
Let children give up the high school entrance examination and go directly to vocational high school, what are these parents thinking?

Let children give up the high school entrance examination and go directly to vocational high school, what are these parents thinking?

Let children give up the high school entrance examination and go directly to vocational high school, what are these parents thinking?

▲Documentary "China Gate"

Speaking of "middle school entrance examination streaming", families with children are all talking about color changes. It is generally believed that diversion means class slippage, and diversion means the failure of parental education. What does it mean for a family that a child goes to vocational high school? In today's article, we will share the latest information.

Author: Miss Manglai, national second-level psychological counselor, intermediate marriage and family counselor, public number: "Miss Manglai" (ID: ydsakyml).


A pair of twin boys in my hometown neighborhood did not perform well in the middle school exam this year. Their usual grades can go to the local general high school, the annual tuition is only 2,000 yuan, and now they can only go to two types of schools: either go to vocational high schools, technical schools, or throw money to go to private high schools, two children is 60,000.

Parents are under a lot of financial pressure and want their two children to guess who goes to high school and who goes to vocational high school. The two children are unwilling, they feel that "to go to a high position is to fail and not succeed." In the end, parents had to bite their teeth and borrow money to send their two children to private high schools.

"If you can't pass the exam, you have to go to high school to throw money at it", this idea is very common, but it is quite difficult for some families with abnormal performance, late maturity and limited financial ability. Because of this, the "diversion panic" in society has become more and more intense.


The society has always circulated that the acceptance rate of general high school and vocational high school is 5:5, but this is not the case.

During the World Conference on the Development of Vocational and Technical Education in August 2022, the Ministry of Education released the "China Vocational Education Development Report (2012-2022)" according to the data: in 2021, the national secondary vocational enrollment accounted for about 33%-35% of the total; The national higher vocational enrollment accounts for about 45%-56%.

That is, the 55 stream is inaccurate, the middle school entrance examination is closer to the 37 stream, secondary school 3, middle school 7; The college entrance examination tends to be 55 points. Moreover, the 37 diversion is not new, it has existed for a long time since the mainland began to popularize nine-year compulsory education.

Since May 1, 2022, when the Vocational Education Law was re-implemented after the overhaul, the mainland has clarified the types of education that "vocational education and general education are of equal importance". There are three reasons for this division:

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    First, the theory of multiple intelligences.

In 1983, Harvard psychology professor Howard Gardner proposed that human intelligence cannot be based on just a few questions, and different parts of the brain correspond to different abilities of people. No one can say which ability is stronger or weaker, so it is necessary to look at it in a pluralistic and integrated way.

Let children give up the high school entrance examination and go directly to vocational high school, what are these parents thinking?

Howard Gardner

For example, some children are not good at reading, do not pay attention in class, and have poor exams, but their hands-on ability is particularly strong. In the current educational environment, such children are more suitable for career skills development, such as auto repair, IT, information technology, etc.

Some parents have seen this, and in 2016, 6,000 junior high school graduates in Hangzhou were admitted to secondary vocational schools in advance, and they went directly to vocational high schools without taking the high school entrance examination.

Let children give up the high school entrance examination and go directly to vocational high school, what are these parents thinking?

The sooner parents discover their children's talents and expertise, get rid of the "chicken baby" and "inner roll", and develop their children's real long boards, the more they can help their children find the path that really suits them as soon as possible, and they don't have to worry about their results.

Let children give up the high school entrance examination and go directly to vocational high school, what are these parents thinking?
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    Second, there are few front-line workers, and it is difficult for enterprises to recruit workers

Now many parents are college students, unable to accept that their children's education is lower than their own, worried about the bad style of vocational colleges and universities, teaching bad children. In fact, vocational high schools may be relatively the most suitable place to train skilled workers.

CCTV filmed a short film "Ice and Fire in the Job Market", revealing that in Zhejiang and other regions with developed manufacturing industries, it has always been difficult to recruit workers, and it is not necessarily possible to find a capable technician for 15,000 per month. In order to retain workers, some companies can only continue to increase wages, and even write stable employees into corporate strategies.

Let children give up the high school entrance examination and go directly to vocational high school, what are these parents thinking?

Why is it difficult to recruit workers? One reason is that there are too many college students and too few professional workers, which leads to polarization in the job market: graduates are difficult to find jobs, factories are difficult to hire.

These college students who cannot find jobs after graduation choose to work in the express delivery and takeaway industries due to lack of technology.

Data show that by 2019, the total number of food delivery workers in China exceeded 7 million, and 580,000 new riders were added in two months during the epidemic, of which more than 70,000 delivery boys with master's degree or above.

Let children give up the high school entrance examination and go directly to vocational high school, what are these parents thinking?

"If you know this, it's better to learn a skill." As the polarization becomes stronger, so does the voice.

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    Third, change the "loser mentality" that prevails in vocational high schools

"You will only come to vocational high school if you can't get into ordinary high schools with cultural achievements", this saying is widely spread in vocational high schools.

Many students enter vocational colleges and universities with the mentality of "losers", and later feel at ease to consider themselves "losers". This "self-defeat" is one of the reasons for the poor atmosphere of the high job.

In order to get rid of this "poor student mentality", the state has been improving the attractiveness of vocational education and improving the development of professional talents.

However, just by increasing the number of vocational high school enrollment, I am afraid that it is not enough to change people's "stereotypes", and the state still needs to come up with more favorable measures to change the phenomenon of vocational education being "looked down upon", at least it will not lead to the waste of the future of children, so that parents can send their children to vocational high schools with confidence.

Let children give up the high school entrance examination and go directly to vocational high school, what are these parents thinking?

In the face of triage, parents should be clear about three things

With the development of the times, the current educational environment seems to have changed from "education for all" to "teaching according to aptitude". If children who are in vocational high school focus on technical improvement, they can easily earn tens of thousands a month; If children who study in general high school do not have self-motivation for learning, they may also "lie down" as soon as they enter college and find no way out.

In this case, it is necessary for us as parents to change our thinking: it may not be the child that needs to be developed, but the insight of the parents - whether they can see the potential and talent of the child, and develop the child on this basis, may largely determine the future direction of the child.

Therefore, I advise parents to be clear about three things:

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    First, grasp as much practical information as possible to avoid the wild growth of children

There are many netizens on Zhihu who are "small-town subjectists", because of information barriers, do not understand the actual situation of university majors, and choose a major based on feelings, such as philosophy and archaeology. As a result, I couldn't find a job after graduation, and I went around in circles and muddles.

As Zhang Xuefeng said: being admitted to a good university does not mean getting a good job; Studying a good major does not equal a good life.

Let children give up the high school entrance examination and go directly to vocational high school, what are these parents thinking?

It was not until their children graduated that many parents found that it was impossible to become a superior person after grad school, or they could only get a few thousand yuan a month; If you study finance and business management, you can't enter investment banking or top 500, or you can only start as a small business intern.

Smart parents break down information barriers in three ways:

First, learn more about entrepreneurs' views on future career choices. For example, Ma Yun once proposed that "in the future, the production and manufacturing industry will be replaced by AI, and the service industry will be hot". In other words, service majors such as flight attendants and nursing care may be better employed in the future than manufacturing majors such as parts processing.

Let children give up the high school entrance examination and go directly to vocational high school, what are these parents thinking?

Then, have authoritative data released by the state and the Ministry of Education. I found a set of data showing that the country will fully promote vocational education by 2035. In fact, there is no need to wait so long, this year's college entrance examination career filling gap gap: more and more people attach importance to a skill, the number of applicants for popular majors such as finance and humanities has dropped significantly, and majors with high technical content have become popular.

Also, don't forget to expand your horizons and understand what the future holds. If you want to get the information closest to your child, you can learn from teacher friends, class teachers, parent groups and other places; If you want to grasp the information of your child's future development, you can learn about the national career development white paper, the notices issued by the Ministry of Education, and pay attention to the stock market to grasp the industries with soaring stock prices and unlimited potential, which may correspond to the development prospects of children.

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    Second, activate the child's internal drive and clarify the future direction as soon as possible

Children who have a stronger internal drive for what will show more commitment and enthusiasm for what they will have. For example, children who are active by nature like to disassemble electrical appliances and cook; Children with high sensitivity by nature like to read and draw.

Let children give up the high school entrance examination and go directly to vocational high school, what are these parents thinking?

If parents are not good at judging their children's potential and talents, they can start from the things their children are focused on.

I observed my child and found that he likes to play games, not "Honor of Kings" and other combat games, but "Minecraft" business strategy games, he likes to build houses in the game, space construction ability is relatively strong.

Let children give up the high school entrance examination and go directly to vocational high school, what are these parents thinking?

This solved some of my doubts: the child was averse to doing mechanical repetitive things, such as curling wool and copying poetry, and I didn't know why, but now I found that maybe the child's talent is not there, he prefers creative activities, such as building blocks and playing with Lego. Therefore, I pay attention to helping children develop space building skills to make the longboard particularly long.

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    Third, parents should not be overly anxious and keep a stable state of mind

Recently, there is a hot word "saturation education", which refers to parents who can't see their children idle, and when they see him not doing homework and doing nothing, they are flustered, and they have to ask their children to learn something. But this "cramming" general attitude to education actually satisfies not the needs of children, but the needs of parents - parents want to relieve their anxiety by keeping their children busy.

"Saturation education" is not necessarily useful, and "hard work leads to success" may not apply to all children. Researchers at the University of South Florida and the University of California, San Diego, found that overlearning works in the short term and does not work in the long term.

From this point of view, allowing children to grow up under pressure and fulfillment is not necessarily a good growth strategy.

Instead, parents keep a stable state of mind and emotional stability, bring as little pressure as possible to their children, and children stay at home without burden, and they will be more willing to invest in what they are really interested in and more willing to learn.

Write at the end

The middle school entrance examination is the end of one stage and the beginning of another season.

Children are not alone in this journey, parents have a vital role as teammates and mentors - to help children make complex things simple and remove obstacles in their growth. To this end, parents may wish to put aside panic and anxiety and look at their children's future from a more calm, rational and objective perspective.

William Dresiewicz, a professor at Yale University, said: "I have seen many friends around me sacrifice their health, friendship, love, personal exploration, extracurricular activities, etc. for the sake of their children's grades and resumes, and these sacrifices are the cornerstones of building a person's heart and soul." ”

Let children give up the high school entrance examination and go directly to vocational high school, what are these parents thinking?

Parents adjust their souls to make them peaceful, relaxed and wise, and children will feel more secure, as long as children feel that their parents can really help themselves, they will be more confident to face all future challenges.

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