
Breaking news: Gu Junye said that he couldn't meet Big S and fought hot with his ex-girlfriend Cai Yan?

author:Don't want to stay up late

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Gu Junye's move back to South Korea made Big S's life full of drama again. Not long ago, Huang Ziling's revelation once seriously affected Big S's reputation, and now, Gu Junye rushed back to South Korea on the grounds of celebrating the birthday of his Korean friend, which seems to add new jokes to Big S's life.

He carries the familiar plain white backpack, reminiscent of when he married Big S, claiming that he has nothing, not even money to check in luggage, and that this backpack was once his entire property. However, when I saw this bag again, the situation was completely different.

Breaking news: Gu Junye said that he couldn't meet Big S and fought hot with his ex-girlfriend Cai Yan?

Then, information about Koo's itinerary in South Korea was also revealed, and he attended a bar party and a pool party the next day. It is worth noting that there was a serious imbalance between men and women in this pool party, with Gu Junye standing on the DJ booth while four or five sexy ladies cheered offstage.

After he got tired of DJing, he also joined the party carnival, and even took a selfie with his ex-girlfriend Cai Yan, and Gu Junye did not refuse, and seemed to be caught in it.

However, a week has passed and he still has no intention of returning. At the same time, Big S was also affected by the scandal with XD, and his reputation fell to the bottom, and Wang Xiaofei also took the opportunity to propose a plan to travel to Japan with his two children.

Breaking news: Gu Junye said that he couldn't meet Big S and fought hot with his ex-girlfriend Cai Yan?

If it had been in the past, Big S might not have considered this proposal at all, but now, her reputation has been damaged, and her two children have not gone out for half a month. In addition to the children, Zhang Lan will also accompany her, although she did not want to travel by car, but when she heard that she was accompanied by her grandchildren, she happily packed her luggage.

However, after the latest status of Big S was exposed by the media, the situation was not optimistic. Although she is now able to climb out of bed and walk, she still feels very weak and can only walk slowly in small areas. At other times, she still relies on a nanny she trusts all day and who used to take care of her two children and now takes care of her around the clock.

Breaking news: Gu Junye said that he couldn't meet Big S and fought hot with his ex-girlfriend Cai Yan?

Da S has learned the latest situation of Gu Junye, and even learned that her 80-year-old mother-in-law has always supported her son and his ex-girlfriend to get back together, which makes people sigh that the money spent on filial piety every month is wasted.

Cai Yan also openly admitted that she had a good relationship with Gu Junye, and even revealed that he always liked to touch his thighs and ass in front of her, which made her feel a little embarrassed. Although she is not a big beauty in Korea, she has an absolute advantage in terms of figure and was once recognized as a sexy goddess.

Breaking news: Gu Junye said that he couldn't meet Big S and fought hot with his ex-girlfriend Cai Yan?

Perhaps it is precisely for this reason that after returning to China, Gu Junye suddenly criticized his wife Da S, saying that she had big arms and a thick waist, and had no feminine charm, and could not arouse his interest every time. However, if it weren't for Da S and Wang Xiaofei's divorce, Gu Junye would still be just a forgotten idol in the Korean entertainment industry, barely running a clothing store and occasionally going to a bar as a DJ to earn some extra money.

Sometimes in order to increase the sales of the store, he would even borrow nightclub clothes and wear them on the catwalk to attract more customers. Although he was caught up in XD-related scandals three times, he tested negative for hair each time, allowing him to escape jail and continue to live a life that ordinary people cannot understand.

Breaking news: Gu Junye said that he couldn't meet Big S and fought hot with his ex-girlfriend Cai Yan?

Before marrying Big S, he had been on the road to blind dates, and every time he met a girl, he would give thoughtful small gifts, such as a scarf specially purchased from the store. However, when getting along with Big S, the gift he gave was a handbag sewn from the fabric of the crotch of his jeans, and he didn't even buy a wedding ring, but directly replaced it with a tattoo.

His living expenses, utility bills, and even a pair of sneakers worth five thousand yuan are all brushed ex-husband's deputy cards. For Gu Junye, a year has been a long time, especially now that Da S's own predicament has made him lose patience and longing to get away from all this and return to his past life

Breaking news: Gu Junye said that he couldn't meet Big S and fought hot with his ex-girlfriend Cai Yan?

。 However, he found himself still nominally married. He openly participates in wild parties and entangles himself with his ex-girlfriend, which is really bizarre.

Big S has always been reluctant to accept his age, longing to maintain his girlish appearance forever. When she was with Wang Xiaofei, this wish was fulfilled. However, after experiencing a series of turmoil, especially the rumors of her ex-husband and Zhang Yingying, she eventually lost trust in love.

In just a few months, she was back in the arms of her old lover twenty years ago. However, to this day, the authenticity of the peachy scandal of her previous marriage is still unknown, and now her life is a mess.

Breaking news: Gu Junye said that he couldn't meet Big S and fought hot with his ex-girlfriend Cai Yan?

In a way, Big S is a warrior who sticks to pure love, and she cannot tolerate any betrayal in her marriage. In order to pursue the best feelings of first love in her heart, she once again easily let go of her lifelong commitment.

However, once you choose the wrong person, you will also pay a heavy price after the spring breeze is proud. All of this makes one wonder how life's choices and decisions affect our future, especially in relationships and marriages.

In short, the story of Big S and Gu Junye is a journey full of drama and reflection. It reminds us that love and marriage are complex and changeable, and we need to choose carefully so as not to get into irreparable situations. At the same time, it allows us to reflect on the different sides of human nature and the moral and ethical choices we may face in the pursuit of happiness.

Breaking news: Gu Junye said that he couldn't meet Big S and fought hot with his ex-girlfriend Cai Yan?

This story teaches us that life is full of variables, and we must cherish the happiness in front of us and take responsibility for our own decisions. Instead of pursuing external appearances and pleasures, it is better to be thoughtful and pursue inner peace and true happiness. After all, every step of life is our own choice, and we must be responsible for our own choices in order to walk out of the road to happiness that truly belongs to us.

Breaking news: Gu Junye said that he couldn't meet Big S and fought hot with his ex-girlfriend Cai Yan?

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