
Incredibly, the Chinese men's basketball team lost to the Philippine substitute team, it is really time to wake up

author:Global high-energy sports said

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Incredibly, the Chinese men's basketball team lost to the Philippine substitute team, it is really time to wake up

In sports, winning or losing is a common thing. However, in the semifinals of the Asian Games, the Chinese men's basketball team encountered a counterattack by the Philippine second team. This unexpected event has aroused widespread attention and discussion. In this game, the Chinese team led by 20 points at one point, but was counterattacked by the opponent in the final moment, losing 77:76. This loss is not only a defeat of a game, but also a question of the overall strength and psychological quality of the Chinese men's basketball team. In this article, we will take a closer look at the incident and explore the reasons behind it.

Incredibly, the Chinese men's basketball team lost to the Philippine substitute team, it is really time to wake up

Background analysis: from leading to collapsing

Incredibly, the Chinese men's basketball team lost to the Philippine substitute team, it is really time to wake up

In this game, the Chinese men's basketball team held the lead in the first three quarters, but in the final quarter, they actually collapsed. The reason can be found in the team's self-confidence, shooting percentage, free throws and other aspects. The Chinese players were a bit impetuous during the game, shooting haphazardly, losing many shots that should have been scored, and failing to grab rebounds. In key moments, players lose the courage to shoot and pass, and this lack of self-confidence directly affects the direction of the game.

Zhao Jiwei's mistakes and the team's dilemma

In this competition, Zhao Jiwei became the main person responsible for the failure. His penalty mistakes led directly to the game's lore. This is rare in CBA leagues, but it happens frequently on the international stage. This exposes the fragility of the psychological quality of Chinese men's basketball players. Zhao Jiwei's mistake is not only a technical failure, but also a question of the psychological quality of the entire team. In key moments, the players should be more calm and decisive rather than panic.

The dilemma and reflection of the Chinese men's basketball team

The defeat also triggered a reflection on the overall strength of the Chinese men's basketball team. The former Asian hegemon now frequently hits a wall in the arena and is no longer an invincible existence. This is a wake-up call, reminding us that the Chinese men's basketball team still has huge challenges in terms of technology and psychological quality. This loss should be seen as an opportunity to prompt the Chinese men's basketball team to carry out deeper reflection and improvement.

Views and opinions

This loss is not only a defeat of a game, but also a question of the overall strength and psychological quality of the Chinese men's basketball team. On the international stage, teams need not only strong technical strength, but also stable psychological quality, especially to be able to remain calm at key moments. This defeat taught the Chinese men's basketball team a valuable lesson and reminded us that in the global world, the competition in basketball competition is very fierce, we must not be complacent, we must work harder to improve our own strength, enhance the cohesion and confidence of the overall team.


The loss of the Chinese men's basketball team at the Asian Games was a painful experience, but also a valuable lesson. This failure should be seen as an opportunity to push the Chinese men's basketball team to work harder to improve its strength, constantly improve its technology, enhance its psychological quality, and create another brilliant career in the future. In this process, we must maintain confidence that the Chinese men's basketball team will achieve better results in future games.

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