
"Kuok's Scam"! Gou Taiming co-signed, treating voters and Lai Peixia as tools, how can he endure it?

author:Every second counts, UlJ

Recently, the news of Gou's candidacy has attracted widespread attention, and in the process, many shocking details have emerged. Among them, the most striking incident is the joint signature of Gou Taiming and Lai Peixia. The incident has been dubbed by many as a "Kuok scheme" because it involves unfair treatment and exploitation of voters and Lai Peixia. As a public figure, Gou should be guided by honesty and integrity, rather than using others for his own political ends.

"Kuok's Scam"! Gou Taiming co-signed, treating voters and Lai Peixia as tools, how can he endure it?

First, let's look at the unfair treatment of voters. As voters, we have the right to freely choose our own candidates and to exercise our right to vote. However, Gou's joint signature with Lai Peixia clearly violates this principle. Lai Peixia is not a real candidate, she is only used by Gou to achieve her own political goals. Such behavior is not only disrespectful to voters, but also distorts the electoral system.

Second, let's look at the use of Lai Peixia. Lai Peixia is an ordinary citizen who has no political experience and no desire to run. Gou, however, used her as a tool for his candidacy to achieve his political goals. This kind of exploitation is not only unfair to Lai Peixia, but also an infringement of her personal rights and interests. As a public figure, Gou should be responsible for his actions, not use others for his own political ends.

"Kuok's Scam"! Gou Taiming co-signed, treating voters and Lai Peixia as tools, how can he endure it?

We cannot turn a blind eye to Gou's actions in this incident. As a public figure, his actions should be an example worthy of our emulation and emulation, not disappointing and angry us. He should be guided by honesty and integrity, not use others for his own political ends. As voters, we should also be vigilant and not be deceived by this exploitation, think rationally and make informed choices.

"Kuok's Scam"! Gou Taiming co-signed, treating voters and Lai Peixia as tools, how can he endure it?

In short, the "Kuok scheme" incident has sounded the alarm for us. As citizens, we should protect our right to vote and not be manipulated by interest groups. As voters, we should be vigilant and not be fooled by false propaganda. As public figures, we should be guided by honesty and integrity, rather than using others for our own political ends. Only then can we build a just, transparent and democratic society.