
Publicity vehicles go deep into the market to carry out fire warning education

author:Luoyang Fire Fighting

In order to effectively do a good job in fire protection publicity during the festival and effectively prevent and curb the occurrence of various fire accidents, the Jianxi District Fire Rescue Brigade gave full play to the advantages of mobile publicity vehicles to go deep into the wholesale market to carry out fire protection publicity and teach merchants the "Fire Classic".

Publicity vehicles go deep into the market to carry out fire warning education

In the activity, the publicity staff distributed "Twenty Articles of Fire Safety Knowledge", "Nine Small Places Safety Notice" and explained to the merchants the use of fire extinguishers and the essentials of use, "There is a pressure gauge on the dry powder fire extinguisher, you can take a look, if the pointer points to the red area indicates that the pressure inside is insufficient, may not spray dry powder, if the pointer points to the middle green area indicates that the pressure inside is normal, can be used...", and remind them in daily work, In life, we must pay attention to the safety of fire and electricity. Later, the propagandist once again reminded the merchants to remember to turn off the power switch to avoid fire before closing the store at night.

Publicity vehicles go deep into the market to carry out fire warning education

Through this publicity activity, the fire safety awareness of merchants was further enhanced, and they had a certain understanding of the basic knowledge of fire prevention, basic methods of fire extinguishing and basic skills of fire escape, which effectively improved the overall ability of the market to resist fire.

▌Editor: Chai Xinxin ▌Proofreader: Guo Kangkang ▌Review: Yu Zhi

Publicity vehicles go deep into the market to carry out fire warning education

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