
Have a foreign body sensation in your eyes, grind your eyes but have nothing?

author:Ophthalmologist Liu Zhentong

Sometimes, we may experience a strange sensation like a grain of sand or a foreign object in our eye, but when we look closely, we find that there is nothing in the eye. This condition is often uncomfortable and confusing because the eye is one of the most important sensory organs in our lives, and its health is essential to our quality of life.

Have a foreign body sensation in your eyes, grind your eyes but have nothing?

The medical term for this sensation is "eye strain" or "eye frostiness," and it can have a variety of causes. First of all, prolonged use of electronic devices such as computers, smartphones, and tablets can cause eye strain. The blue light emitted by these devices, excessive eye use, and lack of adequate blinking time can all lead to dry eyes, tingling, and a foreign body sensation. The solution to this problem is to take regular breaks, at least 5-10 minutes every hour, while using a screen filter to reduce the impact of blue light.

Secondly, dry eye syndrome is also a common cause of foreign body sensation in the eye. Dry eye is an eye disease that causes the eye to no longer efficiently produce enough tears to lubricate and protect the eyeball. This can cause dry, burning, and tingling sensations in the eyes, as if a foreign object was in the eye. Treatments for dry eye include the use of artificial tears, improved diet and lifestyle, avoidance of dry environments, and medication.

Have a foreign body sensation in your eyes, grind your eyes but have nothing?

Finally, eye allergies can also cause discomfort in the eyes, as if a foreign body is in the eye. Allergens such as pollen, dust mites, and pet hair can cause itchy, red, and foreign body sensations in the eyes. Anti-allergy medications and avoiding contact with allergens can relieve this symptom.

In conclusion, the eye feels a foreign body sensation but there is actually nothing, which may be caused by eye fatigue, dry eye syndrome, or eye allergies. If this feeling persists or is accompanied by other severe symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor for professional diagnosis and treatment advice. At the same time, maintaining good eye hygiene and lifestyle habits is essential for eye health.

Have a foreign body sensation in your eyes, grind your eyes but have nothing?