
Li Yi: If you want to recover Taiwan, you must be prepared to destroy 500 cities and sacrifice 1.4 billion people

author:A little dimple

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Recently, Professor Li Yi's comments on the "Taiwan Strait issue" have sparked widespread controversy. His rhetoric was unusually radical, claiming that national unity would require the destruction of 500 cities, perhaps even at the expense of tens of millions. This stance has had great repercussions on the international stage and has been too radical for domestic and foreign policy stances, sparking widespread discussions.

Disagreements and Controversies:

Professor Li Yi has made shocking remarks many times before. During the pandemic, he said that the number of domestic deaths was rather insignificant compared to international comparisons. This kind of disregard for life has aroused the strong anger of many netizens and triggered extensive discussion. The radical rhetoric once again challenged the public's bottom line, not only saying that reunifying Taiwan could come at a huge cost, but also making clear that the sacrifices of 140 million people were normal, which sparked widespread anger.

Li Yi: If you want to recover Taiwan, you must be prepared to destroy 500 cities and sacrifice 1.4 billion people

Such remarks not only angered the people on both sides of the strait, but the authorities on the island also put him on a political blacklist. Chinese people's belief in seeking unification is unwavering, but this does not mean that we will neglect the safety of people's lives. Li Yi's views are widely regarded as unrealistic and even absurd. Some have tried to justify his remarks as merely making suggestions, but an influential public figure should be more cautious than rash in expressing his views in public. Sometimes a single gaffe can trigger a chain reaction, which is extremely irresponsible.

In addition, some people have conducted an in-depth analysis of Li Yi's true intentions, believing that he may be a "new type of public knowledge", that is, ninety percent correct but carrying private goods. Such private goods may have provoked discussion of human rights and other issues by exaggerating the reality and deliberately exaggerating the high mortality rate. Some even wonder whether he has become a sounding board for outside forces trying to prevent Taiwan's reunification instead of directly supporting Taiwan independence.

Li Yi: If you want to recover Taiwan, you must be prepared to destroy 500 cities and sacrifice 1.4 billion people

The changing situation:

Regardless of Li Yi's true intentions, he only represents a personal position. The process of China's reunification has entered an irreversible stage, and peaceful reunification has always been the way we advocate. Li Yi's remarks will not waver in the Chinese government's commitment to maintaining peace and protecting the security of its people. Relevant departments have seriously criticized his radical remarks, indicating China's sincerity and peaceful stance.

In contrast, however, the Tsai Ing-wen administration seems to have ignored the safety of Taiwanese people and actively promoted so-called "de-Chinaization" policies in an attempt to achieve Taiwan's so-called "independence", which could lead to further escalation of the conflict. The Taiwanese government has taken a series of measures to reduce dependence on Chinese mainland and strengthen economic ties with countries such as Japan and the United States to promote the development of Taiwan's local industries.

Li Yi: If you want to recover Taiwan, you must be prepared to destroy 500 cities and sacrifice 1.4 billion people

In addition, the elections in Taiwan are approaching, and candidates from all sides are vying to express their views. The candidates' positions vary, some of which could stoke cross-strait tensions. Whoever is elected is unlikely to have a positive impact on cross-strait relations. The current situation is therefore fraught with uncertainty.


In the current situation, Li Yi's radical rhetoric is unlikely to become a reality. His extreme stance has sparked widespread controversy, but whatever his true intentions, it will not change the Chinese government's commitment to peaceful reunification. At the same time, the policies of the Tsai administration have also sparked tensions in cross-strait relations.

In this context, China will continue to pursue peaceful reunification, but it will not give up taking necessary measures to safeguard national security. In this process, we need to take a rational look at the remarks of all sides, discern the true intentions, and remain calm and cautious to ensure peace and stability in the region. In the end, we hope that we can realize the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait and promote common development and prosperity.

Li Yi: If you want to recover Taiwan, you must be prepared to destroy 500 cities and sacrifice 1.4 billion people

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