
Autumn is cold and hurtful! Focus on preventing six major diseases, and keep in mind the six ones!

author:Medical Food Reference
As the saying goes, "one autumn rain is cold, ten autumn rains are good to wear cotton", late autumn, the weather is getting colder day by day.
Autumn is cold and hurtful! Focus on preventing six major diseases, and keep in mind the six ones!

After the autumnal equinox, the temperature difference between day and night widens.

The climate in late autumn mainly presents three characteristics:

1. The phenomenon of short days and long nights will become more and more obvious, the days will gradually become shorter, and the nights will become longer (until the winter solstice reaches the longest night and the shortest day);

2. The temperature difference between day and night will gradually increase, and the amplitude will be higher than 10 °C;

3. The temperature is dropping day by day, getting colder day by day, and gradually entering the late autumn and cold winter season.

In late autumn, focus on preventing six major diseases

1. Respiratory diseases

Dr. Zhao Fengru of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Chengdu Fifth People's Hospital said in an interview with a famous doctor in Sichuan in 2021 that the weather becomes cooler after the autumn equinox, and if it rains, the temperature drop is more obvious. Cold air will irritate the skin, the human body due to cold and immunity decline, unable to resist cold evil, prone to lung and respiratory diseases, such as cough, bronchitis, etc., severe cases may appear pneumonia and so on. On the other hand, autumn is dry, dry and hurtful, easy to consume people's fluid, dry mouth, dry lips, dry nose, dry throat and other symptoms.

2. Allergic rhinitis

As soon as the cold air comes, the most prominent feeling for many people is that the nose is uncomfortable. The sudden drop in temperature will not only increase the number of patients with acute rhinitis, but also aggravate the condition during this period if patients with allergic rhinitis and sinusitis do not take warm measures.

Jiang Zhihui, deputy chief physician of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, introduced in a Health Times article in 2016 that the nasal mucosa is full of blood vessels, which can make the nose play an important role in filtering, temperature regulation and moisture.

3. Gastroenteritis and other diseases

Dr. Zhao Fengru of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Chengdu Fifth People's Hospital reminded that the weather is gradually cooler, appetite will increase, and it is easy to overeat, resulting in increased gastrointestinal burden and dysfunction. In addition, the temperature difference between day and night is large, which is easy to cause abdominal cold, may induce gastroenteritis, etc., resulting in diarrhea.

At the same time, this season is also the second peak of the annual incidence of intestinal infectious diseases. Therefore, in autumn and winter, it is necessary to prevent the spleen and stomach from being cold, and not to be shirtless and greedy for cold.

4. Cardiovascular disease

Chen Weiqiang, deputy chief physician of the Department of Cardiology of Foshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Guangdong Province, said in an interview with Health Times in 2017 that the temperature difference between morning and evening in autumn is large. For acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events such as unstable angina and even myocardial infarction, too cold and too hot are predisposing factors.

Autumn is cold and hurtful! Focus on preventing six major diseases, and keep in mind the six ones!

When the seasons change, patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases may need to adjust their treatment plan, because the amount and efficacy of the medicine taken in summer and the medicine taken in autumn and winter are different. hot in summer, vasodilation, possibly in smaller doses; In autumn and winter, when the air turns cold and the blood vessels constrict, it is necessary to increase the dose or change the dressing according to the condition, and replace it under the guidance of a doctor, at the same time, pay attention to rest to avoid cold-induced acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

5. Dry and flaky skin

Autumn is coming, and the skin of the elderly is more likely to appear shriveled, dry and peeling, especially when undressing, it produces a feeling of "thousands of miles of snow".

Yang Guolin, a ward of the geriatrics department of Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said in a Health Times article in 2019 that dry skin and itching in the elderly often occur in autumn and winter when the weather is dry. After the human body ages, the metabolism of the body will be significantly weakened, and the skin of the elderly is weaker than that of the young, the collagen loss of the skin is serious, and the function of water retention and oil secretion is reduced. Skin dehydration can also cause local tightening, itching, followed by scratches.

6. Emotional disorders

Tuina Kema Yongli, the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Chinese Medicine, said in a 2018 article in the Health Times that people's emotions will also change due to the decrease in temperature and light, such as sad autumn and autumn sadness. Therefore, autumn health should pay attention to not be happy and sad, to conform to the convergence of the season, the best way is to climb the mountain, climb the height to look into the distance, adjust your mood.

Autumn is cold and hurtful! Focus on preventing six major diseases, and keep in mind the six ones!

Wellness Keeping in Mind the "Six Ones"

1. A bowl of yam lily fungus soup – strengthen the spleen and moisturize

Ma Yongli, a physician at the Tuina Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Chinese Medicine, said in a Health Times article in 2018 that everyone likes to drink snow pear goji berry soup in autumn, and the two soup, although the soup has achieved the role of moisturizing, but goji berries are greasy, snow pears are cold, the two are combined, both cold and greasy, affecting the function of the spleen and stomach, so it is not very suitable for drinking this season.

Yam lily fungus soup is a good choice. Yam is warm, has the effect of strengthening the spleen and nourishing yin, strengthening the spleen and stomach yang, strengthening the function of spleen mobilization, and moisturizing the lungs. Silver fungus cold, moisturizes the lungs and strengthens the spleen, has the effect of improving immunity and anti-fatigue. Lily, moisturizing the lungs can be called folk bird's nest. All three are medicinal and food products. Cold and warm drinking can not only strengthen the spleen but also moisturize the lungs, so that the lungs and yin can be truly moisturized.

Autumn is cold and hurtful! Focus on preventing six major diseases, and keep in mind the six ones!

Method: Put 50 grams of yam, 20 grams of silver fungus, 20 grams of lilies in hot water and boil for 30 minutes.

2. One cup of six juices - relieve dry cough

Shi Suofang, chief physician of the respiratory department of Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that after the autumn equinox, the air is dry, the autumn wind is cooler, and it is easy to have symptoms such as cough and dry itchy throat. If the skin is dry, yin and dry cough, you can squeeze some "six juice drink" to drink.

Method: Take 1 snow pear (pitted), 30 grams each of fresh lotus root, water chestnut, white radish, sugar cane and fresh lily, mix and eat after juice, drink 30ml each time, 2~3 times a day. However, if you are cold and cough, you should eat more yam, winter dates, lotus seeds and other foods.

3. A basin of foot water – to keep warm up from the cold

Cold air generally invades from the soles of the feet. Soaking feet in hot water can play a role in soothing muscles and blood and relieving fatigue. Generally, the water temperature is about 40 degrees Celsius.

In addition, you can also add some ingredients to the foot bath. Xie Henghui, deputy chief physician of the Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, introduced in a Health Times article in 2020:

Autumn is cold and hurtful! Focus on preventing six major diseases, and keep in mind the six ones!

Shiso feet soak to warm up the cold: In autumn and winter, you may wish to prepare a little perilla leaves at home (available in pharmacies), soak your feet, soak in water, and mix cold. Perilla leaf is also called Su leaf, the main role is to solve the table, disperse cold, rationalize qi, and camp. Generally, soak your feet in warm water for about 15 minutes, and the brain door can sweat slightly.

Mugwort leaf foot soaking to calm asthma expectorant: Some middle-aged and elderly people are prone to cough after suffering from wind and cold in autumn and winter, and at this time they can use mugwort leaf frying water to soak their feet. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that wind cold cough is wind chill to invade the lungs, mugwort leaf can warm and cold, and the volatile oil contained in it can also suppress cough, calm asthma and expectorant after being absorbed by the body. Put 50g of mugwort leaves (available in Chinese medicine stores) into 1500ml of boiling water, decoct for 15 minutes, let the water temperature be slightly lower, and soak your feet in the solution. 1 time each night before bedtime, about 15 minutes each time, discontinued after coughing.

4. A close-fitting vest – to warm your waist and tummy

For the elderly and children, or women with stomach problems and cold uterine cold, you may wish to wear a vest after the autumn equinox, and you can wear a shoulder or vest when you go out to protect your waist and abdomen. Every night before going to bed, you can also rub your hands hot, and rub your abdomen 36 times clockwise around the umbilicus, and rub the internal organs to move the qi and blood meridians, and the internal organs will eliminate all diseases.

5. One massage – health and disease prevention

Ma Yongli, a physician at the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Chinese Medicine, said in a Health Times article in 2018 that some self-massage can also be done in autumn to play a role in health preservation and disease prevention. Combined with the characteristics of the autumnal equinox, we select suitable acupuncture points, such as:

Taiyuan wrist: lateral edge of the striae, thumb finger gently rubbed, 2 minutes, replenish lung yin.

Shenque Point: The navel area, the palm of the hand is placed around the navel, and the arc is drawn. During the operation, the palm cannot leave the navel area, and there is a warm feeling in the abdomen, which can warm the spleen and yang.

Nose Building: In autumn, you can also practice Nose Strengthening Exercise, that is, massage the outside of the thumb along the bridge of the nose and the sides of the nose for about 30 times, which can strengthen the cold resistance of the nose.

6. A bowl of jujube porridge – adjust your sleep

As the autumn dryness becomes more obvious, coupled with the withering of all things, people are prone to insomnia or sleep quality decline, so the most important health lesson in the autumn equinox is to adjust sleep, recommend a good sleep and sleep method:

Autumn is cold and hurtful! Focus on preventing six major diseases, and keep in mind the six ones!

Method: Use mashed jujube kernels and millet to boil into porridge, or directly beat the sour jujube kernels into powder with a blender, and rinse with boiling water before going to bed. If you like sweets, you can also add a small amount of honey.

Sour jujube kernel is flat, sweet and sour, has the effect of calming the mind and nourishing the liver, specializing in the treatment of heart and spleen deficiency, liver fire, yin blood deficiency caused by fatigue, sleeplessness, palpitations and other diseases, known as "calming the mind and helping sleep fruit". Drinking a bowl before going to bed for a while can help you regain the good sleep you lost.

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