
20 classic disaster film series (4) #每日推荐电影

author:Mobing Vision

This is the scene of a volcanic eruption, with countless fireballs falling from the sky, as if the end of the world had come. Human-built cities were vulnerable to natural disasters and were razed to the ground in an instant. In the face of the forces of nature, human beings are as small as ants and have no power to resist. Councilman Ha Shun, completely disregarding Jon's life and death when he fled for his life.

Looking at the volcanic ash covering the sky, Black Brother decides to head to the harbor, while Jon returns to the castle. Amy was locked inside and the door locked securely. The maid tries her best but is unable to open the door, and soon the walls begin to crack, the roof collapses, and Amy has no way to escape, crushed under the rubble.

20 classic disaster film series (4) #每日推荐电影

Jon arrived and kicked open the door, but fortunately Amy was fine, just coughing badly. The maid hurried to fetch water, but the ground collapsed, and she was unfortunately killed. As the ruins sank into the sea, the volcanic eruption became more and more violent, and Pompeii became a purgatory on earth, full of screams and corpses. People flocked to the harbor to escape by boat.

In order to get on board as quickly as possible, a blocked member of the Harbin ordered his men to slaughter the others. Unexpectedly, the flint hit the surface of the water, and those who wanted to leave were drowned. To make matters worse, the eruption triggered a tsunami that rushed into the crowd with waves tens of meters high, desperately fleeing back, but with nowhere to escape. One by one, lives are devoured, and in the face of natural disasters, human beings are too small.

20 classic disaster film series (4) #每日推荐电影

As soon as the tsunami ended, it rained stones again. Jon, Amy, and Black Brother meet on the street, and they must find a way to escape. The three arrive at the duel arena in search of the horse that is still alive. However, Councillor Har took the lead and kidnapped Amy. Black Brother blocked a guard and allowed Jon to come to the rescue. Although the other party is a regular army and has rich experience, Brother Hei finally defeated the other party after a hard battle with his height and thick blood. However, he was too late to escape.

20 classic disaster film series (4) #每日推荐电影

Facing the terrifying magma, Black Brother struggled to stand up, raised his right hand and proudly announced: "At the same time, Jon rode wildly while dodging the flint, and soon caught up with the councilor. The two immediately engaged in a fierce battle. The councillor is a general and powerful, but he is addicted to wine, his body has been hollowed out, and he is no longer Jon's opponent. He is chained by Amy and reduced to ashes in the magma. Today, only the two of them and one horse remain in the entire city of Pompeii. However, the magma is too fast and Hakuba tries to try again, but Jon and Amy decide to give up. So amid the horse's complaints, the lovers, who had only been in love for two days, ushered in their final moments. I don't want to waste my last time running for my life.

20 classic disaster film series (4) #每日推荐电影

In the overwhelming volcanic ash, they kissed together, flooded by the ash, and the ancient city of Pompeii was completely destroyed.

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