
Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence

author:The history of the world's wars
Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence

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Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence
Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence

Wen 丨 History of the world's wars

Editor丨History of the World's Wars

"After 19 years, Bashar visited China again smoothly."

In a short sentence, no one knows what Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has experienced in the past 19 years.

No matter how much the fighting blew, the young president vowed not to leave the capital, Damascus, even at its most critical time, when the rebels were less than 5 kilometers away from the presidential palace.

When the threat of death approached step by step, what choice did Bashar, who once held a scalpel, make?

Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence

«——·The hardest 3 years ·——»

With the Middle East crisis in late 2010, Syria inevitably fell into an unprecedented crisis.

Without warning, shells fell from the sky, devastated the country, known as the "back garden of the Middle East", and social problems caused by war erupted.

The moths hiding in the shadows have grown, and the problem of corruption has gradually become serious. While Assad was in disarray, members of the former Syrian government army defected in large numbers.

Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence

The international situation is also not optimistic, Syria was expelled from the Arab League and boycotted by Western countries led by the United States.

President Barack Obama bluntly said: "Assad should be blamed for resigning."

At this moment, Syria can be called a domestic and foreign dilemma, ushering in the country's most difficult three years. Countless Syrians have been displaced, there seems to be no end in sight to this war, and the whole country has fallen into endless despair.

Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence

The rebels and the Sect took turns to fight, involving countless complex forces and interference, and even the United States personally went into battle to carry out air strikes.

In such a situation, people across Syria are watching as President Bashar, who was once just an ordinary ophthalmologist, to see how he chooses.

However, Bashar did not disappoint them, because he was immature, perhaps he had not yet reached the ability of a leader, but he already had the responsibility of a leader.

Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence

In every moment of life and death, this strong man never took a step out of Damascus.

Bashar has always stood with his people and never bowed his head. He went deep into the front line and encouraged the soldiers; and speaks daily to encourage the Syrian people behind bars; In the face of an influx of accusations and slander, he never gave up on explanation.

Only later, the people almost forgot that the president, who has been silently insisting, should not have endured all this.

Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence

«——·Rights and responsibilities that fall from the sky.——»

Bashar al-Assad is the second oldest, and there is an older brother Basile on top, so this position should not have been his.

After graduating, Bashar went to the UK to further his studies. At this time, he thought he would become a good ophthalmologist, but no one knew that an accident shattered all good illusions.

The eldest brother, who has always been excellent, lost his life due to an accidental car accident. Bashar must also immediately end his studies and return to Syria to accept his fate.

Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence

There was no time left for the young man to grow up, and in 2000, President Assad Sr. died and Bashar, who was not yet 35 years old, took over the presidency in the chaos.

Everything came so fast that Syrian law stipulates that the president's age must be over 40 because he is 34 or older.

Someone paved the way for him, and someone wanted to drag him into the abyss. The young rulers gave the people a new lease of life, but also a stirring of restless forces on all sides.

Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence

However, due to a lack of sufficient experience, the reform measures implemented by Bashar at the beginning of his accession to the throne, although to some extent stimulated economic development, also caused serious social problems.

But in any case, when shells swarmed and the whole of Syria was in the mud, Bashar survived a desperate situation.

This choice must be inseparable from Bashar's personal qualities, but it cannot be ignored that his wife, Asma, the wife of the Syrian president, also made important sacrifices for this.

Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence

«——·“ Desert Rose "Never Leave ·

Born in 1975 in Asma, UK, she has dual British and Syrian citizenship and her father was an excellent heart surgeon.

Growing up in such a family, Asma is delicate and bright, and naturally cheerful and enthusiastic. Such an excellent she naturally attracted Bashar, who also studied here.

Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence

Although the two are 10 years apart, they still can't stop the flame of love from burning. They broke through the barriers of identity and age, fell in love with each other at first sight, and soon fell in love.

But the carefree time finally ended when Assad returned to Syria. Bashar, who had no choice but to embark on the road of inheritance, relied on online contacts to miss his lover all night.

Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence

Asma graduated with honors in London with a double bachelor's degree in French literature and computing.

She should have stepped into the elite route, but in the face of her distant lover, she resolutely gave up everything she had in front of her and returned to Syria to marry Bashar.

Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence

And all this was done in secret, when the Syrian people suddenly noticed that a beautiful and generous woman appeared near the president, only to realize that it was their president's wife.

As Assad, who had just taken the throne, embarked on drastic economic reforms, Asma also took up her mission and began to pay more attention to the rights of women and children in marginalized areas.

Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence

Not only that, but this independent woman also closely follows the development of rural Syria, and she will personally go to the people to understand their plight and needs.

She founded a non-profit organization and developed education, which won her international acclaim, and the media praised her as the "Rose of the Desert".

Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence

«——·Break through the shackles and usher in a turnaround.——»

Syria's isolation is not only reflected in the economic and military blockade, but also in the personal denigration of Bashar and Asma.

As long as the media express their praise for the "first lady" of Syria, they will always be ridiculed by the West, and even suspect that Asma has already fled Syria.

Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence

At this point, Asma would always come forward, saying that she would be with Bashar and turning down invitations to offer her political asylum.

Asma, the "desert rose", has always been placed on the land of Syria, bringing hope to countless people.

Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence

Despite being exposed to the refined egoistic culture of the West, the Syrian president and his wife have always held their duty until they survived the darkness and ushered in the light.

Finally, with the intervention of other forces, the process of eliminating the rebels accelerated, and although the process was unusually slow and brutal, life finally appeared.

Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence

After 12 years, Syria was readmitted to the Arab League at the snap of a finger, and the United States gradually retracted its minions.

The country has been isolated several times, and the fact that it has come to this day is inseparable from Bashar's tenacious and indomitable spirit.

Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence

At the opening ceremony of the Asian Games, the appearance of the Syrian president and the president's wife, who visited China again after 19 years, made countless people cry.

Young successor Bashar: Syria's indomitable soul, what he has experienced in 19 years of silence

Because we can empathize with the difficulties of the Syrian people, we also hope that the Syrian people can live a life without war as soon as possible, and the roses of Damascus can bloom again.

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