
Cho Hoon-hyun sighed, South Korean Go is facing a huge crisis! Where are China's genius teenagers?


Cho Hoon-hyun's last sigh may have been even deeper than the last time he played chess. This Korean chess champion is really a little unable to see his own chessboard at the moment. He is worried about the future of Korean Go, as if he has seen the situation of being eaten in a row. So, who else will save the Korean Go in the challenge?

Cho Hoon-hyun sighed, South Korean Go is facing a huge crisis! Where are China's genius teenagers?

From Master Cao's long sigh, we can hear that Korean Go is facing an unprecedented crisis. The fault line of talent is no joke, it is like a big game of chess and suddenly discovering that your general is gone. Master Cao pointed out that the new star of Korean Go is no longer blooming, which is tantamount to a hammer for South Korea, which has always regarded Go as its national glory.

Cho Hoon-hyun sighed, South Korean Go is facing a huge crisis! Where are China's genius teenagers?

And in China, not far to the east of South Korea, the situation does not seem to be rosy. The once glorious Chinese game of Go is now facing a scarcity of a new generation of geniuses. Although in the past arena, Li Xuanhao and Ke Jie were in full swing, there didn't seem to be many new fires. We can't help but ask, where are the successors of these former young geniuses?

Cho Hoon-hyun sighed, South Korean Go is facing a huge crisis! Where are China's genius teenagers?

The Go duel between the three countries has always been fierce, and the triumph between China, Japan and South Korea has always been the highlight of the Go world. However, now it seems that the protagonists of this scene are a little overwhelmed. Japan's Go population has dropped from 12 million to 1.5 million, a number that is enough to make the heart ache for any Go enthusiast. Although the situation in China and South Korea is relatively good, the floating clouds for the future are also difficult to be optimistic.

Cho Hoon-hyun sighed, South Korean Go is facing a huge crisis! Where are China's genius teenagers?

Let's take a look at South Korea's Shin Jinjin Kudan, who has won an impressive six consecutive games in the 25th Nongshim Shin Ramen Cup World Go Team Championship, which is indeed a silver lining. However, can a Shin Zhenzhen turn the tide? This is not only his fight, but also the battle of the entire Korean Go community.

Cho Hoon-hyun sighed, South Korean Go is facing a huge crisis! Where are China's genius teenagers?

Although Go may seem quiet, every move involves foresight, like a battlefield. The challenge for modern Go is not only the competition between players, but also the intervention of artificial intelligence and the shifting interest of the younger generation. Veterans of the Go world, such as Cho Hoon-hyun Kudan, have to not only deal with young challengers on the board, but also think about how to keep this ancient art alive in modern society.

Cho Hoon-hyun sighed, South Korean Go is facing a huge crisis! Where are China's genius teenagers?

In this battle without gunpowder, the landing point of each chess piece is related to the future. The Go world needs new vitality and innovation, and a new generation of players needs to step up and continue to write their own legends. At the same time, we also need the attention and support of every Go enthusiast, because a game without an audience will be a little less warm after all.

Cho Hoon-hyun sighed, South Korean Go is facing a huge crisis! Where are China's genius teenagers?

When Cho Hoon-hyun sighed again, he was worried not only about the current situation of Korean Go, but also about the future of the entire Go world. But there is always hope, just as every game of Go has the potential to turn the tables. We hope that the new geniuses will be able to fly high from the predicament like the phoenix nirvana.

In view of the current predicament, the Go community may need to think about more training strategies and popularization methods. Go education programs in schools and communities should be strengthened, and media and Internet popularization should keep pace. At the same time, it is also necessary to broaden the international vision, strengthen exchanges and cooperation with Go forces around the world, and jointly promote the modernization process of this ancient sport.

In the end, Go is not just a game, it is a culture, a kind of wisdom. Each small chess piece carries profound historical and cultural values. This is the common responsibility of every Go enthusiast to support, to pass on, and to let this art continue to shine in the years to come.

Cho Hoon-hyun's long sigh is not the end, but a new beginning. In the face of the crisis, what the Go community needs is unity and innovation, and more importantly, the courage and determination of the new generation. Let's wait and see what will be a more exciting tomorrow for Go.

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