
As the saying goes, "the left eye jumps for wealth, the right eye jumps for disaster", but it is actually wrong, and the eyelid jump is reminding you

author:Department of Nephrology, Zhang Hongtao

"Left eye jumps wealth, right eye jumps disaster", this should be the most familiar phrase for everyone, every eyelid jump will be silently recited in the heart. Some people even say that the right eyelid has been jumping, and you can paste a white note on the eyelid, which means "white jump", to avoid their "right eye jumping disaster".

But scientifically speaking, is eyelid jumping really related to good fortune?

As the saying goes, "the left eye jumps for wealth, the right eye jumps for disaster", but it is actually wrong, and the eyelid jump is reminding you

First, "the left eye jumps to wealth, the right eye jumps to disaster", is eyelid jumping really related to blessings and disasters?

"Left eye jumping wealth, right eye jumping disaster" is a widely circulated superstitious saying, from a scientific point of view, eyelid jumping is not substantially related to wealth or disaster.

Eyelid beating, also known as blepharospasm or eyelid twitching, is usually a phenomenon caused by physiological factors and has nothing to do with good fortune.

Eyelid beating is usually the result of muscle fatigue, eye strain, such as excessive use of electronic devices, prolonged reading, long driving distances, and unsuitable work environments, which can cause muscle tension around the eyes, especially in poor light.

In addition, inappropriate eye habits may also increase the burden on the eye muscles. To reduce eye strain and reduce the risk of eyelid beating, there are preventive measures that can be taken, such as taking regular breaks, adjusting the work environment, maintaining proper reading distance, doing eye exercises, and ensuring adequate sleep.

As the saying goes, "the left eye jumps for wealth, the right eye jumps for disaster", but it is actually wrong, and the eyelid jump is reminding you

Second, don't be happy too early, the left eyelid always jumps, be careful of facial spasms

There's a lyric that says, "Left eyelid jumping, good things are coming," but if your left eyelid jumps a lot, don't rejoice too early, as this could be a sign of an underlying health problem rather than good luck coming.

The left eyelid is constantly beating and can be a symptom of a condition called facial cramps.

Ms. Xiao is a typical case, she often felt her left eyelid throb for several weeks, and at first she didn't pay much attention to it, and she was even told that it might be a sign of good luck. However, over time, her left eyelid throbbed more and began to involve other muscles in her face, even affecting her vision and expression.

After a professional diagnosis, the doctor found that Ms. Xiao suffered from hemifacial spasm, which is a neuromuscular disease that usually manifests as involuntary twitching of facial muscles, which causes abnormal nerve excitement due to the compression of facial nerves by peripheral blood vessels, triggering symptoms of muscle twitching.

As the saying goes, "the left eye jumps for wealth, the right eye jumps for disaster", but it is actually wrong, and the eyelid jump is reminding you

This case highlights that in some cases, eyelid beating may require more in-depth attention and treatment. Below we will detail two conditions that can cause total eyelid jumps:

1. Hemifacial spasm

Hemifacial spasm is a neuromuscular disorder that is usually characterized by involuntary twitching of one facial muscle, including the eyelids, corners of the mouth, cheeks, and other areas. This twitch may start in one eye and gradually spread to the facial muscles on the entire side.

The disease is usually caused by the compression of the facial nerve by peripheral blood vessels, causing the nerves to be abnormally excited and causing muscle twitches. Treatment of hemifacial spasm usually includes medication and surgical options to reduce symptoms.

2. Blepharospasm

Blepharospasm is a disease that specifically affects the eyelids, and its main symptom is frequent eyelid twitching, which can last for seconds, or even minutes. This tic may gradually worsen, affecting vision and quality of life.

In fact, blepharospasm is also a neuromuscular disease, and treatment methods include medication and muscle relaxants, sometimes even requiring intramuscular injections or surgical intervention.

As the saying goes, "the left eye jumps for wealth, the right eye jumps for disaster", but it is actually wrong, and the eyelid jump is reminding you

All in all, although a beating of the left eyelid is sometimes seen as a good sign, if this beating is constant, especially if it involves the entire facial muscle, then it can be a symptom of facial spasm.

In this case, it is very important to consult a doctor early, carry out professional diagnosis and treatment to reduce symptoms and improve quality of life.

Third, learn facial "aerobics", health tips should be remembered

Facial "aerobics" is a simple exercise that benefits the eye and facial muscles and can help reduce eyelid beating and promote facial health. Let's learn about it:

1. Eye relaxation exercises

This is a simple eye relaxation exercise that helps reduce eye fatigue and reduce the frequency of eyelid beating.

Hold your sitting posture correctly, close your eyes, and then slowly turn your eyes, doing 10 times clockwise and 10 times counterclockwise. Then close your eyes and gently massage the muscles around your eyes, from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner of the eye, 10 times on each side. This simple eye relaxation exercise helps to rest and soothe the eyes, reducing eye discomfort.

As the saying goes, "the left eye jumps for wealth, the right eye jumps for disaster", but it is actually wrong, and the eyelid jump is reminding you

2. Facial relaxation exercises

This method is very effective in reducing facial muscle tension, especially suitable for patients with hemifacial spasm.

First, sit or stand up straight, making sure your body posture is comfortable and natural, then follow these steps: Relax your facial muscles, including your mouth, jaws, and neck. Make sure you're not clenching your teeth or wrinkling your forehead. Next, gently open your mouth so that your chin is separated from your upper lip while trying to keep your mouth stretched. This movement should feel relaxed and not forceful.

Then, slowly close your mouth and bite your teeth, but not hard, making sure your muscles are still relaxed when you close your mouth. Repeat this opening and closing of the mouth 10 times at a time. Between each movement, make sure that the facial muscles remain relaxed.

This facial relaxation exercise helps to exercise and relax the facial muscles, especially for those suffering from hemifacial spasm, and can reduce symptoms. When doing this exercise, be careful not to exert force, but to feel relaxed and comfortable. Regular practice can help improve facial muscle flexibility and reduce tension.

As the saying goes, "the left eye jumps for wealth, the right eye jumps for disaster", but it is actually wrong, and the eyelid jump is reminding you

Fourth, eye health is very important, and diet escort is indispensable

Nutrition plays an important role in maintaining eye health, and proper supplementation can help reduce the symptoms of throbbing eyelids while reducing the risk of eye disease. The following methods can be used for your reference:

1. Eat more fruits and vegetables containing antioxidants

By consuming antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, you can strengthen your eyes' self-defense mechanisms and reduce your risk of eye problems.

Antioxidants are a class of chemicals that help protect eye tissue from free radical damage, which are unstable molecules that can damage the tissue inside the eye, causing eye problems. Antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and β-carotene are highly beneficial for eye health, and these antioxidants can be found in fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grain foods.

As the saying goes, "the left eye jumps for wealth, the right eye jumps for disaster", but it is actually wrong, and the eyelid jump is reminding you

Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C, and every orange contains a good amount of vitamin C. Lemons are also rich in vitamin C and can be used to make lemonade or added to foods to add flavor, while strawberries are another fruit high in vitamin C that can be eaten alone or added to salads.

Almonds are a good source of vitamin E and can be eaten alone or as a snack. Of course, vitamin E is also rich in the following foods:

● Spinach: A leafy green vegetable rich in vitamin E that can be used to make salads or steam.

● Avocado: Avocado, a fat but healthy fruit that is also rich in vitamin E.

● Watermelon seeds: rich in vitamin E, can be left to eat when eating watermelon.

As the saying goes, "the left eye jumps for wealth, the right eye jumps for disaster", but it is actually wrong, and the eyelid jump is reminding you

2. Supplement zinc more

Zinc is essential for maintaining eye health and plays an important role in both areas.

First, zinc helps maintain good visual adaptation, making it easier for the eyes to adapt to different light environments, thereby improving visual function. Secondly, zinc is essential for maintaining the normal function of the retina, ensuring the normal transmission of visual signals, which is important for preventing eye problems, including eyelid beating.

To get enough zinc from food, you can meet your body's needs by consuming foods such as nuts, lean meats, eggs, and whole-grain products.

As the saying goes, "the left eye jumps for wealth, the right eye jumps for disaster", but it is actually wrong, and the eyelid jump is reminding you

Doctor's summary:

Eyelid beating has nothing to do with good fortune and may be a phenomenon caused by physiological factors, and a beating left eye does not necessarily mean good luck, and vice versa. However, persistent eyelid beating can be a symptom of facial spasms that require professional medical attention.

To maintain eye health and reduce the risk of eyelid jumping, there are some health tips such as eye and facial relaxation exercises. In addition, proper nutrition is essential for eye health, including consuming antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables and zinc supplementation. Don't worry too much about your eyelids, but don't ignore the health signals it can convey.


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[5] Holographic meridian facial exercises, anti-wrinkle and longevity are indispensable Family Medicine Journal 2010.05

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