
Traditional Chinese medicine hidden in ancient poetry - mugwort leaf

author:Pharmacist Xiao Ge

Soft grass flat sand through the rain new, light sand on the road dust-free. When to pack up and plow.

The sun is warm and shiny, and the wind is like a glow. Jun Yuan is the one in this.

- "Huan Xi Sha" by Song Su Shi

Traditional Chinese medicine hidden in ancient poetry - mugwort leaf

Pitsai Gexi, not seen in a day, like March Xi!

Pi Tse Xiaoxi, not seen in a day, like three autumns!

Pittsai Aixi! One day is gone, like a three-year-old!

——"The Book of Poetry, Wang Feng, Caige"

Traditional Chinese medicine hidden in ancient poetry - mugwort leaf

The Chinese medicine I want to talk about today is the wormwood mentioned in the poem, and the dried leaves of the Asteraceae plant Wormwood are mainly used in Chinese medicine.

Mugwort leaves are bitter and warm, raw and cooked, and enter the liver, spleen and kidney meridians.

Traditional Chinese medicine hidden in ancient poetry - mugwort leaf

Raw use can warm the meridian to disperse cold and dampness, warm the uterus and regulate qi and blood to achieve the effect of analgesia, hemostasis and band. Stir-fried charcoal inside is warmed to disperse cold, warm the palace, converge and stop avalanches. Topical decoction smoked and washed can dry and damp, kill insects and relieve itching. Moxibustion can warm the meridians, disperse cold, and achieve the effect of relieving pain and reducing swelling.

Mugwort leaves have a special smell and can play a role in repelling mosquitoes, and smoking some mugwort leaves in summer can avoid mosquito bites. At the same time, mugwort leaf is also a traditional cuisine in the south of the mainland and is an important ingredient for making Qingtuan. Many people also use mugwort leaves to soak in the bath, which can improve the body's immunity. In addition, mugwort leaves can also dispel wind and cold, and the effect on preventing colds is also very good.

Traditional Chinese medicine hidden in ancient poetry - mugwort leaf

It is worth noting that mugwort spicy fragrance is warm and dry, can not be taken in excess or for a long time, Yin deficiency blood fever is prohibited.

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