
Jin Xiangong's Biography Introduction How did he finally die?

author:Interesting history

Duke Xian of Jin, surnamed Ji, of the Jin clan, was given the name of The Duke of Jin. In the Spring and Autumn Period of Our country, there was a princely state called the Jin State, and one of the monarchs was the Jin Dynasty.

Jin Xiangong's Biography Introduction How did he finally die?

In 677 BC, Duke Xian of Jin's father, Duke Qu Wowu, died, so as the crown prince, Hezhuo succeeded to the throne of the State of Jin and became the Prince of Jin. After succeeding to the throne, the Jin Dynasty appointed meritocracy, and many talents were highly valued by the Jin Dynasty because of their outstanding talents, such as Shi Bao, Xun Xi, Li Ke, Hao Rui, Guo Yan and others who were highly valued during the Jin Dynasty, and the Jin Xiangong even named this group of people with different surnames as the Secretary of State of Jin, so that they could fully participate in national politics. With the addition of talents, the politics of the Jin dynasty was clear, and the monarchs and subjects were working hard for how to develop the Jin state and how to consolidate the monarchy.

Duke Xian of Jin was a majestic monarch who inherited the great cause of his father, Duke Wu, and took over a unified Jin state. It should be known that in the era of Wu Gong, the Jin state truly realized the reunification, the Jin state urgently needed to stabilize the domestic situation, and it was not a simple thing to merge the previously divided countries into one. However, Jin Xian used tough tactics to suppress opposition and maintain his rule. In 672 BC, Duke Xian of Jin led the Jin army to attack the Li Rong clan of the Gu Rong clan, and achieved a huge victory, Li Rong was destroyed, and the two beautiful daughters of the li Rong leader were also dedicated to the Jin Xiangong. The Duke of Jin, who returned triumphantly with two beauties, was unanimously welcomed by the subjects of the Jin dynasty.

Jin Xiangong's Biography Introduction How did he finally die?

The two beauties of Li Rong are Li Ji and Shao Ji, they are a pair of sisters, they are particularly feminine and beautiful, and Jin Xiangong fell in love with them as soon as he saw them. After returning to China, Duke Xian of Jin also disregarded the objections of his ministers and made Li Ji the mother of the country, that is, his own wife, and made Shao Ji a second concubine, second only to Li Ji. It may be that Jin Xiangong especially loves this kind of exotic beauty, and he can't do without them all day. However, even with his incomparably favored concubines, Duke Xian of Jin did not waste state affairs, but only made many mistakes in choosing an heir.

In 669 BC, Duke Xian of Jin was greatly disgusted with the former Jin princes in the country, because they always pestered their courtiers to disrupt the politics of the Jin Dynasty, making the whole Jin state uneasy. The Grand Master of the Jin Dynasty, Shi Huan, offered advice to the Duke of Jin: "Junshang, the former Jin Dynasty has many princes, and most of them have their own forces, if they are not eliminated, then the Jin Kingdom will never be at peace." According to Shi Huan's suggestion, the Duke of Jin sent people to kill all the former Jin princes, and also established a capital city and named it "绛". In order to stabilize the domestic situation and consolidate the monarchy, He killed all the "Hengzhuang clans", completely eliminated the problem of "prince rebellion" in the Jin state, and abolished the Jin state clan doctor system. It was an enlightened policy, but it also laid the foundation for the rise of the Qing clan in the Later Jin Dynasty.

Jin Xiangong's Biography Introduction How did he finally die?

The next year, because when the Jin Dynasty killed the former Jin Princes, many of the former Jin Princes fled to the State of Jin, and at this time, they gathered together and united with the State of Jin to attack the State of Jin. However, the original Jin princes did not attack the Jin state. In the third year, Duke Xiangong of Jin wanted to teach the State of Jin a lesson, because the State of Jin always opposed the State of Jin, and had always harassed the borders of the State of Jin in the past, and now he dared to take in the former Prince of Jin, with the intention of disturbing the internal affairs of the State of Jin, which was really looking for death. Grand Master Shi Huan persuaded The Duke of Jin to wait until civil unrest broke out in the kingdom of Yu before attacking it.

Jin Xiangong's Biography Introduction How did he finally die?

The divided princes did not have the right to inherit the throne, which was a conventional rule, and the Jin state deduced that the Jin Dynasty would not establish Shen Sheng as a monarch. In 661 BC, Duke Xian of Jin divided the jin army into two armies, led the army himself, ordered Shen Sheng to lead the army, and together with him attacked the three kingdoms of Geng, Zhai, and Wei, and won a great victory, and the three kingdoms were destroyed one after another. In the Spring and Autumn Period, fei Qing did not have a general, but the Duke of Jin Xian made Shen Sheng a general, although he was the highest status among the courtiers, he was demoted from the Gong clan to the Qing. The subjects of the Jin Dynasty also predicted that in the near future, the Duke of Jin would depose Prince Shensheng. In 656 BC, Shen Sheng was framed by Li Ji and hanged himself, and Zhong'er and Yiwu were forced to flee. In September 651 BC, Duke Xiangong of Jin died of illness. After his death, there was a period of internal strife within the Jin state, and finally Yiwu succeeded to the throne as the Duke of Jin.

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