
The Plea of Socrates. After the verdict #苏格拉底

author:The history of philosophy has gravity

The Apologetics of Socrates: Classics of Western Culture (Philosophical Volume).

4 After the verdict, you acquitted me, and I am not dismayed by the result. There are various reasons, one of which I have long anticipated. Surprisingly, the number of votes in favor of me was only a small margin. If Muletus were the only one to sue me, he would certainly not have received the few votes that would have saved him from fines.

The verdict turned out to be a death sentence, but I had to accept it. If this verdict is what I deserve, I will give up the pursuit of worldly success and ambition. In private, I advise everyone:

Focus first on yourself and how to become better and smarter.

The Plea of Socrates. After the verdict #苏格拉底

Second, focus on secular affairs, which benefits everyone. In the same way, I also suggest that the entire city-state, as a benefactor of the public, to be enshrined in the city's public hall is the best reward for me. You may think that this is just my arrogant and impudent words. But this is not so, I have not wronged anyone, I have no time to prove it.

I wouldn't say I should be sentenced to a fine to admit my crime. What am I afraid of? Regarding the death penalty, I don't know if it is good or bad, will I be afraid of the sentence of Moletus? Should I choose something worse to escape the death penalty? Incarceration meant that I would become a slave to the jailer, pay a fine and go to jail until I was paid off. The result is the same, because I don't have money to pay the fine, I will be exiled.

The Plea of Socrates. After the verdict #苏格拉底

If my fellow citizens cannot tolerate me, how can I count on the help of outsiders? Some people may ask me, why don't you be cautious and walk away? I would never do this because it goes against God's will. Life is meaningless. You may not believe what I say, but I only want to bear the fine of one wheat.

However, Plato, Crito, and Apollodlus urged me to set the fine at 30 wheat. They were willing to vouch for me and I made a proposal of 30 Mai. The people of Athens, you put Socrates the Wise to death, and your enemies will condemn you. I'm so old, you won't be waiting long for my death.

The Plea of Socrates. After the verdict #苏格拉底

I have something to say to those who convict me. I was convicted not because my plea was unconvincing, but because I did not argue with you in a sycophant manner, which is my character trait. But, my impartial judges, you voted that I am not guilty, while I can still speak. I would like to say a few words to you. I must tell you that when I was sentenced, my protector did not resist.

The reason? Obviously, because what I did was good, I was sheltered by God. Death is not scary because it is entering a dreamless sleep, free from all feelings. For a good person, nothing can hurt him, whether alive or dead.

The Plea of Socrates. After the verdict #苏格拉底

As for me, I firmly believe that death is better than living. Therefore, I do not resent you for those who caused my death. When the time came, we went our separate ways. I die, and you continue to live, who is happier, is God's decision.

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