
When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?

author:Xiao Peng's brilliant notes
When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?
When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?

Text | Xiao Peng's brilliant notes

Editor|Xiao Peng's brilliant notes


Fatigue is a common phenomenon in all walks of life, whether it is exhaustion from daily work or exercise, or the relentless demands of modern life, or even the physical and mental damage caused by illness, it is crucial to understand the physiological mechanisms behind fatigue and find effective mitigation strategies.

When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?

Classification and distinction of fatigue

Central fatigue refers to fatigue originating from the central nervous system (CNS), which mainly involves the brain and spinal cord and is manifested by a decrease in cognitive function and motivation, and the following are the physiological mechanisms that lead to central fatigue.

Fatigue is associated with changes in neurotransmitter activity, serotonin, a neurotransmitter involved in mood regulation, increases during prolonged exercise, leading to feelings of tiredness and decreased motivation.

When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?

During prolonged physical or mental exertion, the accumulation of metabolic byproducts such as lactic acid and ammonia in the central nervous system can impair neuronal function and lead to fatigue.

The brain relies primarily on glucose for energy, and prolonged cognitive or physical activity can deplete glucose stores, leading to decreased cognitive function and overall alertness.

When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?

Peripheral fatigue occurs in muscles and other peripheral tissues and is usually characterized by a decrease in physical performance and muscle strength, there are several physiological mechanisms that cause peripheral fatigue, muscles store glycogen, which is a carbohydrate that is an important source of energy during physical activity, when glycogen levels are depleted, muscles produce fatigue, resulting in decreased athletic performance.

When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?

Similar to central fatigue, peripheral fatigue is also associated with the accumulation of metabolic byproducts such as lactic acid and hydrogen ions, which affect muscle contractility, the neuromuscular junction is where motor neurons transmit signals to muscles, and fatigue occurs when the neurotransmitter acetylcholine cannot be effectively released or received, resulting in weakened muscle contractility.

Fatigue can be caused by a variety of factors, including physical exertion, mental stress, lack of sleep, and medical conditions, and understanding how these factors contribute to fatigue is critical to developing effective fatigue mitigation strategies.

When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?

Physical fatigue, also known as physical exhaustion, is a state of tiredness or exhaustion that mainly affects the functioning of the body, it is a common experience that occurs in a variety of activities or conditions that require physical exertion, this type of fatigue manifests itself in different ways, from mild discomfort to severe exhaustion, and understanding its underlying mechanisms is essential to effectively address fatigue.

When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?

The mechanism of physical fatigue

One of the most obvious aspects of physical fatigue is muscle fatigue, which occurs when muscles' response to nerve signals is weakened, resulting in a decrease in muscle strength and endurance, which can be caused by factors such as overuse, inadequate rest, or inadequate nutrition.

Muscles rely on glycogen (a stored type of glucose) for energy during exercise, and prolonged or strenuous exercise depletes glycogen storage, leading to decreased energy levels and muscle fatigue, and carbohydrate-rich foods are essential for replenishing glycogen.

When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?

During strenuous exercise, the body produces energy in an anaerobic manner, resulting in lactic acid as a byproduct of metabolism, and the accumulation of lactic acid causes muscle soreness, leading to a feeling of fatigue.

Inadequate fluid intake during physical activity can lead to dehydration and imbalances of essential electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and calcium, which can impair muscle function, leading to fatigue, and extreme temperatures that are too hot or too cold can stress the body's thermoregulatory mechanisms, and this additional stress can lead to fatigue as the body works harder to maintain core temperature.

When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?

High-intensity or prolonged physical activity without proper conditioning or recovery periods can lead to physical fatigue, which is especially predisposed to athletes and people in physically demanding jobs.

Lack of sleep and rest can lead to physical fatigue, and during sleep, the body undergoes necessary repair and recovery processes, including muscle tissue repair and memory consolidation.

When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?

Pushing the body to its limits or engaging in activities that you are not used to can cause rapid fatigue of the body, which usually occurs in competitive sports or sudden increases in physical demand.

A lack of essential nutrients in the diet, especially carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, can impair muscle function and overall energy levels, leading to physical fatigue, and even mild dehydration can negatively affect physical performance, leading to fatigue, and it is essential to stay well hydrated, especially during physical activity.

When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?

Relieves physical fatigue

To relieve physical fatigue, it is necessary to fundamentally solve the problem and implement strategies to promote recovery and enhance physical endurance, here are some effective methods, reasonable nutrition, maintain a balanced diet, and consume more carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates are especially important to replenish glycogen reserves.

Drink enough water before, during and after exercise to prevent dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, rest and recovery, ensure adequate sleep, schedule rest days in your daily exercise so that muscles can be restored and rebuilt, start slowly when performing physical activities, especially novices, gradually increase the intensity and duration, which allows your body to adapt without overexertion.

When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?

Adding stretching and flexibility exercises to your daily routine to prevent muscle tightness, reduce the risk of injury, proper warm-up and cooling, being sure to warm up before strenuous exercise and cooling down after exercise helps prepare the body for exercise and promotes recovery.

If your physical fatigue is related to a specific task or job, consider adjusting ergonomics to reduce physical load and prevent repetitive stress injuries, in some cases dietary supplements may be beneficial, especially if there is a lack of specific nutrients, consult a healthcare professional before taking supplements.

When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?

Excessive stress can lead to physical fatigue, employ relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to manage stress, consult a healthcare professional, and if physical fatigue persists or is related to an underlying condition, consult a healthcare provider for a comprehensive assessment and personalized guidance.

Physical fatigue is a common experience caused by a variety of factors, including strenuous exercise, lack of rest, and nutritional deficiencies, to implement effective strategies to relieve physical fatigue and promote physical health, it is critical to understand the mechanisms and causes of physical fatigue, and by adopting an integrated approach that includes proper nutrition, hydration, rest, and gradual physical activity, individuals can better control and prevent physical fatigue, ultimately improving their overall quality of life.

When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?

Mental fatigue arises from prolonged cognitive effort, stress, or lack of sleep, and it may manifest as difficulty concentrating, decreased decision-making, and decreased motivation, leading to the mechanism of mental fatigue.

Long-term mental work can deplete the brain's energy reserves, leading to cognitive decline and mental fatigue, long-term stress can lead to increased levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, which can impair cognitive function and lead to mental fatigue, and lack of sleep can destroy the brain's ability to restore and consolidate memory, leading to increased cognitive impairment and fatigue.

When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?

Certain conditions can cause chronic fatigue, which may include chronic conditions, and conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and autoimmune diseases can cause persistent, debilitating fatigue.

Anemia is characterized by a lack of red blood cells or hemoglobin, which leads to a decrease in the delivery of oxygen to tissues, which leads to fatigue, viral and bacterial infections trigger an immune response, consume a lot of energy, lead to fatigue, chronic fatigue due to changes in neurotransmitter function and disturbances in sleep patterns, depression and anxiety.

When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?

Understanding the physiological mechanisms of fatigue allows us to develop targeted strategies to relieve fatigue, which can be divided into lifestyle modifications, behavior changes, and medical interventions.

When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?

Make lifestyle changes

Maintaining good sleep hygiene is essential to relieve fatigue, and it is essential to get 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night, and develop a consistent sleep schedule, maintain a balanced diet, consume more complex carbohydrates, protein, and essential vitamins and minerals, and be well hydrated.

Regular physical activity to enhance overall fitness and reduce the risk of physical fatigue, exercise also promotes emotional and cognitive function, stress-reducing techniques such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation are employed to eliminate mental fatigue, and caffeine and alcohol intake are reduced or eliminated, especially just before bedtime, as they disrupt sleep patterns.

When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?

Take regular breaks during long periods of physical or mental activity, short breaks help prevent excessive fatigue and improve concentration, set achievable goals, prioritize tasks so as not to feel overwhelmed, and break down tasks into smaller, manageable steps.

Effective time management can help reduce stress and prevent over-engagement, which can reduce mental fatigue, and practice relaxation techniques such as yoga, tai chi, or progressive muscle relaxation to relieve physical and mental fatigue.

When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?

If chronic fatigue is associated with an underlying condition, consult a healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment, and in some cases, medications may be used to relieve fatigue, which may include stimulants for conditions such as narcolepsy or medications to control pain and inflammation.

Cognitive behavioural therapy can effectively control mental fatigue by addressing thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to exhaustion, and in the absence of specific nutrients, nutrient supplementation may be recommended, for example, iron supplements can help relieve fatigue associated with anemia.

When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?


Fatigue is a complex physiological and psychological phenomenon that manifests itself in a variety of forms that have an impact on physical and mental health, and understanding the basic mechanisms of fatigue is essential to develop effective mitigation strategies.

Whether fatigue is caused by physical exertion, mental stress, or underlying illness, a combination of lifestyle modifications, behavioral changes, and medical interventions can help mitigate the effects of fatigue, and prioritizing sleep, maintaining a balanced diet, managing stress, and seeking treatment for underlying conditions are all important steps in the fight against fatigue.

When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?

The key to eliminating fatigue is to maintain a healthy balance between physical and mental health, ensuring that the body and mind receive the care they need to function optimally.

When fatigue strikes, will it make you think, the principle and mechanism behind it?


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[2] Clinical study on the treatment of insomnia and depression by combining phlegm and Yu Anshen decoction combined with traditional Chinese medicine emotional therapy. Cai Tieru; WU Dahua. Herald of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2017

[3] Clinical observation of 60 cases of depression in combination with conventional treatment of depression by traditional Chinese medicine. Qiao Defeng; FAN Yanrong; ZHAO Liule; Zhou Zigui; Zheng Hongwei; Liu Haifeng; LIU Lixin; Wang Yanhui; Gu Congxin; GAO Yajie. Hebei Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2016