
An Iranian "couple" hides in a barn and kisses

author:Hot-blooded young brother Haozi

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Hugo once said: "Life is a flower, love is nectar".

Love makes two hearts closely connected, making ordinary life romantic and sweet.

Throughout the ages, many unforgettable love stories have been recorded in Chinese and foreign classics. For example, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, Niulang and Weaver Girl, Romeo and Juliet, etc.

Art comes from reality, and the beautiful yearning for love in people's hearts has prompted a good story.

In the long river of history, there is a couple, seemingly ordinary but particularly dazzling, their lives are frozen in the moment of kissing, their love travels through thousands of years...

First, the discovery of romance

This couple is the most romantic discovery in archaeological history - the Hasanru lovers.

An Iranian "couple" hides in a barn and kisses

The circulation of the story of Hasanru's lover dates back to the seventies of the last century.

In 1972, an archaeological team from the University of Pennsylvania traveled to a small town in northwestern Iran to find a thousand-year-old barn site for research.

At noon one day, the archaeological mission began its work intensively. A worker was operating a machine to remove the soil, and as the depth of the excavation increased, he suddenly noticed that there was a bulge on the soil, hard to the touch, and there may be important artifacts buried in it. He hurriedly called his fellow experts to tell them about their findings.

The experts quickly sorted out the professional tools, came to the bulge, and carefully shoveled the surface soil layer, and the whitish hard object was slowly exposed. As the excavation progressed, people were surprised to find that it was a human skeleton with a complete structure. While the experts were ecstatic at what they had discovered, something even more unexpected happened.

An Iranian "couple" hides in a barn and kisses

Next to this human skeleton, there is another human skeleton. After cleaning the surrounding soil layer, it can be clearly found: The two behaved intimately. One person lies on his side, looks at the other person, and gently caresses the other's face with his hand. The other person lies flat, his face turned to the right, looks at the other, and puts his right hand around the other's waist. The two hugged each other tightly and kissed passionately.

The two skeletons attracted the attention of all the members, and everyone came to watch, and some of them asked curiously: "These two people are so close, what will be the relationship between them before they die?" ”

Some people speculate that it may be a couple with deep affection, while others think that it is a pair of brothers and sisters with branches and leaves, and everyone talks about it.

An Iranian "couple" hides in a barn and kisses

In the evening, experts identified the shape of the bones and found that the pelvic shapes of the two skeletons were far apart, excluding the possibility of same-sex, one skeleton was intact, and the other had obvious cracks in the head, which should have been severely injured before death.

Combined with historical data and bone age, it was found that the two were born in 800 BC, located in the ancient city of Hasanru at that time, and were about 19 years old when they died.

Therefore, the two should be a young couple, at the end of life, the girl caresses the injured boy, and the boy hugs him into his arms and kisses sweetly. This kiss has been buried in the ground for nearly 2,800 years.

The archaeological team named the couple Hassanru Lovers, brought them back to the university museum, and informed the media about the discovery. For a time, their existence aroused widespread global attention. People flock to the museum to see what it really is.

An Iranian "couple" hides in a barn and kisses

There is an endless stream of tourists. Everyone who saw this exhibit couldn't help but stand solemn, moved by this love that had been fixed for a thousand years. In addition to being moved, people can't help but wonder in their hearts: What kind of story does this pair of lovers have? Why did you end your life in such a position?

Second, embrace in the beacon

Combined with the historical background and related materials, people speculate that the story of the couple is like this...

In 800 BC, present-day Iran was in the neo-Elam period of the Elam civilization.

At that time, the leader of Elamite was incompetent, domestic political infighting was serious, many uprisings and independence were in many places, foreign forces were watching, and the Assyrian Empire repeatedly invaded. For a time, Elan was worried about internal and external troubles, and the wind and rain were shaking.

An Iranian "couple" hides in a barn and kisses

This couple is living in this era of fire.

One day, the Assyrian army broke into the town. Years of war had left the town vulnerable, and it was soon occupied by Assyria.

Assyrian soldiers burned and looted in the town, cruelly. Some soldiers held torches and set fire to the pile of grain in an attempt to destroy the town to ashes; Some soldiers were distraught, and when they saw the women fleeing, they snatched and committed violence, and after humiliating them, they stabbed them to their deaths;

Others broke through the gates and stormed the homes of the Elamite people to loot food and treasures. In the small town, wails rang out, blood flowed like rivers, and countless innocent lives died in humiliation.

In the chaos, a 19-year-old boy took the girl's hand and trotted all the way, dodging enemy forces and rushing towards an abandoned barn.

Along the way, the boy crossed numerous obstacles and fended off multiple attacks, his head bruised by enemy weapons attacks and bloodied. But he always protected the girl in his arms, so that the girl was not hurt in the slightest.

Finally, they entered the barn and hid in it. The boy saw that the woman in his arms was safe and sound, let out a long sigh of relief, and comforted: "Don't be afraid, when the enemy army is gone, everything will be fine", said and gently patted the shivering girl.

The girl nodded, her mood gradually calmed down, she found a relatively clean fabric on her clothes, and wiped the blood on the boy's face with distress, and tears could not stop flowing.

As time passed, the air in the dark barn became thinner and thinner, the bodies of the two became weaker and weaker, and their consciousness gradually became confused. They did not wait for the departure of the enemy troops, but waited for the torches thrown by the enemy troops.

The raging fire burned mercilessly, and thick smoke poured into the barn, and the two people in the barn had been cornered and had no way to escape.

After a brief panic, the two calmed down, and they understood that they could not wait for the future. The smoke had made the two extremely weak and unable to struggle. The boy took the girl in his arms, annoyed that he could not keep the girl safe, and looked lost.

The girl hugged the boy tightly, thinking of being able to be with her beloved at the end of her life, she gently stroked the boy's face and smiled sweetly. With the encouragement of his lover, the boy's eyes were also a little more relieved. He looked at the girl, his eyes were gentle and affectionate, and he lowered his head and kissed gently.

At this moment, as if time was frozen, the chaos in the outside world seemed to no longer matter, they only had each other in their hearts, they felt each other's temperature, clinging to each other, and immersed their lives in this last warm tenderness.

Everything outside the warehouse is burning out, and inside the warehouse they love each other deeply until death.

This couple, who could have been inseparable, died quietly in the war.

Through the vicissitudes of the sea, the change of dynasties, this couple from ordinary backgrounds has not left any shadow in the history of thousands of years. Ordinary life may be like a drop in the ocean, but fiery emotions cross time and space, great and romantic.

The kiss of Hasanru's lovers in the beacon fire, so that love can be eternal in the ups and downs of the world, and sing praises and reverence for future generations.

3. Endless love

The world is impermanent, but love is endless.

In Iran a thousand years ago, there were Hasanru lovers who fell in love in the flames, and there was also a beautiful story on the mainland at the same time.

At that time, the mainland was in the Western Zhou Dynasty, with flourishing agriculture, prosperous culture, and the people living and working in peace and contentment.

Once, Zhou Wen Wang Jichang went out on a trip and passed through Weishui. He stopped, sat by the river to take a nap, looked up, and caught a glimpse of a woman strolling on the opposite bank.

I saw that the woman was dressed in fluttering, bright and bright, beautiful and vulgar, walking, waist swing, graceful demeanor, a smile, touching heart. Ji Chang was fascinated for a while, and sat on the river bank to watch for a long time.

He is attracted to the beauty of women, but his love does not float there. He wanted to understand the character of the woman, so he changed into civilian clothes and went to the woman's hometown of Xin Kingdom as a common man.

He learned that the woman's name was Taiji, a well-known local beauty. He is both talented and virtuous, kind-hearted, generous and benevolent, helps the poor, does not flattery the rich and seeks glory, and has his own principles for dealing with the world.

Ji Chang is deeply impressed by Taiji's personality charm and longs to spend the rest of his life with her. But instead of using hegemony to force Taiji to be included in the palace, he hopes to make Taiji willingly stay with him.

Therefore, he tried all kinds of ways to attract Taiji's attention. Sometimes the guqin is brought to play a local folk song, sometimes the bell is beating the drum to play a magnificent music, the sun and rain, never stop, just to stay for a moment.

Taiji was finally moved by Ji Chang's sincerity and was willing to move forward hand in hand with him. Ji Chang was ecstatic, and quickly wrote to report the situation to his father and ask for marriage. The two families agreed very much about their marriage, and relatives and friends sent blessings.

On the day of the wedding, the sun was shining, and the sky and the earth were clear. There was no bridge on Weishui, and in order to marry Taiji on the other side, Ji Chang ordered that only a number of ships should be shipped, and the ships would be connected to each other to form a passage to facilitate the passage of the greeting procession. The whole country celebrated, the people sang blessings, and the scene was magnificent.

Ji Chang happily welcomed Taiji into the palace, happily introducing the situation in the palace to her along the way and sketching a bright future. He also specially prepared Taiji's hometown food to relieve Taiji's homesickness.

After marriage, Ji Chang and his wife respected each other like guests and loved each other all their lives. In the slave society at that time, Ji Chang could be said to have given Tai Ji great love and respect. The hearts of the people in the palace are like the sea, but the two never suspect each other and love each other deeply. Ji Chang even ordered the historian to record and describe the virtues of Tai Ji, so that future generations could sing and admire it.

The two of them knew and loved each other, and were described by "The Book of Poetry and Daming" as "King Wen's first time, a match made in heaven", and by "The Book of Poetry, Guan Jiao" as "Guan Guan Jiu is in the land of rivers, my fair lady is a gentleman".

In peacetime, calm and long-term love is the most healing thing.

The era of Ji Chang and Taiji has been dusted by history; But their love, spanning thousands of years, is endless, and has become a good story in the hearts of future generations.

IV. Summary

Qin Guan wrote in "Queqiao Immortal": "If the two loves are long, how can they be in the twilight of the dynasty."

Sincere love, warm people's hearts, make people's hearts have ties and concerns, and make life have depth and sublimation.

The world is impermanent, and only love can be eternal.

The Hasanlu lovers who fell in love in the beacon and Ji Changtai, who stayed together all their lives in peacetime, all used their inseparability to tell the greatness of love.

The power of this love shines across time and space.

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