
Whales, which are treasures for industrial development, also bring thinking to biomedicine

author:Xiao Peng's brilliant notes
Whales, which are treasures for industrial development, also bring thinking to biomedicine
Whales, which are treasures for industrial development, also bring thinking to biomedicine

Text | Xiao Peng's brilliant notes

Editor|Xiao Peng's brilliant notes


The world's oceans are home to a wide variety of creatures, including the magnificent sea behemoth, whales, which have captured the human imagination for centuries and played an important role in various cultures, in addition to their cultural significance, whales are hunted for resources such as fat, grease and bones.

Whales, which are treasures for industrial development, also bring thinking to biomedicine

While whale hunting has been largely regulated and restricted due to efforts to protect them, it is still necessary to explore how certain materials extracted from whales can be used for valuable industrial purposes in a sustainable and ethical manner.

Whales, which are treasures for industrial development, also bring thinking to biomedicine

Whale oil

Whale oil is one of the most famous whale-derived materials in industrial applications, it has historically been obtained from the blubber of whales, especially sperm whales and right whales, whale oil has a variety of industrial uses, whale oil is probably most famous for its use as lamp oil, before the popularity of electric lamps, whale oil was revered for its bright and stable flame.

Whales, which are treasures for industrial development, also bring thinking to biomedicine

In the 18th and 19th centuries, whale oil was an important source of home, lighthouse and street lamp lighting, whale oil was an important raw material for soap and candle production, it contributed to the development of high-quality soaps and candles, with excellent combustion characteristics and pleasant fragrance, high-quality whale oil was used as a lubricant for machinery in all walks of life, it helped to reduce friction and wear in early industrial processes.

Whales, which are treasures for industrial development, also bring thinking to biomedicine

Whale oil is used in the tanning process to soften and preserve animal skins, making it an important material for the leather industry, although whale oil has important industrial value in the past, its exploitation has led to a serious decline in whale populations, making some species endangered, recognizing the importance of protecting whales, international regulations such as the International Whaling Commission (IWC) came into being, prohibiting or severely restricting whaling activities.

Whales, which are treasures for industrial development, also bring thinking to biomedicine

In modern times, the use of whale-derived materials has shifted from hunting to sustainable and ethical practices, here are some contemporary whale-derived materials with industrial uses, whale bones and baleen, whale bones and baleen plates are often found washing up on shore or collected from dead whales, which have traditionally had multiple uses, whale bones and baleen are still used by indigenous communities and artisans for traditional arts and crafts, which are carved into intricate sculptures, jewelry, and tools.

Whales, which are treasures for industrial development, also bring thinking to biomedicine

Other derivatives

Some musical instruments, such as the ukulele in Hawaii, use whalebone as a decorative element, and whale bone and baleen are used as the handle of a knife, making it a unique and aesthetically pleasing material.

Whales, which are treasures for industrial development, also bring thinking to biomedicine

Ambergris, a waxy substance formed in the digestive tract of sperm whales, has historically been used as a fixative in perfumes to make the fragrance last longer, and in contemporary times, ambergris has rarely been used in perfumes due to ethical and regulatory issues surrounding its origin.

Some whales, such as narwhals, have spiral tusks, sometimes called "unicorn horns," and these teeth have historically been used for a variety of purposes, including making canes and ornaments, however, international regulations, such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), strictly control the trade in narwhal ivory.

Whales, which are treasures for industrial development, also bring thinking to biomedicine

Inspiration for biomedical research

Materials extracted from whales have been used in biomedical research, particularly in the development of pharmaceuticals and medical devices, and some compounds extracted from whale tissues have been studied for potential anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer purposes.

Whales, which are treasures for industrial development, also bring thinking to biomedicine

Biomedical research is a vast and dynamic field that encompasses a wide range of scientific research aimed at understanding, improving and innovating medical practices and care, it plays a pivotal role in advancing our understanding of the human body, human functions, diseases and potential treatments, biomedical research integrates multiple disciplines, including biology, chemistry, genetics, physics and engineering, to address complex medical challenges, in this review, we will delve into the aspects and implications of biomedical research, as well as its focus areas and recent developments.

Biomedical research enables us to gain insight into the causes, mechanisms, and risk factors of various diseases, an understanding that is essential for disease prevention and implementation of effective public health measures, biomedical research is fundamental to the development of new drugs, therapies and medical interventions, and researchers can identify new therapeutic targets through rigorous experiments and clinical trials and test potential drugs or therapies.

Whales, which are treasures for industrial development, also bring thinking to biomedicine

Biomedical research has led to the development of innovative diagnostic tools and technologies that enable early disease detection and more accurate diagnosis, which in turn improves patient outcomes, and the field is moving towards personalized medicine, tailoring treatment to an individual's unique genetic makeup and medical history, improving efficacy while minimizing side effects.

Biomedical research contributes to global health by addressing infectious diseases, malnutrition, maternal and child health, and other pressing public health challenges, studying genes and their impact on health and disease, and advances in genomics have led to breakthroughs in understanding genetic diseases, personalized medicine, and gene therapy.

Whales, which are treasures for industrial development, also bring thinking to biomedicine

Investigating the causes, development and treatment of cancer, which remains one of the world's greatest health challenges, neuroscience, which studies the brain and nervous system, demystifying diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and psychiatric disorders.

Research on infectious pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and parasites to develop vaccines and treatments for diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria and COVID-19, to understand heart and vascular diseases, and to facilitate the treatment of heart surgery, stent technology and diseases such as hypertension.

Whales, which are treasures for industrial development, also bring thinking to biomedicine

Research the immune system to develop vaccines, therapies and treatments for autoimmune diseases, allergies and immunodeficiency diseases, explore the potential of stem cells in regenerative medicine, tissue engineering and organ transplantation, and develop innovative medical devices, diagnostic tools and biotechnology solutions to improve patient care and treatment outcomes.

Ethical considerations play a central role in biomedical research, and researchers and research institutions must adhere to strict ethical standards, including informed consent, ensuring that study participants fully understand the nature, potential risks, and benefits of the study, and voluntarily consent to participate.

Whales, which are treasures for industrial development, also bring thinking to biomedicine

Protect the privacy of research participants, ensure that their data is kept confidential, animal welfare, ensure humane treatment of animals used in research, adhere to animal care guidelines and ethical considerations, transparency and accountability, conduct research in a transparent manner, publish research results, adhere to ethical guidelines and standards, be beneficial or harmless, ensure that the benefits of research outweigh the potential harm to participants, and ensure that researchers do not intentionally harm participants.

The future of biomedical research is promising, with continued advances likely in various fields, with some of the expected directions including advances in artificial intelligence and big data, further integrating artificial intelligence and big data analytics to enhance diagnostics, treatments, and drug discovery.

Whales, which are treasures for industrial development, also bring thinking to biomedicine

Greater use of genetic and molecular information to tailor treatment options to patients, regenerative medicine, further development of regenerative therapies, including the use of stem cells and tissue engineering, global health equity, focus on addressing global health disparities, and improving health care for underserved populations.

Gain insight into the complexity of the brain to better treat neurological disorders, environmental health, investigate the impact of environmental factors on health, and explore sustainable healthcare practices.

Whales, which are treasures for industrial development, also bring thinking to biomedicine

As we explore the potential industrial uses of whale-derived materials, it is necessary to emphasize the ethical and sustainable aspects of these practices, conservation, conservation of whale populations is paramount, many species are still endangered or vulnerable, there are strict regulations to protect them, any use of whale-derived materials must comply with these regulations and prioritize the well-being and conservation of these majestic creatures.

Where possible, it is critical to explore sustainable alternatives to whale-derived materials, many synthetic and plant-based materials that serve the same industrial purposes without creating ethical and environmental issues associated with whale products.

Whales, which are treasures for industrial development, also bring thinking to biomedicine

If whale-derived material is used, it should be ethically sourced, such as from whales that died of natural causes or indigenous communities with long-standing cultural practices with whales, which ensures that the material is used ethically and respects local traditions.

Continued research and innovation is essential to find alternatives and sustainable practices to reduce reliance on whale-derived materials, including developing synthetic alternatives and exploring the potential of biotechnology to produce similar compounds without harming whales.

Whales, which are treasures for industrial development, also bring thinking to biomedicine


Whale-derived materials have a complex history of both industrial and ethical issues, with some traditional uses of whale products diminished due to efforts to protect whales, while contemporary practices emphasize sustainability, ethical sourcing and the exploration of alternatives.

The industrial application of whale-derived materials should always be carried out with a deep respect for these magnificent creatures and a commitment to their preservation, striking a balance between cultural heritage, responsible resource management and technological innovation is essential to ensure that whales continue to enrich our lives in an ethical and sustainable way.

Whales, which are treasures for industrial development, also bring thinking to biomedicine


[1] Why don't whales get cancer[J]. Zhong Wu. Scientific Fish Farming, 1986(06)

[2] The mystery of whale mass suicide[J]. WANG Qianli. Marine Fisheries, 1989(02)

[3] A large number of whales in New Zealand stranded or died, suspected to be pollution[J]. QI Qiaoling. China Ecological Civilization, 2015(01)

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