
Global Connection|Visit the Padma Bridge, the "bridge of dreams" in Bangladesh built by Chinese enterprises

author:Xinhua News Agency, Sannong

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About 40 kilometers southwest of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, a 9.8-kilometre-long bridge stands majestically, known locally as the "Bridge of Dreams" by the Padma Bridge. The bridge was awarded by the China Railway Bridge Bureau, setting a record for the largest overseas bridge project undertaken by a Chinese enterprise.

Global Connection|Visit the Padma Bridge, the "bridge of dreams" in Bangladesh built by Chinese enterprises
Global Connection|Visit the Padma Bridge, the "bridge of dreams" in Bangladesh built by Chinese enterprises
Global Connection|Visit the Padma Bridge, the "bridge of dreams" in Bangladesh built by Chinese enterprises

Reporter: Sun Nan

Reporter: Gibbon

Produced by Xinhua News Agency Audio and Video Department

Produced by Xinhua News Agency's International Communication Integration Platform

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