
Lou Yixiao's face, how did it collapse like this?

author:Know the world T

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Not long ago, I happened to see Lou Yixiao while surfing the Internet, and her appearance has changed dramatically recently.

Once, many people praised her water spirit appearance, and her role as Concubine Zhen in "The Firmament" also surprised many people. However, she later admitted plastic surgery and expressed great regret. The excessive use of her face led to a sharp decline in her acting career and the loss of a large number of job opportunities.

In the comment area, many netizens are advising her: stop plastic surgery, because there are too many examples of failed female celebrities undergoing plastic surgery, such as Zhang Meng. And when she recently participated in the event, many people could not recognize her, the nose prosthesis was very obvious, the filling of the face seemed excessive, and the whole face looked inflatable.

Lou Yixiao's face, how did it collapse like this?

Similar examples of plastic surgery failures include Sun Feifei. She also took the approach of adjusting her nose and filling, but looking at how she has appeared in the TV series recently, it is very different from the previous image. Her previous appearance was exquisite and pure, and she could be called the heroine of the "little white flower" in the novel.

She herself admitted that the main reason for her plastic surgery was that: first, because she was criticized by netizens for being too ugly when she played Wang Yuyan at that time, and second, because her boyfriend said she was ugly. This makes people reflect that perhaps plastic surgery is not worth doing for the sake of other people's aesthetics or love.

Also losing recognition was Li Duohai. Her recent appearance in the TV series is also very different from the image in her masterpiece "My Girl". Not only did she fill it, but she also made a noticeable adjustment to her nose so that it looked taller and her nostrils were exposed, giving her a feeling of facing the sky. Nowadays, she is more like an Internet celebrity and rarely sees her shadow anymore.

Lou Yixiao's face, how did it collapse like this?

Liu Ha Na, the former heroine of "Sheep Herding Stars", is also a beautiful and flexible representative. However, after getting married, her face slowly became different from before, the double eyelids on her cheeks became European-style large pairs, and her nose also changed significantly. This is a bit of a shame because she has lost her unique charm.

Not only female stars, but also some male artists have undergone plastic surgery, such as Lee Jong-suk. His most obvious change was the nose, the early bridge of the nose collapsed, the nose head was fleshy, and later after the height of the mountain roots and the bridge of the nose, the nose wing also narrowed. It feels a little weird, and viewers have been speculating about whether he will be able to pick his nose.

However, there are far more cases of cosmetic failure than that. For example, "1818 GoldenEye", a Zhejiang Satellite TV news program, has many cases of plastic surgery failure. For example, a small couch underwent nasal comprehensive surgery, but the bulking body was ejected twice in a row, resulting in a very unnatural one.

Lou Yixiao's face, how did it collapse like this?

There is also a Ms. Zhu who spent a lot of money on full face plastic surgery, and as a result, there was serious hyperplasia after the large comprehensive surgery of the eye, resulting in her frequent eye problems, and the problem of her nose even affected her normal life.

Although Lou Yixiao's plastic surgery has caused widespread discussion, the failure of plastic surgery is not limited to her alone. A facelift may be a tempting option, but it's also a decision that needs to be carefully considered. It is crucial to choose specialized hospitals and doctors to avoid Putian hospitals. Ultimately, plastic surgery is for your beauty and health, and you must be responsible for it.

Lou Yixiao's face, how did it collapse like this?

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