
Marvel at ❓❓ how Bulgaria lost its Mediterranean coast

author:Happy Coke SAP

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Bulgaria, a small country located in the Balkans, has a rectangular outline on the map, tightly surrounded by its neighbors. It is bordered to the east by the Black Sea, but other than that, the remaining three sides are bordered by neighboring countries. Despite its proximity to the Aegean Sea to the south, Bulgaria was divided outside the Mediterranean Sea and could not reach directly into this area.

In ancient times, the peoples of the Balkans did not have clear borders. However, as the power of the Roman Empire expanded, these peoples gradually came under Roman rule. However, like other conquered regions, the inhabitants of the Balkans showed a spirit of rebellion against Roman rule.

Marvel at ❓❓ how Bulgaria lost its Mediterranean coast

In the struggle against Rome, the Eastern Roman Empire recognized the independence of Bulgaria, but put forward conditions: Bulgaria must accept the Orthodox faith, so the Orthodox Church became the state religion of Bulgaria. However, over time, the Eastern Roman Empire declined and Ottoman Turkey emerged from the East. They defeated the Eastern Roman Empire and incorporated Bulgaria into its empire, which clashed with Islamic Ottoman Turkey, although Bulgaria had embraced the Orthodox faith.

Marvel at ❓❓ how Bulgaria lost its Mediterranean coast

Under the baptism of artillery fire and swords, Bulgaria suffered severe destruction and became part of the Ottoman Turkey, but the spirit of resistance of the Bulgarians was never extinguished. Beginning in 1397, Turkish rule over Bulgaria lasted for five centuries, and the peoples of the Balkans fought a long struggle with the Ottoman Empire. With the advent of the nineteenth century, Greece was the first to gain independence, which inspired the Bulgarians to be more active in freeing themselves from Turkish rule.

Marvel at ❓❓ how Bulgaria lost its Mediterranean coast

After many battles, the Ottoman Turks finally recognized Bulgaria's autonomous status. Nevertheless, Bulgaria remained a vassal state of the Ottoman Turks, and what they yearned for was complete independence. The international situation at that time was very unfavorable for the Ottoman Empire, and in the eyes of the Western powers, Ottoman Turkey had become the "sick man of West Asia". Finally, in 1908, Bulgaria succeeded in freeing itself from Ottoman Turkish rule.

After Bulgaria's independence, it formed the "Balkan League" with Greece, Serbia and Montenegro, aimed at weakening the power of the Ottoman Turks. Soon after, war broke out between Italy and Ottoman Turkey over Libya, and the Balkan League took the opportunity to divide the Ottoman Turkish territory in the Balkans. However, this victory did not bring peace to the nations, and the uneven sharing of the spoils triggered the Second Balkan War, and the fighting between allies left Bulgaria in a difficult situation and eventually declared its surrender.

Marvel at ❓❓ how Bulgaria lost its Mediterranean coast

Nevertheless, Greece did not completely deprive Bulgaria of its southern coastline, and it was the First World War that really changed Bulgaria's borders today. Being on the wrong side, Bulgaria sided with Germany, and the post-war reckoning cost it dearly. Thus, the borders of Greece and Turkey meet in the south of Bulgaria, which can only communicate with the world through the Black Sea.

Bulgaria, once the center of the Balkans, has a long and tortuous history. Today, it is a resilient nation, carrying the glory and setbacks of the past, moving forward in search of future prosperity.

Marvel at ❓❓ how Bulgaria lost its Mediterranean coast

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