
Bulgari humiliated China and issued an "arrogant apology" three days later, and 14 Chinese spokesmen were silent

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Bulgari humiliated China and issued an "arrogant apology" three days later, and 14 Chinese spokesmen were silent

In a recent brand PR storm, luxury jewelry brand Bulgari was exposed to mark Taiwan as a country on a map alongside China, a move that once again sparked public outrage.

What is even more difficult for us to accept is that although the matter was postponed for three days, none of the 14 stars who signed with Bulgari spoke out or announced the termination of their contracts. As celebrities, they should probably consider their own interests, but they are also public figures. Shouldn't they set an example for the public and show the courage and responsibility that a Chinese deserves? But they were motionless, motionless, as if dead.

Bulgari humiliated China and issued an "arrogant apology" three days later, and 14 Chinese spokesmen were silent

As citizens, we should be angry, but we will inevitably be extremely disappointed, because everything Bulgari has done has almost made it clear that he is fearless. This move is by no means a so-called mistake. As early as 2019, a series of brands were exposed to insult China for listing "Taiwan, China" as a country. Many brands at the time included Versace, Givenchy, Coach, Asics, etc.

The reason is the same, they are all on their official websites or products will appear on the problem of "Hong Kong and Taiwan are listed as countries". Bulgari didn't have this problem at the time, but what he's doing now can only be interpreted as a deliberate public statement, rather than a real recognition of his mistake.

Bulgari humiliated China and issued an "arrogant apology" three days later, and 14 Chinese spokesmen were silent

As public opinion intensified, Bulgari subsequently issued a statement expressing respect for China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. They also said that this was due to management negligence and card misrepresentation, and expressed their sincere condolences to all Chinese. Excuse me. However, this apology statement was seen by many as perfunctory and insincere. Netizens said that Bulgari's apology was only for financial gain and asked if they were really aware of the seriousness of the problem.

As one of the top eight luxury brands, Bulgari's PR team is anything but useless. It can do things that have been done before, but now "know what's right and correct what's wrong." It competes for Chinese people's money, but politically it sides with China. The opposite.

Bulgari humiliated China and issued an "arrogant apology" three days later, and 14 Chinese spokesmen were silent

If, after the first offense incident in China, the brand uses negligence at work as an excuse, this is acceptable. After all, everyone has time to take a nap, but when something like this happens again and again, honestly, it's intentional. And the purpose is to humiliate China, humiliate all Chinese, and find a sense of existence for themselves.

They dared to do so because they never took our protests to heart. In the eyes of these arrogant Western brands, Chinese patriotism tends to be popular for only three minutes, which represents its impact on the memory of Chinese consumers. Letting go ensures that over time, our anger will eventually be forgotten.

Bulgari humiliated China and issued an "arrogant apology" three days later, and 14 Chinese spokesmen were silent

After they land safely, their product exposure may reach a higher level, and by the way, sales in the domestic market will increase. At that point, the Bulgari brand will want to jump up and yell at Bulgari for insulting China. High fives from staff associated with Gree.

Although Bulgari's attitude and actions are infuriating, this is not the most angry thing. Just after the Bulgari incident and the tragic scene, the idol of the spokesperson and the star did not defend the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity in the first place, but turned against each other and attacked other stars. His own "idol" is also a spokesperson, and he defends it in every possible way, even making excuses for it.

Bulgari humiliated China and issued an "arrogant apology" three days later, and 14 Chinese spokesmen were silent

In fact, whenever a brand is exposed and offends China, some extreme fans in the fan circle will get together, attack each other, and try to destroy and scold each other's brands. Their excited expressions seem to indicate that if the products endorsed by idols offend China, it is a good thing for them and has nothing to do with sovereignty and territorial issues.

For example, in the previous H&M incident, after Huang Xuan terminated his contract, someone immediately came forward to question why Wang Yibo did not terminate his contract with Nike.

They questioned whether Wang Yibo was still Chinese. After successfully overthrowing Wang Yibo, they turned their attention to other stars such as Di Lireba, Yang Mi, and Zhao Liying.

Bulgari humiliated China and issued an "arrogant apology" three days later, and 14 Chinese spokesmen were silent

When will Chinese really wake up?

Previously, if we comb through the incidents of international fashion brands infringing on China's sovereignty, we will find that they have no longer been criticized by netizens, and the relevant spokesperson has also announced the termination of the contract with the brand. For example, in May 2018, American luxury brand Coach released a T-shirt with a string of English place names, including Shanghai, Beijing, and Taiwan, without adding China. I just wrote about Taiwan separately.

What's even more shocking is that their brand website also lists Hong Kong and Taiwan as independent countries, relative to China.

Bulgari humiliated China and issued an "arrogant apology" three days later, and 14 Chinese spokesmen were silent

Soon after, Liu Wen, the spokesperson of the COACH brand, immediately issued a lawyer's statement, announcing the termination of the endorsement contract with the COACH brand. Liu Wen herself apologized for her careless brand choice.

Coincidentally, Italian luxury brand Dolce & Gabbana was exposed to insulting China in 2018, and although the brand later issued an apology, the cause angered thousands of netizens, and everyone blamed it on the "theft" of "account hackers". , this series of operations also made the Chinese stars who originally agreed to participate in the big show boycott en masse, and the big show was forced to announce its cancellation.

Bulgari humiliated China and issued an "arrogant apology" three days later, and 14 Chinese spokesmen were silent

But as I said on Hot Search, although we were angry at the time, now we always forget. Only our forgetfulness, Bulgari and other insulting Chinese brands can become so arrogant!

Although far away, the Xinjiang cotton incident is still vividly remembered. But if you open Tmall now, you will find that the store has resumed business during the Tmall period when H and M were removed. And the number of fans of this flagship store has also increased to more than 10 million... More than 1,000 items are sold every month. Two years have passed since the humiliation incident, and the business of this humiliating brand is still booming.

This is the H&M that has been hunted down and blamed for the longest time. Brands like NIKE, which are inherently invisible, are even unscathed. Back in 2018, Balenciaga offended China. While selling new shoes, a Chinese aunt jumped into the ranks of the locals. She confessed to the person who cut the queue, and as a result, she was beaten by the person who cut the queue. Balenciaga, from the clerk to the manager, pointed the finger at Chinese. , and even defined this matter as: Chinese trouble.

Bulgari humiliated China and issued an "arrogant apology" three days later, and 14 Chinese spokesmen were silent

Today, Balenciaga's first model has been released, and the store is still packed with Chinese consumers. Why are they so brazen and why are they becoming more and more brutal? Or because our boycott and exposure are too short-term, too short-term, and in their eyes this is just a game to fool Chinese consumers.

In this game, Bulgari will not be afraid because Chinese is forgotten, and Bulgari knows very well that it only takes a short time to bow its head and soon hold her head high. Even if the founder of Dolce & Gabbana called Chinese shit, he only needs to say "my account was stolen" later to pretend that nothing happened.

Bulgari humiliated China and issued an "arrogant apology" three days later, and 14 Chinese spokesmen were silent

Harm yourself and others

As soon as this incident came out, it was not only Bulgari that affected, but also the official honor of the princes. In fact, if you think about it, "Glory of Kings" is also quite miserable. Prior to this, it launched a total of two luxury linkage skins, but none of them managed to hit the shelves.

In March 2021, Honor of Kings partnered with Burberry to launch Steel Garuru. In the morning, it was officially announced, and in the afternoon, it was revealed that the Burberry brand offended China. In order to avoid further escalation, King Honor officially announced the termination of cooperation.

On July 11, 2023, the "Honor of Kings" shared skin CG with Bulgari has just been released. On July 12, Bulgari exposed major problems with her political stance. In order to prevent the expansion of influence, "Honor of Kings" officially announced the removal of the Bulgari co-branded promotional page on July 12.

Bulgari humiliated China and issued an "arrogant apology" three days later, and 14 Chinese spokesmen were silent

In front is Burberry and in the back is Bulgari. Many netizens ridiculed: How does the glory of the king go wrong every day? Some netizens ridiculed: "Xiao Wang, if you don't fit into this lady's circle, don't let us squeeze in." ”

I have to say that Bulgari's deviant behavior is indeed harmful to others and harming himself.

Bulgarian spokesperson

It is reported that Bulgari currently has nine spokespersons, they are Shu Qi, Liu Yifei, Liu Wen, Yang Yang, Wu Lei, Tong Liya, Fan Chengcheng, Wen Qi and Zhao Lusi. Among them, Shu Qi and Liu Yifei are global spokespersons.

The majority of netizens also expressed their great hope that these spokespersons could respond immediately and terminate their contracts with Bulgari, especially Liu Yifei and Shu Qi. However, a few hours have passed since Bulgari's involvement in the Chinese insult, and the star remains silent. Some netizens said that in this case, stars usually behave stupidly. Especially Liu Yifei and Shu Qi, two global spokespersons, but Shu Qi always deliberately hides his attitude at critical moments.

Bulgari humiliated China and issued an "arrogant apology" three days later, and 14 Chinese spokesmen were silent

Liu Yifei, as an American artist, attracted widespread attention from netizens in the Bulgari incident, and many people called on her to terminate her contract. Many times, when a brand has such a problem, the celebrities will immediately terminate the contract and completely break off the relationship with the brand. But now four hours have passed since that incident, and there is still no reply from the fourteen spokespeople.

As for those spokesperson products that offend China because they have too much influence in the media, they also have to say that those celebrities who have a lot of influence in the media should be banned.

Bulgari humiliated China and issued an "arrogant apology" three days later, and 14 Chinese spokesmen were silent

The Bulgari must understand that this is not the past, and that the morning when great power is missing is history. Today's China will not tolerate provocation and bullying. Even the big hooligan of the United States would never think of provoking China's bottom line.

Finally, this Bulgari incident once again triggered the great significance of star responsibility. As a public figure, the words and actions and choices of the stars set an example for the majority of fans. They should be role models, choose the brands they support more carefully, and take social responsibility for their supportive actions. Only in this way can the image of the star itself and the trust of the fans be preserved.

Bulgari humiliated China and issued an "arrogant apology" three days later, and 14 Chinese spokesmen were silent

This time, I hope that netizens and celebrities will have a backbone and teach a lesson to those brands that insult China, so that they know that doing business in China must respect our country and respect the feelings of the Chinese people.

Otherwise, get out of China, we are not welcome!

At the same time, it is hoped that the brand side will apologize as soon as possible and be able to correct the mistake. At the same time, I hope that you will take action and stop supporting brand platforms that divide countries. What do you think?

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