
Pregnant women deceive tens of millions of people to leave their children after being imprisoned, and kind victims pay to fund "children are innocent"

Pregnant women deceive tens of millions of people to leave their children after being imprisoned, and kind victims pay to fund "children are innocent"

Editor's note: This article is from a reader. The author suffers from a first-degree severe disability and is also a volunteer in prison. With her passion and concern for others, she helps both women in prison and their children. Her story allows us to see a group that is often not seen: children who are struggling to grow up because their mothers are in prison.


Shen Tong, 17, is reluctant to go to a women's prison and face his mother in prison.

In 2007, his mother was arrested for a job-related crime, and on the day she was caught, she was holding Shen Tong at home and breastfeeding him. When the staff entered the house, Shen Tong cried. As a result of the "two pregnant women" policy, his mother was not readmitted to prison until the remaining four months of breastfeeding ended.

Shen Tong, who was breastfeeding, had a vague impression of his mother, and he had just turned one year old and began to toddler, and he did not know that he was going to be separated from his mother. Only her mother, who was supposed to wean him at the time, felt that the time of separation with her son was getting closer and closer, and it was a good time to feed him an extra bite.

After the end of the breastfeeding period, his mother entered the provincial women's prison to serve a prison sentence.

Pregnant women deceive tens of millions of people to leave their children after being imprisoned, and kind victims pay to fund "children are innocent"

© Visual China

Before he was taken into prison, his mother once said to me, "Shen Tong is still so young, when he still needs his mother, if I disconnect from him, will he cry and pull me?" ”

After his mother was imprisoned, his father, who was an executive, entrusted Shen Tong to a nanny and devoted himself to work. Shen Tong's familiarity with his father only knew that he was his own father, and sometimes he did not see his father for several months. In the absence of both parents, babbling children sometimes call babysitter dad and sometimes "mommy".

Shen Tong, who grew up with a nanny, has almost no concept of parental existence in his own consciousness. The fact that his mother was serving time in prison seemed to have nothing to do with him, until his mother asked to see her son because she was doing well in rehabilitation, and was agreed.

In the women's prison interview room, his mother ran over from a distance and picked up Shen Tong, who tore and tore in his mother's arms, and scratched his mother's face with his nails.

Everyone forced the child to call his mother, and he responded with yelling and crying, and his mother was very disappointed. Without looking back, she went back to the cell with the detained policewoman. Looking at his mother's distant back, Shen Tong instantly quieted down. During this trip to see her mother, I can't ask what Shen Tong's impression of her mother and her impression of the prison is.


We are a disabled help and education team - Qingdao Disabled Hands Help Team. I am severely disabled in the first degree, unable to stand and walk, and completely dependent on a wheelchair for transportation. The justice system advocates "bringing in social forces to help and educate," giving me and other volunteers the opportunity to go to the prison and learn about the stories of women and their children.

"Two pregnant women" is a preferential treatment policy for female criminal suspects in the community corrections system: female criminal suspects are released on bail pending execution outside prison during their detention, and receive community corrections. After the end of the breastfeeding period, he will not be reincarcerated.

The connection between the children of the "two pregnant women" and their mothers is useless, the children cannot even remember what their mother looks like, and after the mother is thrown into prison, the children begin a long, motherless childhood and adolescence.

As the children grew up, they finally learned that they had a female prisoner mother who was in prison. The influence of female prisoner mothers on their children is also increasing little by little, day by day. Gu Xiaoyu is a sensitive and fragile girl, who grew up with her aunt, and she is very unwilling to face the reality that her mother is in prison. If someone mentioned the topic of her mother to her, Gu Xiaoyu's eyes would be confused and she would look into the distance, "My mother, she is a dancer, with long hair and figure, she is particularly charming." Mom went abroad to perform, and there is a beautiful dance hall. ”

Gu Xiaoyu often describes the "mother" in her heart in her words: my mother's long hair gently wraps around me, in her arms, and I fall asleep with beautiful dreams; My hands gripped my mother's long hair, afraid that if I was not careful, my mother would leave me; I'm also going to have beautiful long hair, which is braided with my mother's long hair.

When I first took Gu Xiaoyu to see my mother in the women's prison, the first time I saw my mother in prison uniform, she exclaimed in surprise, "How could it be you?" You're not my mom, my mom has long, beautiful black hair, not like you. It was a spring in 2015, and Gu Xiaoyu was just six years old, thin and smart.

Xiaoyu's mother was reported and arrested by an informant for participating in the crime of her boyfriend's family gang, and she was detained in the detention center and was found to be pregnant positive. According to the relevant regulations of "two pregnant women", she was transferred to community correction, Xiaoyu's mother and her boyfriend were not married, and now they have been arrested again, and her boyfriend's mother is very rejected. Xiaoyu's mother, who was caught again and again out of wedlock, hopes that her boyfriend can come to see her, and she wants to tell him about the child. The fetus is two months old, stay or not, wait for him to make a decision.

Pregnant women deceive tens of millions of people to leave their children after being imprisoned, and kind victims pay to fund "children are innocent"

© Visual China

The first time I met Xiaoyu's mother at the street justice office, she was not showing her arms in a single dress, and she looked very handsome.

Gu Xiaoyu was born in February 2009, and her father first obtained a marriage license without the family and her mother, and then divorced Xiaoyu under pressure when she was six months old. At that time, Xiaoyu's mother was blocked for a while to return to milk. Xiaoyu was crying with hunger, and I brought the goat's milk from home to calm the child.

Later, Xiaoyu's mother exposed Xiaoyu's father's main identity in the family drug gang, as well as a series of illegal acts he had done. In front of human and material evidence, Xiaoyu's father was sentenced to justice and sentenced to prison. The hatred between the grandparents' family and Xiaoyu's mother and daughter has since ended, and Xiaoyu's mother tried to entrust Xiaoyu to them before sentencing. They stretched out their hands to push the child out, constantly repelling and rejecting, and almost dropped Xiaoyu...

Xiaoyu lived in a children's welfare home for a while, and was later adopted by her mother's aunt, an old aunt, and Xiaoyu and her old aunt depended on each other.

Later, the old aunt who raised Gu Xiaoyu fell ill, and the old aunt's meager pension was not enough to support living and medical expenses. I wrote the application for the dibao for my old aunt, and the director of the judicial institute coordinated the office and the community, which was ridiculed and ridiculed by the people around me. "What qualifies a family of offenders to enjoy the welfare benefits of the state?" "When your mother did bad things, did she care whether others lived or died?" After that, I learned that the old aunt was a second-degree disabled person with vision and had a disability certificate, so I finally got the dibao in the name of the old aunt.

Xiaoyu's parents were in prison, and when she grew up, we both thought she would visit her mother more, but she was more willing to go to her father's prison. There will be one or two visits to her father once or twice a year, basically during her winter and summer vacations, and the relationship between father and daughter is relatively close. For the visit of her mother, unless Xiaoyu's mother wrote a letter begging her, even if her mother begged, she had to think twice. She told my mother that if she begged five times, she only promised to go twice. Xiaoyu is very worried about her mother reporting her father, and her mother committed a crime by herself and let her father go to jail.

Although I explained to Gu Xiaoyu that my mother reported my father's way of doing the right thing, she would cover her ears impatiently, "The last thing I want to hear is these bombasticism, which of you understands me?" My mother's crime made me lose my mother's love, she put my father in jail, called me an orphan..." She cried hysterically, "I am an orphan, I am an orphan, who cares about me as an orphan..." I know a teenage girl, her plight cannot be touched.


Cheng Shangshang's mother was arrested for illegal fundraising, a month before she was about to give birth.

In Shang Shang's mother's illegal fundraising, a total of nearly 10 million yuan was illegally obtained, and dozens of people were deceived. One of the victims was our Aunt Gao of the Association for the Physically Handicapped, an elderly disabled woman. Through the introduction of others, I learned that Aunt Gao had opened a massage parlor, had a little savings on hand, and set her sights on her. Seeing that Aunt Gao was disabled and had mobility difficulties, she tried to please Aunt Gao. She said that she would be a goddaughter for Aunt Gao, honor and take care of Aunt Gao all her life, coax Aunt Gao around, dizzy, and relax her guard.

Aunt Gao and her relatives and friends were deceived into millions of dollars, and during the two pregnancies of Shang Shang's mother, Aunt Gao was angry. Aunt Gao complained: A heinous female liar has miserably harmed us victims, most of us have the elderly, the disabled, and many sick patients, she has defrauded us of the money for the old-age, the money for medical treatment and life-saving, etc., so that we are better off living than dead. Why is she still enjoying the treatment of "two pregnant women" here? In Aunt Gao's repeated complaints, Shang Shang's mother had to end her two pregnancies early and was sentenced to prison.

Pregnant women deceive tens of millions of people to leave their children after being imprisoned, and kind victims pay to fund "children are innocent"

© Visual China

Aunt Gao's complaint helped, but she told me that the child was innocent, and Aunt Gao wanted me to give her the opportunity to meet this child named Cheng Shangshang, and she wanted to sponsor Shangshang. With the approval of the judicial institute, on Children's Day 2021, six-year-old Cheng Shangshang and grandma Gao met at my house. Aunt Gao decided to sponsor the child 1,000 yuan a month from her pension, and she hoped that I would transfer it to Aunt Shang Shang until she was still able to work. Aunt Gao said that she would never mention Shang Shang's mother's crime in the future, let alone let Shang Shang know that Grandma Gao was the victim.

During an outing organized by our Disabled Persons' Federation, I took Shang Shang to participate, and he and Shen Tong became little brothers at first sight. The common fate and encounter made Shen Tong particularly like this little brother, and he didn't panic for a while. Shen Tong begged me to let them meet at my house often to ease each other's longing. So, when I made dumplings at home, or made any good dishes, I asked my daughter to drive the little brothers over to get together.

Until Cheng Shangshang disappeared. After his mother was imprisoned, he was passed on to his aunt, and the aunt who was eager for his son was also a boy's dream. The two sisters of my aunt's family are still good to Shang, he follows his sisters like a little tail, and he likes to hang out. One day in April 2022, he went out with his two sisters and was coaxed by a man. The aunt immediately called the police. From the analysis of many aspects of information, the man is likely to be Shang Shang's biological father, and in the monitoring view, this man took Shang Shang to a taxi and disappeared.


The children of "two pregnant women" are registered in the judicial office, which pays some attention when their mother serves her sentence.

When they have problems, they are also included in community corrections and receive correctional education. When Shen Tong was in junior high school, he often skipped school, fought with people, and even had group beatings, and was injured, and his grandmother reported the situation to the judicial office as soon as possible.

Shen Tong was dragged into the correctional education class with his injuries and asked to explain the problem and write an examination, and I happened to meet him in the judicial office. We hadn't seen each other for three or four years, and he saw me impulsively stand up, holding my wheelchair for me to judge, "I didn't break the law, why correct me, is it because I have a label?" It is not fair that the sins committed by adults should no longer be carried over to me. He said and cried.

Pregnant women deceive tens of millions of people to leave their children after being imprisoned, and kind victims pay to fund "children are innocent"

© Visual China

I didn't expect that Shen Tong, who was only in junior high school, had his own ideas, and the child's words still made some sense. And I can only do it in my heart, on the surface I say positively, "In any case, you should not hit people with your hands, stupidity and impulsivity can't solve anything, don't you worry enough?" Shen Tong lowered his head and didn't say anything, speaking to this kind of child, I am also entangled, it's not good to say that it's light or heavy.

Shen Tong was always puzzled, "I don't have anything wrong at all, I just met a criminal mother, and her fault was not caused by me." Why don't you understand me? Don't accept me? Is it so that I can atone for my mother's sins? "I didn't know how to reply to him, it was very uncomfortable, and after much deliberation, I decided to recruit him as a volunteer for the teaching team.

I first told Shen Tong this idea by phone, and he on the other end of the microphone asked with a slight hesitation, "Teacher Xingxia, are you ready to accept me?" Will your organization agree? I raised my voice and told him, "Shen Tong, my organization and I recognize you and accept you, and hope that you will become a volunteer of the help team, are you willing?" Before I could finish, he shouted in a series of ways, "Yes, willing..."

In December 2018, at the celebration ceremony of the 16th anniversary of the establishment of our teaching team, we recruited Shen Tong as a volunteer. Since then, Shen Tong began to follow us into the prison help and education, during which we also specially applied for the help of the women's prison and took him to see his mother. While serving his sentence, his mother knitted sweaters and sweaters for him, and Shen Tong tried them on one by one in front of her. There was not much dialogue between the mother and son, but in the trial of one by one, Shen Tong very obediently put it on, gestured, and kept repeating the two words, "Suitable, suitable." ”

Shen Tong's mother has been in prison for more than ten years, and has been doing well, and has received a commutation. In the past three years, because of the epidemic, he could not walk in, so Shen Tong contacted his mother by writing a letter. In the past, he was reluctant to watch his mother for remote videos sent from prison. Now, Shen Tong is especially looking forward to the video, he is in front of the computer, meeting and talking to his mother in a serious way...

◦ The images in this article are uniformly provided by Visual China.

Author | Xingxia Edit | Produced by Zhang Rui | Tencent News Gu Yu Studio

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