
Zheng Shaoqiu's daughter committed suicide in the United States, it turned out that the man only loved the flesh and bones of the woman he loved

author:Lao Feng Entertainment said

Zheng Shaoqiu: A daughter's debt, the bitterness and regret of many relationships

Zheng Shaoqiu, Emotional Bumps, Daughter's Debt Some people say that Zheng Shaoqiu's official has a daughter's debt in this life. He had three relationships and had four daughters. Although the daughter is the intimate little cotton jacket of the parents, Zheng Shaoqiu's daughters have different feelings with him.

Zheng Anyi: Regrets and losses in life

Shocking news: the suicide tragedy of Zheng Shaoqiu's eldest daughter Zheng Anyi Today's most shocking news: Zheng Shaoqiu's eldest daughter committed suicide in the United States. When the news came, everyone thought that Shen Dianxia's daughter Zheng Xinyi had an accident, and after taking a closer look, they found that it was Zheng Shaoqiu's other daughter, Zheng Anyi. But whoever it is, leaving the world by suicide ultimately means that she is not happy while she is alive.

Zheng Shaoqiu's daughter committed suicide in the United States, it turned out that the man only loved the flesh and bones of the woman he loved

Behind Zheng Shaoqiu's indifference Regarding this eldest daughter, Zheng Shaoqiu said, "I once paid for her to go to college, but I broke off contact after graduating from college, and now I don't know if I recognize it when I meet her on the street." "It turns out that a man will only love the flesh and blood of the woman he loves, and as for those he doesn't love, he doesn't pay attention to it at all.

Zheng Shaoqiu's daughter committed suicide in the United States, it turned out that the man only loved the flesh and bones of the woman he loved

Zheng Shaoqiu's three relationships: an emotional bumpy journey

Zheng Shaoqiu and Lu Huiru: First Love and Loss As we all know, Zheng Shaoqiu and his current wife Guan Jinghua had two love histories before they got married. In addition to maintaining his marriage with Shen Dianxia for three years and giving birth to Zheng Xinyi, he also gave birth to his eldest daughter Zheng Anyi with his former ex Lu Huiru. Zheng Anyi is 55 years old this year. Lu Huiru can be said to be Zheng Shaoqiu's first love, and the two met in the drama troupe, when Zheng Shaoqiu was not yet popular. Under the day and night, mutual affection, after Lu Huiru accidentally became pregnant, the two chose to enter the palace of marriage. This child who urged his parents to get on the bus first and make up the ticket after making up the ticket is Zheng Anyi. At that time, Zheng Shaoqiu and Lu Huiru were too young to start a family, and the marriage lasted only three years before ending in divorce, although having a lovely daughter could not change the choice of parents.

Zheng Shaoqiu's daughter committed suicide in the United States, it turned out that the man only loved the flesh and bones of the woman he loved

Zheng Shaoqiu's acting career and family relationship Zheng Shaoqiu only entered the entertainment industry after ending this marriage and began to fight for his career. Zheng Anyi later followed her mother to live abroad, and after Zheng Shaoqiu became famous, she had the cost of her daughter's education, but that's all, for Zheng Anyi, Zheng Shaoqiu was basically a stranger. Later, Zheng Shaoqiu and Shen Dianxia were together and had a daughter Zheng Xinyi, and he almost ignored his ex-wife. When Zheng Xinyi was 2 months old, Zheng Shaoqiu got along with Guan Jinghua again, and Shen Dianxia was frustrated by this, she knew that the child could not tie up a person who changed his heart, so she agreed to divorce.

Zheng Shaoqiu's daughter committed suicide in the United States, it turned out that the man only loved the flesh and bones of the woman he loved

The lack of father-daughter love and Zheng Xinyi's fate After all the formalities were completed, Zheng Shaoqiu flew to Taiwan to accompany Guan Jinghua, Zheng Xinyi lacked the company of her father at a very young age, and the fat sister was particularly indulgent to her and raised her into a little fat man. Zheng Xinyi's mother Shen Dianxia died of illness before she became an adult, and Zheng Xinyi's life fell from heaven to hell. Zheng Shaoqiu's love for her is actually very limited.

Zheng Shaoqiu's daughter committed suicide in the United States, it turned out that the man only loved the flesh and bones of the woman he loved

Guan Jinghua: Newlywed life and the growth of three daughters After Zheng Shaoqiu and Guan Jinghua got married, they gave birth to two daughters. Guan Jinghua's eldest daughter Zheng Yongen is the first time that Zheng Shaoqiu has really accompanied the child who grew up, and she is completely giving and asking in front of her father. When she was in school, Zheng Yongen posted an intimate photo with a married man on her social platform, such news is very inappropriate for Zheng Shaoqiu, a public figure, but Zheng Shaoqiu loves her daughter very much, and actually said: "What is this, girls who are almost 20 years old don't have to care too much, the most important thing is that they are beautiful." ”

Zheng Shaoqiu's daughter committed suicide in the United States, it turned out that the man only loved the flesh and bones of the woman he loved

Guan Jinghua's youngest daughter Zheng Yongxi: growth and expectations

And Guan Jinghua and Zheng Shaoqiu's youngest daughter Zheng Yongxi and her sister are also treated differently, she is the second child brought by Zheng Shaoqiu, Zheng Shaoqiu is strict with her, so she has a good personality and will not do anything out of line.

Now in the United States is the eldest daughter Zheng Anyi.

According to insiders, although Zheng Anyi has no contact with her father since she was a child, she expressed understanding for her parents' breakup when she grew up, and she did not hate her father.

A few years ago, when Zheng Shaoqiu went to Las Vegas to perform, father and daughter met briefly.

Zheng Shaoqiu's daughter committed suicide in the United States, it turned out that the man only loved the flesh and bones of the woman he loved
Zheng Shaoqiu's daughter committed suicide in the United States, it turned out that the man only loved the flesh and bones of the woman he loved

Due to her mother's indoctrination of her father from a young age, as well as some troubles in her own feelings, Zheng Anyi's life has not been very happy.

She taught her friends to know her situation, pay attention to her, and patiently explain her.

On the 26th and 27th of last month, a church friend found that she was missing and could not contact her mother, Lu Huiru, so she called the police for help.

When the police arrived at Zheng's residence, they found that she had committed suicide.

What a tragic story, from Zheng Shaoqiu to Yingda, it seems that many men have one thing in common - only love the flesh and blood of the woman they love.

The editor always thinks that a man who doesn't even care about his own daughter can't be called a good person.

I hope that Zheng Anyi can get the peace she wants after leaving.

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