojo stood there without moving, and finally the staff forcibly "pulled" him back to the cell. On the day of the execution, on the way to the execution ground, Hideki Tojo was even more "two battles", and the whole person was terrified. Again American soldiers forcibly carried him to the gallows, put a blackhead bag on him, and hung a rope. Then, I saw that the American soldier fiercely pulled down the lever of the gallows, and Hideki Tojo's whole person was immediately suspended in the air, convulsing and struggling twice before gradually not moving, and only after a long time did the soldier put the body down and send it for cremation... But even so, Hideki Tojo did not repent before he died, but escaped reality in a vain attempt to use Buddhism to "uncover" himself. A demonic butcher who is so self-deceived is really making people laugh.

Hideki Tojo has fallen into the law, but his son's company's products sell well in China and are still used today

What is even more indignant is that most of the seven Class A war criminals executed at that time, like Hideki Tojo, refused to admit their mistakes to the death. Some are delusional, thinking of bliss in the past; Others say that what they have done is a righteous deed, and they die for the country without regret. Only one Seishiro Itagaki, before dying, repents, admits that the war was wrong, repents of his sins, and expresses guilt and blessing for the country that has been hurt. However, as Japanese militarism continues to cease, this kind of personal repentance will not have real results from day to day. After all, after these war criminals were executed, they were enshrined in Japan's Yasukuni Shrine with their backhands, harming the world.

Hideki Tojo has fallen into the law, but his son's company's products sell well in China and are still used today

In the case of Hideki Tojo, the tablet was placed in the first place at the Yasukuni Shrine, and successive Japanese governments would go to pay respects, and even Hideki Tojo's family did not agree to withdraw the ranking. Where is the slightest sense of repentance in doing so? It is clear that it is to be wrong to the end. This also makes us wonder, don't Hideki Tojo's family know about the crime he committed? Why are you reluctant to withdraw your tablet? And what happened to them after Hideki Tojo's death? Third, the situation of children and grandchildren is different, with mixed reviews, each commenting that Hideki Tojo and his wife Katsuko Ito have a total of seven children, three sons and four daughters, most of whom are engaged in business. The reason for this is firstly because Hideki Tojo accumulated a lot of wealth for the family when he was alive, and secondly, because before his death, he left his last words: "In the future, you must keep a low profile, and no one is allowed to set foot in the military world." This also has to make people sigh, this person is really sophisticated, shouting that he will not hesitate to "crush jade" to serve the emperor, but in fact, he regards the military as chaebol cannon fodder and always protects his children. It is said that before Hideki Tojo stepped down, he was questioned: "My two sons died in the army, why are all three of your sons alive?" Hideki Tojo's face was as heavy as water, and he was silent, but his selfishness was already clear. Even so, Hideki Tojo and the child are constantly at odds.

Hideki Tojo has fallen into the law, but his son's company's products sell well in China and are still used today

For example, Hidetaka Tojo, the eldest son of Hideki Tojo, has a deep gap with Hideki Tojo. Because he did not want to join the army and did not have much ambition, he was just an ordinary employee of the company until he was in his 30s. Hideki Tojo looked down on Hidetaka Tojo, feeling that he was cowardly and incompetent, and naturally treated him more harshly. Even in order to avoid the attack of political enemies, directly ignore the life or death of Tojo Hidetaka, and the father and son are even more in the same situation. Before his execution in 1948, Hideki Tojo wrote home in the hope of seeing Hidetaka Tojo again. As a result, Tojo Hidetaka directly refused, and scoffed at this: "People like you, where is there anything to linger?" There is also Hideki Tojo's youngest son, Toshio Tojo, because he is young and still studying during the war, so he spends little time with Hideki Tojo, and his feelings are relatively indifferent. Later, like his eldest brother, Toshio Tojo worked as a company employee for a while, and then went into business, but he had a good life. It's just that he has a shorter lifespan and is the youngest in the next year, but he walks ahead of his two older brothers. As for Hideki Tojo's second son, Tetsuo Tojo, he is very favored by Hideki Tojo. In order to allow him to inherit the family business, Tojo Hideki even decided to abolish the inheritance of the eldest son, which was also one of the reasons why Tojo Hideki and the eldest son had a bad relationship. Tojo Teruo admired Hideki Tojo quite a lot, and proposed to join the army in his early years, but Hideki Tojo felt that joining the army was too dangerous and directly refused. Later, when Japan was defeated, Tojo Tetsuo also found Hideki Tojo and cried bitterly to commit suicide with him. As a result, Hideki Tojo felt sorry for this son and decisively refused.

Hideki Tojo has fallen into the law, but his son's company's products sell well in China and are still used today

After Hideki Tojo's death, Tojo refused to remove his tablet from the Yasukuni Shrine until his later years, when his tone wavered, but only in neutrality. When it comes to ability, Tojo Tetsuo is actually very average. Neither strong physique nor intelligent mind, although he participated in the design of the Zero Crossing fighter, he was actually only responsible for calculating a small amount of strength data. But from the point of view of experience, this is more complicated, he once became the chairman of the Mitsubishi Group with the support of Japan's right-wing chaebols. People who don't know may think it's nothing, after all, most of the ideas are "isn't this a seller of electricity", and there is no shortage of his products all over the country. But in fact, the Mitsubishi Group is far from being so simple, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a pillar of Japan... Fourth, talking about the Mitsubishi Group, wary of the history of the militaristic Japanese Mitsubishi Group, can be traced back to the 70s of the 19th century, when Yataro Iwasaki bought the "99 Chamber of Commerce" and created the Mitsubishi Chamber of Commerce, which is also the predecessor of the Mitsubishi Group. In the beginning, the chamber was a small-scale shipping company. However, during the Japanese invasion of Taiwan, this chamber of commerce signed a military transportation agreement with the Japanese government, so it became the king of Japanese shipping in ten years. The Mitsubishi Chamber of Commerce, which tasted the sweetness, soon forged a deeper relationship with the Japanese government, and in the Sino-Japanese War, the chairman of the chamber of commerce stood up and openly shouted for the Japanese government: "On this important occasion, people with lofty ideals in the country should unite as one, raise funds and donate to the government!" "In the Sino-Japanese War, this chamber of commerce played an important role, not only raising military funds for the Japanese army, but also using the convenience of shipping to inquire about military information and traffic ordnance for the Japanese government. Therefore, although on the surface the Mitsubishi Chamber of Commerce is a Japanese civil society, it is actually a supporter and implementer of Japanese militarism.

Hideki Tojo has fallen into the law, but his son's company's products sell well in China and are still used today

Since then, the Mitsubishi Chamber of Commerce has slowly expanded its business into mining, shipbuilding, ironmaking, finance and other fields. The most important of these is the financial sector. As the Mitsubishi Chamber of Commerce expanded its financial business and established its headquarters in the building of the Mitsubishi Chamber of Commerce in order to better manage its business, the bank's business gradually grew and became important. Since the main business of the Mitsubishi Chamber of Commerce is carried out in mainland Japan and interdependent with its industry, during the Japanese invasion of China, the Mitsubishi Chamber of Commerce also expanded a large number of business to China, developed a large number of commercial, industrial, financial and other businesses, at this time it was no longer the original "Chamber of Commerce" nature, so it was officially renamed "Mitsubishi Joint Venture Company", coupled with the business in various places, making the company a large industrial group.

Hideki Tojo has fallen into the law, but his son's company's products sell well in China and are still used today

During Japan's war of aggression against China, the Mitsubishi Joint Venture became increasingly important, and it had a close relationship with the Japanese militarist regime and provided a large amount of materials and funds to the Japanese militarist regime. Especially in northeast Liaoning, Shanghai and other places, the branches of the Mitsubishi Joint Venture Company opened a large number of factories, participated in many anti-Japanese war crimes, provided a large amount of materials and funds for the Japanese militarist regime, and was known as the "financial pillar of the war of aggression against China". It can be described as a strong backing for militarism.

Hideki Tojo has fallen into the law, but his son's company's products sell well in China and are still used today

Although the Mitsubishi Group was dissolved for a time after Japan's defeat, it did not die out as a result. In 1946, the Mitsubishi Group was reorganized under U.S. supervision, and its main business was split into several independent companies, but these independent companies retained the name "Mitsubishi". Over time, the Mitsubishi Group gradually regained its former strength and became an international industrial giant, involved in a variety of fields, including automobile manufacturing, aviation, energy, finance, etc., and was one of the largest chaebols in Japan. At the same time, the Mitsubishi Group has also expanded its international business through acquisitions, such as Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Mitsubishi Electric, etc. have a certain market share in the world. One of Mitsubishi's core subsidiaries is the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, one of Japan's largest financial groups that controls most of the country's financial operations.

Hideki Tojo has fallen into the law, but his son's company's products sell well in China and are still used today

Although the Mitsubishi Group undertook a series of reforms after the war, its history, relations with the Japanese militarist regime, and its crimes in the war of aggression against China have always been the focus of attention of the international community and the affected countries. Especially in China, the history and crimes of the Mitsubishi Group have always attracted much attention and condemnation. Although the Mitsubishi Group has a certain presence and business in the Chinese market, the Chinese government and people condemn and resist its history and crimes. The Chinese government has repeatedly asked the Mitsubishi Group to face up to its history and crimes and take measures to compensate the victims. However, the Mitsubishi Group has not given a satisfactory answer, resulting in tension between China and Japan.

Hideki Tojo has fallen into the law, but his son's company's products sell well in China and are still used today

In short, Hideki Tojo is one of the representatives of Japanese militarism, and his crimes and the crimes of the war of aggression against China cannot be ignored. Although he was held accountable after the war, his family and descendants continue to play an important role in Japanese society, and the relationship between his family and the Mitsubishi Group has been in the spotlight. The Chinese government and people have always hoped that the Mitsubishi Group will face up to its history and crimes and take measures to compensate the victims so as to promote the improvement of Sino-Japanese relations. However, the Mitsubishi Group has not given a satisfactory answer, resulting in tension between China and Japan. Nevertheless, the Chinese government and people will continue to uphold national interests and dignity, and continue to demand that the Mitsubishi Group face up to history and crimes and take measures to compensate the victims. It is hoped that through the joint efforts of all parties, genuine reconciliation and peace can be achieved.

Hideki Tojo has fallen into the law, but his son's company's products sell well in China and are still used today

V. Conclusion Hideki Tojo was the prime minister of Japan during World War II and one of the main planners of the war of aggression against China. His crimes and the crimes of the war of aggression against China cannot be ignored, causing great suffering and harm to China and other victimized countries. Although Hideki Tojo was held accountable after World War II, his family and descendants continued to play an important role in Japanese society, and the relationship between his family and the Mitsubishi Group attracted much attention. The Chinese government and people have always hoped that the Mitsubishi Group will face up to its history and crimes and take measures to compensate the victims so as to promote the improvement of Sino-Japanese relations. However, the Mitsubishi Group has not given a satisfactory answer, resulting in tension between China and Japan. Nevertheless, the Chinese government and people will continue to uphold national interests and dignity, and continue to demand that the Mitsubishi Group face up to history and crimes and take measures to compensate the victims. It is hoped that through the joint efforts of all parties, genuine reconciliation and peace can be achieved.

Hideki Tojo has fallen into the law, but his son's company's products sell well in China and are still used today

Finally, we should remember history, cherish peace and prevent the recurrence of similar wars and crimes. Only by facing up to history and reflecting on the past can we build a more peaceful, just and equitable world. It is hoped that all countries can work together to promote peace and development, avoid wars and conflicts, and achieve a win-win future.

Hideki Tojo has fallen into the law, but his son's company's products sell well in China and are still used today

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