
The man patted the dead Cryptoptera and caused multiple ulcers on the body, which has not healed for 5 days, do not use your hands!

author:Sister Lan Kan Entertainment

Recently, a surprising news in Baoji, Shaanxi Province, went viral on social media. A man named Mr. Qin found several small insects crawling on his bed before going to bed. He unexpectedly slapped the bugs to death with his hands, but the next morning, he found that there were multiple red marks on his body, and these red marks were getting worse, accompanied by ulceration, swelling and severe pain. After seeking medical treatment, Mr. Qin was diagnosed with Cryptoptera dermatitis.

In an interview, Mr. Qin recalled the moment when he first found the red marks, he simply thought that these marks were indentations while sleeping, however, over time, the wounds gradually deteriorated, festered, and accompanied by strong swelling and pain.

The man patted the dead Cryptoptera and caused multiple ulcers on the body, which has not healed for 5 days, do not use your hands!

In order to seek treatment, Mr. Qin came to the hospital and was prescribed some drugs by the doctor. In addition, he cleaned up his home himself, using insecticides to repel cryptoptera. However, as of now, Mr. Qin's wound has not completely healed, and there are still blisters on his skin.

This surprising event has attracted great attention from netizens and residents. Cryptoptera is a common pest that is mostly active in summer. They crawl at night and prefer to hide in beds, furniture crevices, etc. However, contrary to popular belief, cryptoptera do not fly.

The man patted the dead Cryptoptera and caused multiple ulcers on the body, which has not healed for 5 days, do not use your hands!

They are not named because they have hidden wings, but because the two wings are often hidden within their bodies, making them undetectable. However, despite their small size, their bite marks can trigger severe skin inflammation.

For this experience of encountering cryptoptera, Mr. Qin was very emotional. He strongly reminded everyone that if you encounter cryptoptera, you should not touch it with your hands. Because cryptoptera bites can cause skin inflammation, if accidentally touched, it can lead to worsening of the wound and even cause infection. In order to avoid worsening the situation, he recommended that everyone wash with alkaline soap as soon as possible after being bitten to reduce wound inflammation.

The man patted the dead Cryptoptera and caused multiple ulcers on the body, which has not healed for 5 days, do not use your hands!

From Mr. Qin's experience, we can see that it is very important to pay attention to and guard against this little bug. This incident reminds us to maintain household hygiene and pay attention to the cleanliness of furniture and bed linen to reduce the chance of cryptoptera breeding.

In addition, sheets and bedding can be changed regularly, and items washed or dried at high temperatures to kill the eggs and larvae of Cryptoptera. In addition, when buying furniture, attention should be paid to its quality and details to avoid habitats where cryptoptera breeds.

The man patted the dead Cryptoptera and caused multiple ulcers on the body, which has not healed for 5 days, do not use your hands!

To sum up, in the face of sudden Cryptoptera injury, we must remain vigilant and take active measures to prevent and mitigate the occurrence of Cryptoptera dermatitis. Although Mr. Qin's experience has unfortunately been hurt, his experience has taught us that a healthy living environment and good hygiene habits are always the best way for us to protect ourselves from pests. Let's work together to create a comfortable, clean home environment away from the threat of cryptoptera.

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