
In 1947, Nie Fengzhi captured a lieutenant general in the National Army alive, and Chen Yi's face changed greatly: block the news, and release people quickly

author:Runaway history

During the four-year War of Liberation, the three major battles of Liaoshen, Huaihai, and Pingjin, as well as the Battle of Crossing the River and the Battle of Jinan, were all large-scale battles of great strategic significance that we are familiar with. In January 1947, Chiang Kai-shek formulated a plan for the Battle of Lunan and launched an attack on the East China Field Army from longhai and jiao line. In this Battle of Laiwu, Su Yu, deputy commander of the East China Field Army, used his troops flexibly, and within three days exchanged several thousand plausible PLA troops for several times the casualties of the Nationalist army, and completely annihilated the 56,000 Kuomintang troops led by Li Xianzhou, deputy commander of the Second Appeasement District, of which nearly 50,000 were captured, and 21 general-level officers, including Li Xianzhou, were captured alive.

Wang Yaowu, Li Xianzhou's direct superior and commander of the Kuomintang's Second Appeasement District, once hated iron and steel and said: "Fifty thousand people will be wiped out in three days, that is, fifty thousand pigs will be released and the communist army will be arrested, and it will not be completed in three days." Nie Fengzhi, commander of the Ninth Column, was responsible for blocking the reinforcements of the Nationalist 77th Division in this battle, and without a single soldier captured all the fleeing enemy troops, the highest rank was a Kuomintang lieutenant general-level officer. After all, Li Xianzhou on the main battlefield was only the rank of lieutenant general.

Nie Fengzhi naturally loved to laugh, and he was even more smiling when he made such a great achievement, and when he received a call from Chen Yi, commander-in-chief of Huaye, his mouth was still grinning, but he did not expect that Chen Yi would go straight in and criticize him, and he would immediately release the captured military commander and not talk about his name. Nie Fengzhi was stunned by the sudden order, and did not understand why Chen Yi wanted to release the Kuomintang prisoners of war, why was this military commander who could not reveal his name so special?

In 1947, Nie Fengzhi captured a lieutenant general in the National Army alive, and Chen Yi's face changed greatly: block the news, and release people quickly

Su Yu Chen Yi

The commander who was captured and released by Nie Fengzhi was named Han Liancheng, who was then the commander of the Kuomintang Forty-sixth Army and a trusted confidant of Chiang Kai-shek, and even He Yingqin did not dare to make a mistake in front of him.

Born in 1908 in Guyuan County, Ningxia, Han Liancheng was forced to drop out of school after only attending elementary school because of his family's poverty, and successively herded sheep for landlords and apprenticed in grocery stores. The poor conditions made it impossible for Han Liancheng to continue his studies, but he never gave up studying.

In January 1925, the Kuomintang Ma Hongkui troops recruited members of the officer training team in the northwest, Han Liancheng frowned when he looked at the recruitment conditions of "limited junior high school education and above", he returned home to consult with his mother, and finally took the first Chinese of his brother Han Guizhang and successfully entered the teaching team, starting his military career under the name of Han Guizhang.

After entering the army, Han Liancheng dared to rush and dare to fight, and soon served as a company commander in the ranks of the Nationalist Coalition Army, and followed the troops to participate in the Northern Expedition. After the "April 12 Coup" in 1927, Feng Yuxiang and Chiang Kai-shek worked together to eliminate the Communists in the ranks and changed from the Northern Expedition to the East.

During this period, Han Liancheng, commander of the cavalry company of the Independent Regiment of the Northwest Army, happened to be near Feng Yuxiang and rescued Feng Yuxiang, who was surrounded by the enemy, and thus was appreciated by Feng Yuxiang, saying: "Han Liancheng suffered with me during the Northern Expedition. Under the protection of Feng Yuxiang, Han Liancheng soon emerged in the Northwest Army and became the leader of the Independent Regiment of the Sixty-fourth Division.

In May 1929, Feng Yuxiang appointed himself as the "Commander-in-Chief of the Northwest Road of the National Salvation Army", and publicly declared his crusade against Chiang Kai-shek. Sima Hongkui, Han Liancheng's direct subordinate, directly led his subordinates to defect to Chiang Kai-shek, and Han Liancheng has since become Chiang Kai-shek's subordinate.

In 1930, Feng Yuxiang and Yan Xishan launched the Central Plains War, and Chiang Kai-shek set up a "commander-in-chief train camp" at the Shangqiu Railway Station to personally command the battle at the front line. Unexpectedly, this night, a small unit of Feng Yuxiang took advantage of the night to touch it, and Chiang Kai-shek's headquarters was surrounded by regiments and was in danger.

Han Liancheng's independent regiment happened to be on garrison duty that night, and after hearing the sound of gunfire coming from near the railway station, he immediately arrived with his troops to rescue Chiang Kai-shek from the fire and water. At that time, Han Liancheng's troops were far from the enemy troops who came to sneak attack, but Han Liancheng had a good platoon of troops, taking advantage of the night to disturb the direction of the enemy, so that they could not confirm the guard situation around Chiang Kai-shek, and they were defeated by Han Liancheng's men.

Han Also met the legendary National President Chiang Kai-shek for the first time. Chiang Kai-shek was very grateful to Han Liancheng for "saving the driver" in time, and after greeting him about his basic situation, he specially issued a warrant: Han Guizhang, commander of the Independent Regiment of the Sixty-fourth Division, was ordered to be loyal and courageous, and was a graduate of the third phase of the chartered military academy, included in the student register, and the internal circular was known.

This warrant was called "wearing a yellow coat" by the Kuomintang people, and directly included Han Liancheng under the Huangpu gate, and he became a "Tianzi protégé" like Hu Zongnan and others, and entered the order of Chiang Kai-shek's concubine troops.

Since then, Han Liancheng, who has "bursting with luck", has risen step by step, successively serving as deputy director of the Jiangsu Security Department and commander of the Zhenjiang Garrison. In 1935, he also entered the Nanjing Army University under the special approval of Chiang Kai-shek and was awarded the rank of major general. During his advanced studies at the Army University, Han Liancheng was quick-witted, knowledgeable, and had unique insights into literature and the military, and Bai Chongxi's petrified dragons admired him very much and strongly recommended Han Liancheng to develop in the Gui army, but Han Liancheng was not eager to agree.

Later, Han Liancheng's flying Yellow Tengda attracted the jealousy of sima Hongkui, who went to Chiang Kai-shek to file a complaint and expose the news that Han Liancheng had close contacts with the Communists in the early days, which was severely refuted by Chiang Kai-shek. Chiang Kai-shek was convinced of his vision, he thought that he would not trust a Communist spy, and Han Liancheng must be a nationalist general who was loyal to him.

In 1947, Nie Fengzhi captured a lieutenant general in the National Army alive, and Chen Yi's face changed greatly: block the news, and release people quickly

Han Liancheng

After the outbreak of the All-out War of Resistance, Bai Chongxi came to Nanjing to serve as the chief of staff of the Central Military Commission, met Han Liancheng, whom Shihualong had always recommended to him, and the two talked all night. After graduating from the Army University, Han Liancheng proposed to Chiang Kai-shek the idea of developing the Gui department, and Chiang Kai-shek was very arrogant, believing that his good students were in order to expand the influence of the Central Committee of the Nationalist Army in the Gui Department, and specially allocated a batch of 50,000 yuan to Han Liancheng to use as an activity relationship and develop contacts.

As an independent person with insufficient seniority and no faction at all, Han Liancheng knew that if he wanted to take root in the Gui army, he had to work hard. He firmly planned to "want fame and not profit", said less and did more, picked things that others did not want to do, and at the same time used his superb social means to develop personal connections, and soon gained a foothold in the Gui Army, and his position rose again and again.

Since joining the army, Han Liancheng's military career has not had too many twists and turns; he was protected by Feng Yuxiang in the Northwest Army, and after saving Chiang Kai-shek, he once again became a red man next to Chairman Chiang Kai-shek, and in just a few years, he was favored by Bai Chongxi, Li Zongren, and other Gui warlords, and he could eat everywhere, especially in the Central Army and the Gui Army, and many people could not afford to offend the big reds.

However, Han Liancheng always had a yearning for the Communist Party in his heart, which was also the fundamental reason why he was released by Order Of Chen Yi.

As early as the Northern Expedition, Han Liancheng met Liu Zhidan, the director of the political department of the Fourth Army of the Nationalist Coalition Army. Liu Zhidan was a staunch Communist Party member, and he carefully explained the ideas and concepts of imperialism and feudalism to Han Liancheng, a new recruit, and answered the doubts of the National Revolution and the way to solve the current situation in China, which made Han Liancheng very inspired. Han Liancheng also had ideas for joining the CCP organization, but unfortunately, during the "Qing Dang" movement, Liu Zhidan and other comrades were expelled, and Han Liancheng lost contact with the Communist Party.

In 1942, Han Liancheng had become the chief of staff of the Kuomintang 16th Army, and the military academy had been promoted to lieutenant general, and the burning flame of communism in his heart had never been extinguished. In June 1942, Han Liancheng contacted Zhou Shiguan, a non-partisan, and asked his son-in-law Yu Ling, who was an underground party member, to help him communicate.

Under the contact of Yu Ling, Han Liancheng and Zhou Enlai had a secret meeting. As soon as they met, Han Liancheng openly stated his thoughts and reasons for wanting to join the CCP. Zhou Enlai was very surprised to learn that Han Liancheng was the Han Guizhang that Liu Zhidan had mentioned, and Han Liancheng's connection with the CCP was confirmed.

Because of Han Liancheng's special status, he became a secret worker under the direct leadership of Zhou Enlai, and with the exception of Wang Ruofei, Dong Biwu, Li Kenong, and Pan Hannian, the four insiders, Han Liancheng had no contact with any other CCP members.

After Japan surrendered, Han Liancheng, the commander of the Forty-sixth Army, who was deeply trusted by Jiang Gui, was ordered to enter Hainan Island and serve as the commander of the defense. On the surface, his duty in Hainan was to accept the surrender of the Japanese army and eliminate the anti-Japanese guerrillas on the island, but in fact, he was freed by a group of guerrilla members who had been captured by the military command agents according to Zhou Enlai's instructions.

At the same time, the solution of all military forces on Hainan Island that may pose a threat to the qiongya underground party members provided a huge precondition for the liberation of Hainan after the People's Liberation Army. In February 1946, Han Liancheng was wounded in Hainan and was transferred to Shandong to fight, Han Liancheng first informed Dong Biwu of this change, and was asked by Dong Biwu to temporarily remain unchanged.

In January 1947, Chiang Kai-shek launched the Battle of Lunan and fought in Laiwu and Huaye, Shandong. The Forty-sixth Army led by Han Liancheng was reorganized into the Forty-sixth Division, and under the command of Li Xianzhou, it went to Linyi to cooperate in the battle, and strived to force the Plaster army to be annihilated in the Yimeng Mountains.

After the battle began, Han Liancheng told Li Xianzhou that one of his regiments was besieged and must go to the rescue. Li Xianzhou was full of admiration for Han's righteous behavior and immediately agreed to his request. Han Liancheng disappeared without a trace, and Li Xianzhou could not find his figure throughout the battle.

Han Liancheng's disappearance directly affected the breakthrough operations of the Nationalist army, causing the original delayed fighters to disappear completely, the 7 reorganized divisions led by Li Xianzhou were wiped out, and Hua Ye recaptured 13 counties including Boshan and Zichuan, laying the foundation for the victory of the Liberation War.

After Nie Fengzhi grabbed this enemy general, before he could be happy, he was forced to release the "captives". Han Liancheng, who was released, came to Chen Yi, and in the face of Chen Yi's invitation to return to the party organization and return to work in the liberated areas, Han Liancheng refused, and he wanted to seek greater benefits for our party and win more victories in his own capacity.

Han Liancheng and Chen Yi discussed a seamless "plan of return" and specially compiled a "Memoirs of the Luzhong Battlefield" for Chiang Kai-shek, who had no doubt about Han Liancheng and praised him for "being able to return to Beijing as soon as he runs out, which is extremely courageous." ”

In the autumn of 1947, Han Liancheng's identity was almost revealed. Du Yuming obtained Han Liancheng's connection with the Communists from the captured Huaye officers and immediately reported them to Chiang Kai-shek. However, Chiang Kai-shek did not believe Du Yuming, and he believed Han Liancheng's statement that "the two have always been at odds and slandered on the charge of communism", and gently exposed the matter.

In 1947, Nie Fengzhi captured a lieutenant general in the National Army alive, and Chen Yi's face changed greatly: block the news, and release people quickly

Chiang Kai-shek Du Yuming

In October 1948, Du Yuming complained to He Yingqin again, saying that Han Liancheng had secretly colluded with the Communist Party, and he Yingqin also had evidence in his hands that Han Liancheng was "a communist". It was only han Liancheng who was deeply trusted by Chiang Kai-shek, and He Yingqin did not dare to act rashly, euphemistically invited Han Liancheng to come to Nanjing, and sent a private plane to pick him up.

On the way, Han Liancheng was stopped by insiders, informed of He Yingqin's plot, and arranged for Han Liancheng to be transferred to Hong Kong. In November, Han Liancheng set off from Hong Kong and traveled to Xibaipo, the seat of the central government, where he was warmly welcomed by Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, and others.

Subsequently, Han Liancheng was appointed as Ichino's deputy chief of staff and officially became a member of the People's Liberation Army, fighting against the enemy in a brazen and upright manner. In May 1950, Han Liancheng finally joined the Communist Party of China as he wished under the personal introduction of Zhou Enlai.

In 1955, when the title was awarded, Premier Zhou deliberately asked Han Liancheng's opinion, if according to the national army uprising generals, Han Liancheng was eligible to be awarded the rank of general, there were several rebel generals in the party at that time who were awarded the rank of general; if Han Liancheng joined the party and the position he held in the party, he could only be awarded the rank of lieutenant general.

Han Liancheng said without any concern that the revolution was not for the sake of fame and fortune in the first place, but now that he has returned to the embrace of the organization, he is naturally awarded the rank of lieutenant general according to the time of joining the party.

When Han died in Beijing in February 1984, all politburo members sent him a wreath of remembrance. For such an outstanding general who had been lurking within the Kuomintang for a long time but little known, Mr. Zhu praised him for "making great contributions and extraordinary contributions to the party and the revolution," and Premier Zhou said that he was "a Communist Party member who did not go through the formalities of joining the Party."

In 1947, Nie Fengzhi captured a lieutenant general in the National Army alive, and Chen Yi's face changed greatly: block the news, and release people quickly

His life is legendary enough, but also secret enough, low-key enough, such a great and simple revolutionary hero, worthy of future generations to remember, grateful, and remembered.

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