
The nine-dash line in the South China Sea, someone in the Philippines finally understood: China has drawn a royal road, not a hegemonic road

author:Shi Hai listened to the sound of the waves

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U.S. strategy is shifting. Ukraine, which used Ukraine to fight a "proxy war" to weaken Russia, is now turning its attention to another strategic rival - China. The South China Sea issue has become another game platform for the United States against China, and the Philippines has been involved.

During Duterte's administration, the United States has tried to escalate tensions between the Philippines and China, but Duterte is not bothered by it, alerting to U.S. misdeeds. However, after Duterte stepped down, the new President Marcos showed a tendency to cooperate with the United States, actively seeking American support for the interests of the family, creating friction in the South China Sea, and even planning to introduce external forces such as the United States, Japan, and Australia to confront China.

The nine-dash line in the South China Sea, someone in the Philippines finally understood: China has drawn a royal road, not a hegemonic road

If the U.S.-Philippines blueprint is followed, the South China Sea issue may escalate into an international trouble, which will not only bring trouble to China, but also get involved in the vortex of great power competition in the Philippines.

Recently, the United States and the Philippines re-signed a new military agreement that opens four military bases to the United States, two near the South China Sea and two near the Taiwan Strait, clearly targeting China. The action could spark conflict between the Philippines and China.

Some perceptive people in the Philippines are worried, such as Manila Times columnist Di Glau. He recently wrote an article discussing the issue of the "nine-dash line" in the South China Sea, analyzing Sino-Philippine relations and the deepening of US-Philippine military cooperation, and putting forward some suggestions. Diglau's article highlights three main points.

The nine-dash line in the South China Sea, someone in the Philippines finally understood: China has drawn a royal road, not a hegemonic road

First, the nine-dash line helps China maintain its territorial sovereignty, but it is not the same as a national border, so the Philippines does not need to be too nervous about it.

Second, China is not unreasonable on the South China Sea issue, and China's proposal of "shelving disputes and joint development" is not only rhetoric, but has also been reflected in practical actions.

Third, the Philippines does not need to bring in external forces such as the United States, and China and the Philippines can have direct dialogue, which may increase the difficulty of negotiations.

The nine-dash line in the South China Sea, someone in the Philippines finally understood: China has drawn a royal road, not a hegemonic road

Diglow's article shows that some rational-thinking Filipinos recognize that things are not monolithic, but sadly, such voices are still in the minority.

Moreover, the Philippine government brass seems to have been pretending to be ignorant and deaf about international affairs, and even Diglaw's article is difficult to wake them up. However, China's position is clear, and the delineation of the nine-dash line is not aggressive, but based on facts and morality. China has been waiting for the Philippine government to return to reason, which also shows that China's goodwill on the South China Sea issue is not weak and deceptive, but is maintaining peace and stability.

The nine-dash line in the South China Sea, someone in the Philippines finally understood: China has drawn a royal road, not a hegemonic road

Therefore, the Philippine government and people should recognize China's goodwill, not see it as a sign of weakness, let alone introduce external forces such as the United States, because the interests of the United States are not to maintain peace in the South China Sea, but to exacerbate tensions. The introduction of the United States by the Philippines will not only not help the negotiations with China, but may become a stumbling block to the negotiations, because the United States does not want to see the development of Sino-Philippine friendship.

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