
October 4th Ant Manor Magical Ocean Quiz, Leek Sauce, Squirrel "Kiss" Each Other, Jane Trevally

author:The blue sky loves the green water and green mountains

On October 4, 2023, Alipay Public Welfare Ant Manor and Magic Ocean answered questions every day, come and learn with me and accumulate new knowledge every day! #Brilliant Brush Creation Challenge#

Ant Manor Answer: Leek sauce is a seasonal delicacy in autumn, guess what it's made of

Correct answer: leek flowers

October 4th Ant Manor Magical Ocean Quiz, Leek Sauce, Squirrel "Kiss" Each Other, Jane Trevally

Leeks, also known as leek flowers, also known as leeks, are clusters of white flowers that grow on the white of leeks in autumn, which can be both ornamental and cooked.

Chives are rich in nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, riboflavin and so on.

This white leek flower is the main raw material for making leek paste, and with ginger, pepper, peppercorns and other condiments, the taste is fresh and spicy, appetizing, nourishing the kidney and warming the stomach, improving appetite and promoting digestion.

Leeks are also a favorite vegetable of many people, and when cutting leeks, they keep the roots, and leeks will grow again, and you can eat a lot of stubble.

The spring stubble leeks are the most tender, and they are delicious after washing and cold mixing; June leeks are commonly known as stinky leeks, because the weather becomes hot after June, leeks can't be put away, easy to rot, easy to breed insect bacteria, less moisture, taste woody, not delicious.

There are many ways to eat leeks, and they are also very versatile, such as: scrambled eggs with leeks, stir-fried vegetables, egg filling with leeks, cold leeks, roasted leeks, etc.

October 4th Ant Manor Magical Ocean Quiz, Leek Sauce, Squirrel "Kiss" Each Other, Jane Trevally

Ant Manor Answer: Why do squirrels "kiss" each other when they meet

Correct Answer: Recognize a partner by smell

October 4th Ant Manor Magical Ocean Quiz, Leek Sauce, Squirrel "Kiss" Each Other, Jane Trevally

In 2016, the squirrel was listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as "Least Concern (LC)".

Squirrels are arboreal species that live mainly in mountain forests, and are squirrels in the family Squirrel family, with slender bodies and large furry tails. Pine 鼠️ likes to eat a variety of nuts, grains, fruits and vegetables, and they look particularly cute when they eat.

When encountering similar kinds, squirrels mainly rely on their sense of smell to identify each other. Because when you smell it so close, it looks like you're "kissing." There is a gland under the skin next to their mouths, and they can identify relatives by smelling whether the other party is related to them.

October 4th Ant Manor Magical Ocean Quiz, Leek Sauce, Squirrel "Kiss" Each Other, Jane Trevally

Ant Manor Quiz: Which marine fish prey on seabirds in flight

Correct Answer: Trevally

October 4th Ant Manor Magical Ocean Quiz, Leek Sauce, Squirrel "Kiss" Each Other, Jane Trevally

The trevally is also known as the ronin trevally, a species of sea perciforme marine fish, a type of coastal migratory fish.

The trevally is a large tropical marine fish, also known as the giant trevally, which can grow up to more than a meter in length and weigh up to 80 kilograms. In general, foraging at night, it mainly feeds on shrimp, crabs and fish in the ocean, but it will also actively jump out of the water to prey on flying seabirds, or in other words, prey on flying terns and drag them into the sea to enjoy.

October 4th Ant Manor Magical Ocean Quiz, Leek Sauce, Squirrel "Kiss" Each Other, Jane Trevally

Today's Ant Manor and Magical Ocean answers, did you answer them.

Ant Manor Baby Chick answers, if you answer correctly, you can get a 180 grams of Ant Manor baby chicken feed as a reward, and if you answer incorrectly, you can only get a 30 grams of chicken feed as encouragement, you must carefully review the question before answering! Feeding the chicks to produce eggs, donating eggs can also do public welfare.

Magic Ocean Daily Quiz, as long as you answer the questions, you can get a puzzle, restore the sea area, care for and protect the marine environment.

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Photo/text: Blue sky loves green water and green mountains

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