
"Looking" is scarier than getting older! Look at Yang Zi and Lou Yixiao to know that it affects their appearance

author:Jiang Pengcheng loves life

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Title: Stay elegant and say goodbye to looks


Every woman desires beauty, and for this, they are willing to do whatever it takes. Some female celebrities opt for minimally invasive surgery in order to maintain their youthful appearance, however, sometimes these choices can lead to embarrassing consequences and make their appearance unnatural. Lou Yixiao and Yang Zi have become the most typical "rollover" cases. This kind of "steamed food" not only makes them old, but also a terrible beauty hidden danger.

"Looking" is scarier than getting older! Look at Yang Zi and Lou Yixiao to know that it affects their appearance

So, how to avoid looking rich and make your face shine all the time? This article will explore this issue and provide effective anti-aging methods to make you age gracefully.

First, why does there be a situation of appearance steaming

1. Explanation of looks

"Look-along" is a technical term in the aesthetic industry, which describes the phenomenon of the face looking inflated and bloated due to excessive facial filling. Many people choose face fillers to improve their flat or sunken face, but improper placement of fillings can lead to stiffness and swelling of the face. In addition, as they age, middle-aged people face the problem of facial fat, and even if there is no weight gain, the sagging face will make people look chubby.

"Looking" is scarier than getting older! Look at Yang Zi and Lou Yixiao to know that it affects their appearance

2. The difference between "steamed bunning" and becoming fat and edema

The effect of "looking" is different from that of normal facial obesity or edema. Normal facial obesity is caused by increased fat, while edema is a feeling of swelling caused by too much water in the body. Both conditions are caused by physiological factors and can be improved by natural methods. The "appearance steaming" is caused by improper filling, and it is necessary to choose aesthetic surgery carefully.

3. How to improve the problem that may worsen the aesthetic medicine

- Fill in small amounts many times: Do not blindly follow the trend, should be targeted supplements according to personal needs, a small number of times is a safer way.

"Looking" is scarier than getting older! Look at Yang Zi and Lou Yixiao to know that it affects their appearance

- Choose an aesthetic, technical doctor: The success or failure of aesthetic surgery depends on the doctor's technique and aesthetics, and it is important to choose an experienced doctor and a regular hospital.

- Topical filling according to facial depressions: Select the appropriate type of filler to ensure a natural filling effect according to the needs of the treatment area.

Second, looking is more terrible than aging! A practical way to age gracefully

1. Good sun protection, skin tender and watery

The first factor in aging is ultraviolet rays, which reduce skin elasticity and exacerbate the formation of wrinkles and spots, causing the skin to lose moisture.

"Looking" is scarier than getting older! Look at Yang Zi and Lou Yixiao to know that it affects their appearance

Therefore, sun protection is the most important anti-aging step.

- Choose sunscreen that is suitable for your skin, especially when exercising.

- Use sunscreen clothing and umbrellas, which can block direct contact with UV rays and protect the skin in a stylish and effective way.

2. It can also effectively delay aging with skin care products

Different skin types require different skin care products, and eye creams are also the key to anti-aging.

- 18-25 years old: Refreshing texture eye cream that provides hydration, hydration and dark circle-improving benefits.

"Looking" is scarier than getting older! Look at Yang Zi and Lou Yixiao to know that it affects their appearance

- 25-35 years old: moisturizing eye cream with moisturizing, firming, darkening and antioxidant anti-aging benefits.

- 35-49 years old: Highly concentrated, highly moisturizing regenerative product that focuses on wrinkles and firm and sagging skin.

- 50 years and older: Eye cream with eye serum for daily care.

Although aesthetic treatments can improve your appearance, aging naturally and gracefully is the safest way. With the right sun protection and skincare, you can delay aging, maintain a youthful appearance, and stay away from the nightmare of looking.

"Looking" is scarier than getting older! Look at Yang Zi and Lou Yixiao to know that it affects their appearance

Opinion-based analysis:

In modern society, the pursuit of beauty has become a common phenomenon, especially for women. Female stars in the entertainment industry are often under the pressure of appearance, so they are willing to try various methods to maintain youth and beauty. However, the problem of "looks" mentioned in the article is thought-provoking. While aesthetic technology can improve appearance to some extent, it comes with risks, especially when chosen incorrectly. The article emphasizes the preciousness of aging naturally and gracefully, through sun protection, skin care and

With the right maintenance, people can slow down the aging process and maintain healthy, youthful skin.

"Looking" is scarier than getting older! Look at Yang Zi and Lou Yixiao to know that it affects their appearance

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