
A live broadcast vividly reflects Lou Yixiao's "unrecognizable face"

author:Sheep 151469

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A recent live broadcast of Lou Yixiao has once again sparked controversy, but the point of contention is not the products she promotes, but her appearance, which has completely changed. She wore delicate makeup, but she couldn't hide the artificial feeling on her face. Her image looks like an eighties market woman, with messy hair, short white sleeves, and a bag on her shoulder, with a shopping mall in the background. In the previous live broadcast, she looked like a silicone doll, and this change made people sigh "beyond recognition".

Lou Yixiao's fall is deeply regrettable, especially her potential and demeanor. Her Weibo profile once confidently declared herself "the best sportsman among singers who can host proms," but these talents failed to provide solid support for her career.

A live broadcast vividly reflects Lou Yixiao's "unrecognizable face"

Looking back on Lou Yixiao's past, she entered the entertainment industry in 2008, when she was a sophomore musical theater student. Chen He's recommendation led her to audition for "Love Apartment", she was only 20 years old at the time, deliberately made herself look more mature, and as a result, she won the favor of directors and producers, thus laying the foundation for her acting career. At that time, Lou Yixiao may not be a top beauty, but she has a unique recognition and aura.

Lou Yixiao's versatility is beyond doubt. She not only has advanced vocal and piano skills, but also has released records, acted in dramas, and has experience in dancing. However, these talents did not become stepping stones in her career. As she herself said: "I grew up learning everything, but I didn't learn anything."

A live broadcast vividly reflects Lou Yixiao's "unrecognizable face"

With the success of the "Love Apartment" series, Lou Yixiao entered the peak of her career and became a goddess in the hearts of many fans. She also starred in Jin Yong's drama "Luding Ji" and released her solo single "Wild Lover". At that time, she was full of brilliance and natural spirit.

An actor's core ability is to shape a character, and Lou Yixiao doesn't seem to focus on that. She has failed to create impressive work over the past decade, and her performances have failed to leave a lasting mark, with the exception of the Love Apartment series. At a critical turning point in her career, instead of devoting herself to improving her acting skills, she divided her time and energy between variety shows and music.

A live broadcast vividly reflects Lou Yixiao's "unrecognizable face"

However, after the release of the "Love Apartment" movie in 2018, she was caught in controversy, and accusations of plagiarism, hype and rough production overshadowed the IP, and her career began to decline. In 2020, she participated in "Actors Please Take Position", hoping to prove herself with her acting skills, but was disappointed by the audience and the director.

This decision eventually led her to miss the golden age of her career. Although actors with excellent acting skills can also play well in supporting roles, Lou Yixiao has moved away from his original intention of being an actor. She seems to be more focused on how to attract fans and sell products in a live stream than how to be a great actor.

A live broadcast vividly reflects Lou Yixiao's "unrecognizable face"

Deng Jiajia, an actor who started with Lou Yixiao, has said goodbye to "Love Apartment" and has become a powerful actor. Lou Yixiao, on the other hand, gradually became a dramatist because of plastic surgery controversy and acting problems, promoting goods in live broadcasts, but could no longer create classic roles. This is the greatest sadness of the actress.

In recent years, Lou Yixiao has been criticized by public opinion every time she appears, and her acting skills and appearance problems have been criticized. Her talent undoubtedly exists, but she does not seem to focus on the improvement of her acting skills, but spends her time and energy on variety shows and records. This choice caused her to miss the golden age of her career.

Lou Yixiao's story is a warning in the entertainment industry, and her fall reflects the importance of an actor who should focus on acting skills, rather than relying only on appearance and popularity. I hope she can re-examine her career and find opportunities to show her true acting talent and regain the respect and recognition of the audience.

A live broadcast vividly reflects Lou Yixiao's "unrecognizable face"

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