
Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

author:Tampo small strawberry jam

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Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

Wen | Xiaoxiao


Since the Rakshasa incident, Na Ying has entered the public eye. From the Li Min recording incident to the suspension of "The Voice", Na Ying's reputation and popularity plummeted. He faced accusations and invective from all sides.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

It seems that "bullying the weak and playing the big star" has become the stereotype of Na Ying in the outside world.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

It was undoubtedly one of the most difficult moments of his life for Na Ying, who had to cancel a lot of performances and events.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

On August 22, Na Ying canceled the Shanghai Music Festival program due to health reasons. On August 29, he announced the cancellation of two concerts in Macau for health reasons.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

The cancellation of the show undoubtedly caused Na Ying to shy away from public appearance. Public opinion came like a tsunami, and Na Ying only waited for the limelight to pass.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!
Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

Na Ying is rumored to be preparing to sell his mansion worth 450 million yuan and move abroad. However, this rumor is groundless and is just speculation by netizens.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

On September 2, Na Ying still appeared in a high-profile recording of the "Summer of the Band 3" program. He was neatly dressed and in high spirits, as if Internet public opinion did not bother him at all.

However, on the night of Na Ying's public appearance, another video appeared on Weibo, directly pushing Na Ying's situation to the cusp again.

The big-mouthed Song Zude came out

"Zude calls for severe punishment of Na Ying!" The nearly two-minute video was written by Song Zude.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

Song Zude is known for his "big mouth" and often points fingers at others in the entertainment industry.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!
Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!
Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

This time his anger was directed at Na Ying. In the video, Song Zude accused Na Ying of "bullying Yao Beina, bullying Dao Lang, bullying Li Min, and also asked the entertainment industry to 'cleanse' such people."

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!
Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

Two voices sounded in the comment section. One of them supported Song Zude and praised him for telling the truth:

"Now the entertainment industry lacks honest people like Mr. Song Zude."

"Teacher Zude, you are really a breeze in the entertainment industry, you have a righteous heart."

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

The other party criticized him for pulling popularity without any evidence:

"Apparently Song Zude is the one who tried to steal traffic."

"Dao Lang may still have a relationship with Yao Beina, but what is the relationship between Li Min and Na Ying?"

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

However, Song Zude ignored the doubts and released a new video the next day, claiming that Na Ying should apologize to Dao Lang.

This time, Song Zude spent 14 minutes talking about Dao Lang's excellent qualities, expressing his admiration as a fan.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!
Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

He said that Dao Lang played music with heart, did not seek fame and fortune, and eventually achieved success through strength. In contrast, some big names are just superficial and ultimately doomed.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

However, halfway through the story, Song Zude suddenly entered advertising mode and began to sell eyepatch products to the audience.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

It turned out that this eye patch was recommended by his younger brother Liu Xinda. Liu Xinda, whose real name is Song Zuxing, is also a figure in the entertainment industry who likes to "flaunt the country".

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

Song Zude spent half of the article on harsh advertising, which immediately caused the anger of netizens.

Everyone accused him of using hot events to gain popularity. This time, the voices supporting him disappeared. What Song Zude did was really shameless and blatant.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

Song Zude himself is highly educated and holds two doctorates. But he is best known for advising various stars in the entertainment industry.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

As early as 2016, he advised Na Ying to step down from "China's New Song", saying that his academic qualifications were not worthy of being a mentor.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

Since then, he has continued to make "judgmental" remarks on popular figures in the entertainment industry, causing a lot of controversy.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

Song Zude's remarks also caused him a lot of trouble.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!
Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

In 2009, he went on trial for spreading rumors. In 2014, he defamed Jet Li and was sued again.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

This year, he was again banned from the platform for spreading rumors. But that shouldn't stop Song Zude from continuing to rant online. After all, traffic is a dividend. Even if it attracts criticism, it is better than ignoring it.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

We are not opposed to expressing personal opinions, but emotional criticism can easily become a tool to mislead public opinion. The allegations against Na Ying will be confirmed by further investigation.

We must believe that sooner or later the truth will come out.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

Uncover the secrets of the Song Zude brothers

Song Zude cannot be mentioned without mentioning his twin brother Liu Xinda. The two often join forces to "stir up trouble" in the entertainment industry, causing a lot of controversy.

Song has two doctorates, and Liu Xinda is also a university professor. They could have shined in academia, but they liked to be "weird" in the entertainment industry.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

Liu Xinda has various identities such as writer, actor, director, and writers association. But its biggest "contribution" is to point out the hot search figures on the Internet.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

Liu Xinda once criticized Lang Lang's wife in the live broadcast for being inappropriate in the bathroom, and asked Lang Lang to come out and discipline her.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

He accused Zhou Zhennan's father of being executed and demanded that Zhou Zhennan be banned. In the face of any hot incident, Liu Xinda always makes "unreasonable remarks", causing unnecessary controversy.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

In 2009, Song Zude was put on trial for spreading rumors of the actor's death.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

In 2014, he defamed Jet Li and was sued again.

It can be said that the two brothers caused themselves a lot of legal trouble. But they seem to find it fun and don't limit their online behavior.

Public opinion is fair and there is nothing wrong with that. But their reviews are often nondescript and unsubstantiated.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

Some people say that this behavior is just to gain popularity. Indeed, hotspots bring traffic and traffic brings revenue. This is the survival law of the Internet.

But spreading groundless rumors and disrupting society is not a long-term solution. In addition, there should be a certain amount of enthusiasm. In Song Zude's latest video, ad placement has been criticized.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

Perhaps they need to consider the impact of their own words and learn to participate more actively in public debate. After all, baseless accusations and rumors will never work out.

Li Min incident

The Li Min incident continued to ferment. We must remain rational and not believe unsubstantiated rumors. We can only explain to Li Min by restoring the truth.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

Different political parties have different interpretations of Li's leaked recordings. We cannot make claims based on a single score. In order to make an impartial judgment, it is necessary to listen to the entire recording to understand the full picture of the incident.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

Public justice is important, but accusations based on speculation can create new injustices. We need to give the relevant authorities enough time to investigate, find a chain of evidence, and establish the facts of the incident.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

Whatever the outcome, Li Min needs the love he deserves. We need to face up to the chaos in the industry, create a better operating mechanism, and protect more great artists from harm.

This is not only related to Li Min personally, but also to the development of the entire industry.

Song Zude said: Na Ying bullied Yao Beina and Dao Lang and should be permanently banned from entering the entertainment industry!

Let us pay attention to this matter rationally and compassionately, give the parties concerned basic respect, and do not blindly attack and choose sides. The only way we can explain the truth to Li Min and tell the public is to be objective and fair.


Finally, we call on the public to remain patient and rational, not to spread unconfirmed information, and to actively create a rational and positive public opinion environment.

I believe that as long as we work together, sooner or later the truth will come out and justice will be served.

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