
Today's highlights of the Asian Games丨The "Chinese Flying Legion" set out to fight against Quan Hongchan on the 10-meter platform Chen Yuxi

Source: People's Daily client

On October 3, the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou will produce 28 gold medals. In the much-watched athletics competition, Xie Zhenye Ge Manqi will lead the "China Flying Legion" to compete, and the men's and women's 4×100m relay finals will be staged. In the women's 10-meter platform and men's 3-meter springboard competition, the Chinese diving team is still the strongest team, and Chen Qianxi Quan Hongchan will compete for the championship. In addition, the women's semi-finals will face Japan, the men's trampoline final will be contested, and the Chinese canoe still water team will win a number of golds. These highlights are worth looking forward to!

Today's highlights of the Asian Games丨The "Chinese Flying Legion" set out to fight against Quan Hongchan on the 10-meter platform Chen Yuxi

Highlight 1: Xie Zhenye Ge Manqi led the "Chinese Flying Legion" to fight

Athletics will produce 10 gold medals today, with the most notable being the men's and women's 4x100m relay, which reflects the speed of Asia. At this Asian Games, Xie Zhenye and Ge Manqi were both crowned the new "flying men" of Asian men and women, and under their leadership, the Chinese team will compete for gold medals in two events.

Today's highlights of the Asian Games丨The "Chinese Flying Legion" set out to fight against Quan Hongchan on the 10-meter platform Chen Yuxi

Photo by reporter Cui Meng

In addition, the men's triple jump and the women's javelin throw final are also attracting attention. China's Tokyo Olympic runner-up Zhu Yaming will compete with 27-year-old Fang Yaoqing in the men's triple jump. At the last Asian Games, China's Liu Shiying and Lu Hui won the gold and silver medals in the women's javelin, and now the two women's javelin throwers are once again competing together and are expected to continue to win the first and second place in this event.

Highlight 2: Chen Qianxi Quan Hongchan competed in the same field "Splash Disappearance Technique"

In the two diving competitions of the women's 10-meter platform and the men's 3-meter springboard, the Chinese diving team is still the strongest team, Chen Qianxi and Quan Hongchan have not let the women's 10-meter platform champion fall behind recently, and they will become opponents who have just won the double gold medal and compete in the same competition "Splash Disappearance". Wang Zongyuan and Zheng Jiuyuan will also guard the gold medal in the men's 3m springboard.

Today's highlights of the Asian Games丨The "Chinese Flying Legion" set out to fight against Quan Hongchan on the 10-meter platform Chen Yuxi

Photo by reporter Jiang Yushi

Highlight 3: Women's football vs Japan for tickets to the final

At 8 o'clock tonight, the women's semi-final will be played at the Linping Sports Center Stadium, and the Chinese women's football team will play against the Japanese team to strive to reach the final.

Today's highlights of the Asian Games丨The "Chinese Flying Legion" set out to fight against Quan Hongchan on the 10-meter platform Chen Yuxi

Photo by reporter Cui Meng

In last year's semi-finals of the Women's Asian Cup, the Chinese women's football team eliminated Japan to advance to the final and regained the Asian Cup title after 16 years. Now that the two teams have met again, the Chinese women's team, which has gradually emerged from the haze of World Cup defeat, is expected to go further. Cheers on the "sonorous rose"!

Highlight 4: The Chinese canoe still water team is expected to hit 5 gold

Today's highlights of the Asian Games丨The "Chinese Flying Legion" set out to fight against Quan Hongchan on the 10-meter platform Chen Yuxi

The Chinese canoe still team will continue to challenge for the champions of five events today, namely the women's double canoe 200m world champion Lin Wenjun/Shuai Changwen, the women's single canoe 200m World Championships runner-up Lin Wenjun, the women's four-man kayak 500m World Cup champion Li Donghun/Wang Nan/Yin Mengdie/Sun Yuewen, the women's single kayak 500m Li Dongkun, the men's quadruple kayak 500m Zhang Dong/Bu Tingkai/Wang Congkang/Dong Yi.

Highlight 5: Trampoline men's final will be contested 17-year-old Wang Zisai appeared

Today, the men's trampoline final will be contested, and 2021 World Champion Yan Langyu will lead 17-year-old Wang Zisai to defend the Chinese team in the men's individual trampoline event.

Today's highlights of the Asian Games丨The "Chinese Flying Legion" set out to fight against Quan Hongchan on the 10-meter platform Chen Yuxi

Yan Langyu won the silver medal at the Trampoline World Cup Coimbra in July this year, and his form recovered. Wang Zisai, despite his modest experience, has been on the rise, having already won a ticket to the Paris Olympics for the Chinese trampoline team by winning two Olympic qualifying tournaments, and is looking forward to his first international competition.

Highlight 6: Boxing enters the first gold medal day Wu Yu Han Xue Zhen Chong Jin

Today's highlights of the Asian Games丨The "Chinese Flying Legion" set out to fight against Quan Hongchan on the 10-meter platform Chen Yuxi

Boxing, with 13 gold medals, entered its first gold medal day, with Chinese athletes reaching finals in both competitions that day. In the women's 50kg category, this year's world champion Wu Yu will compete with Thailand's champions, and 24-year-old Chinese teenager Han Xuezhen will take gold in the men's 92kg category.

(Source: Hangzhou 19th Asian Games official website, China Sports News, Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily client, China News Network, etc.)

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