
Zhang Huimei married? It is rumored that the 12-year relationship between the two is over, and my sister responded urgently!

author:Silly little cloth said entertainment
Zhang Huimei married? It is rumored that the 12-year relationship between the two is over, and my sister responded urgently!

51-year-old Taiwanese diva Zhang Huimei (Amei) has been dating her boyfriend Sam for 12 years.

Sam's younger brother, actor Justice (Yao Justice), recently broke the news that his mother wants a grandson.

Sister Zhang Huichun also officially responded to this matter during the press conference of Zhang Huichun's concert of "Saya Food Banquet 8 - Breaking the Cocoon into a Butterfly".

Zhang Huimei married? It is rumored that the 12-year relationship between the two is over, and my sister responded urgently!

SAYA WAS ASKED ABOUT HER SISTER'S MARRIAGE. She was surprised: "Why haven't I heard of it?" I was stunned when I heard it just now, how could there be such news? ”

She said she had contact with her sister recently, during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

There is also "family reunion", which is when both parties bring their companions to the family gathering.

Zhang Huimei married? It is rumored that the 12-year relationship between the two is over, and my sister responded urgently!

She smiled wryly and said that she rarely watched the news and TV, so she didn't know about her sister's marriage. "I care more about children." She currently lives in Tainan and spends time with her daughter because she is keen to play tennis.

We exercised together and lost 10 kilograms in three months. SAYA ALSO ADMITTED THAT HER CURRENT RELATIONSHIP AND CAREER ARE STABLE. She also said sweetly: "I'm in good shape now. ”

In addition, Lin Xinyi recently flew to Germany to find her boyfriend. She confessed that she was too relaxed abroad, and actually gained 6 kilograms in a month.

Now she has lost weight. She said happily: "The main diet in Europe is bread, and I am probably too happy." I just ate quite a bit.

She also said that she invited her boyfriend to come to Taiwan to watch the concert.

"He rarely goes to concerts, but he flies farther. Let's talk about it if we have a chance. ”

Zhang Huimei married? It is rumored that the 12-year relationship between the two is over, and my sister responded urgently!

Taiwanese diva Zhang Huimei has recently been busy on a world tour.

On the 22nd of last month was the Qixi Festival, and my boyfriend Sam posted a short video from his boyfriend's perspective. After watching it, fans said that it was too cute.

Zhang Huimei married? It is rumored that the 12-year relationship between the two is over, and my sister responded urgently!

In the video shared by Sam, only Amei, dressed in black, sits on a small wooden horse in the shape of a motorcycle in the park, trying to swing back and forth.

This made Sam write: "She was about 8 years old that day. ”

Fans were even more excited after watching it. He joked: "I suspect she's looking for accelerator ~~~", "He's so cute", "Sand Road Monkey, failed", "Will she play?" I won't send her, I'll teach her."

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