
Let's talk about artificial intelligence: why can AI destroy Go, but not Chinese chess?

author:Cool play

Yesterday, I talked to you about "Why do some people say that AI ruins Go, but no one talks about AI ruining Chinese chess?" This topic has been hotly discussed by everyone. I saw someone in the comment section say: "In terms of the essence and result of the competition, the fun ultimately belongs to the winner!" Don't you hear it: the winner is proud, the loser is downcast! (See red circle statement in Figure 1 below) However, I dare not agree with this statement.

Let's talk about artificial intelligence: why can AI destroy Go, but not Chinese chess?

Interested friends can go to the original article I posted in the early morning, "Why do some people say that AI ruins Go, but no one talks about AI ruining Chinese chess?" The screenshot is as follows -

Let's talk about artificial intelligence: why can AI destroy Go, but not Chinese chess?

Let's talk about my opinion on that comment, I hope that all netizens pat it.

I think there is some truth in "fun belongs to the winner", but there is a prerequisite for this conclusion, that is, "the participants are willing to participate".

If it is a human-to-human battle, the winner will gain a great sense of pride, which is the main reason why the participants are happy to compete and the audience is happy to watch.

But if it is replaced by AI with disparity in strength and human "computing power confrontation", the human brain is obviously not as good as the machine, whether it is a chess player or a chess player, the feeling will be completely different. Once the highest chess power of mankind continues to lose, ordinary competitors will definitely no longer have pure "fun to participate", and the doomed failure result will also make the once "winner always happy" meaningless.

Let's talk about artificial intelligence: why can AI destroy Go, but not Chinese chess?

Go and Xiangqi are both chess games that require counting moves and take a long time to match. It is precisely because the human brain has limited computing power, thinking ability also has a ceiling, long-term thinking battle is prone to mistakes, will distinguish three, six and nine, the competition is not only computing power, but also endurance, mood, all kinds of people's literacy, mentality will affect the on-site play. And replaced by a machine, it has no perception, just simple calculation, the interference term is extremely low, so AI and people against each other, seemingly set fair, in fact, from the beginning is an unequal game environment.

Even if we take 10,000 steps back and talk about the "joy of winning chess", we will find that only human victory has happiness, and AI has no natural attribute of feeling happy at all. And even if you artificially design an AI-style happiness for him, does its happiness really mean anything to humans? If AI continues to develop, leaving humans far behind in the "ancient era" in terms of computing power, and it is impossible to defeat AI with all its brain power, then the fun of this game, in addition to some commotion caused by hot news, is there any other "fun"?

Let's talk about artificial intelligence: why can AI destroy Go, but not Chinese chess?

Having said that, gaming is a spiritual entertainment alternative that exists for human beings to eliminate and dilute temper, strife and even war. You use AI to completely destroy the fun of a certain competition, so that people have no chess to play, this kind of AI is better to put in the laboratory and not contact ordinary people. Note that I don't mean to abandon AI, but to limit the impact of AI on normal human life - everything that affects the natural happiness and happiness of human beings needs to be isolated.

Let's talk about artificial intelligence: why can AI destroy Go, but not Chinese chess?

As I said in my previous article, the main reason why Chinese chess is not so greatly affected by AI is not that our chess moves are easy to calculate and crack, but that we have a broad mass base for street games, and everyone is happy to fight with each other. Everyone does have the desire to win when playing chess, but this mode of human social activities, this scene and atmosphere, is an irreplaceable thing by AI, as long as there are chess players on the street, AI will at most affect the chess playing state of top chess players, and it is impossible to destroy the fun of playing chess for ordinary people. The "street influence" of Go is obviously not as good as that of Chinese chess, and the international influence is greater than that of Chinese chess, and it is reasonable that after being targeted and beaten by AI, it is much worse to be "destroyed".

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